introducing my great nephew

with permission from his mum

aged about 7 1/2 hours

I took this in the hospital where he was sleeping soundly and had been for about four hours.

He is one week old now, settling in nicely at home, sleeping and feeding well.

I went shopping today and bought a couple of baby toys.....just a couple.

And a book. Just one.


  1. Awww. Such a serious face. And such a cute face.

  2. .How exciting,River....a new baby is always good....My Mum (and us).. got to see the newest member of our family yesterday.....he is Mum's 4th great grandchild.....wonderful moment....
    I'm sure the toys and book you got will be greatly loved...
    Hugs and Blessings...
    Barb xxx

  3. Awesome news River, another member of the family for you to help and guide through those early years.

  4. ..Hi's Barb again..... I published my comment without reading it first and now I realise that I'd had a little mental blank...
    to set the record straight, my Mum has 5 children
    8 grandchildren
    11great grandchildren
    and 3 great great grandchildren
    ....This new little one is g.grand child #11

    Thanks for visiting my Blog..
    Barb xx

  5. Elephant's Child; he actually looked quite a bit like my mum on a grumpy day. the frown is gone now, I have newer photos and he is gorgeous.

    Barbara Neubeck; the toys won't be needed for quite a while, but G can start reading to him immediately. It's never too soon and it's soothing for babies.

    Kymbo; I'll leave most of that to his mum, I'll be back up and spoiler.

    Barbara; 11 great grandchildren! That's quite a count. I think it will be a while before I see great grandchildren.

  6. Sleeping with great concentration:-)It's wonderful to have an excuse to buy baby things - I have two such at the moment - a grandson of nine months and a great-granddaughter of six months.

  7. I can feel how proud you are coming right through your blog. Aren't new babies wonderful. Toys already eh? Just a few and only one book. I would guess that's just the start. My eldest granddaughter used to talk to her babies before they were born and Immy talked to the expected sister so it would be used to her voice. We never thought of doing those things years ago.
    Enjoy this little fellow while he is still a baby as they grow so rapidly.

  8. A book for a newborn. Bless.

  9. Haha, great auntie. My daughter still has Wind in the Willows, presented to her on the occasion of her birth by an honorary aunt.

  10. I just adore them when they are tiny like that...don't you just want to snuggle him? Congrats on the new addition to the family and .. um .. go easy on those baby toys eh?

  11. He's beautiful, River--mazel tov!!

  12. jabblog; baby aisles in supermarkets and specialty baby stores are my favourite places to wander around in. I have a hard time NOT buying everything.

    Mimsie; new babies are the most wonderful thing there is. I probably won't buy too many more toys, but there will definitely be books.

    Andrew; it's never too early to read to them.

    Joanne; my girl still has her Dr Seuss books.

    Delores; I do want to snuggle him. I haven't held him at all yet, he was asleep in the hospital so I didn't want to disturb him and of course now he is home across the other side of the city.

    fishducky; he is beautiful and I can see my own mum in his face.

  13. So sorry I missed this post!

    What a sweet wee babe. Reminds me of my boy when he was born.

    Congratulations to his mum and dad, and all of the family :)

  14. Vicki; he'll look very different in no time at all. Remember how fast they grow and change?


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