Wednesday's Words on a Friday

On Wednesday’s, Delores, from Under The Porch Light, has a meme which she calls
“Words for Wednesday”.

She puts up a selection of six words which we then use in a short story, if we are able.
Sometimes I look at her words and nothing at all comes to mind.

Sometimes a story suggests itself immediately.

It’s a fun challenge…why not join in?

This week's words are:

1. flirtatious
2. blurred lines
3. headstone
4. vixen
5. discerning
6. fish

this week, Delores has also given us a photo.

Here is my short story:

Bob had been flirtatious all his life.  Even at 78 years old, he still winked and doffed his hat to every woman he passed on the streets. Age was irrelevant, even the youngest baby girl and the oldest matron received the wink and greeting.
His eyesight was no longer as discerning as it once was, so the lines between the sexes were sometimes blurred;  quite often, young men with longer hair would also get the wink and the hat tip.

Especially young Ted, who favoured pink shirts and whose hair flowed over his shoulders.

Just this morning, Bob had wandered around at the local school fete and had made old Mrs. Hallow blush furiously by planting a kiss on her cheek and declaring her a hot young vixen.
 At lunch, he'd sat with a group of giggling young girls and while eating his fish and chips had told them they were all so beautiful he couldn't decide which one of them to marry.

After waving goodbye to the young girls, Bob stopped at the flower stall and bought a large bunch of roses. He walked down several blocks to the small church and let himself into the cemetery.  Bob carefully laid the roses by his wife's headstone then settled himself on the bench seat that had been placed there so he could sit comfortably while he told Jeannie about his week.
"I miss you, Jeannie", he'd say, "of all the women in this town, there's none that can match you".



  1. Aw...what a sweet old soul. Great story.

  2. What a sweet story!!

  3. This is gorgeous River. Jeannie was much loved.

  4. Wonderful, River! I was half-expecting some sort of a humorous encounter with Ted, but I like where you took the story much better. Great job! (As always.)

  5. The trouble with women is too many are good looking. I can't go anywhere without being on the perv. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me, but then I've seen other blokes going the perv too, maybe I'm just worse.


    Number 3: Say what everyone knows but is afraid to mention.

    I think you've cracked it.

  6. That was a sweet story, as with many flirts they often have only one true love who means the world to them.

  7. Delores; isn't he a sweet old charmer!

    fishducky; thank you. I quite like old Bob.

    Elephant's Child, much loved and irreplaceable.

    Susan; I had to get the headstone in somehow.

    R.H. looking is not perving, leering and making suggestive remarks is perving. Looking is just appreciating, just don't stare at their boobs. Say hello and offer a smile instead.

    mm; thank you.

    Merlesworld; Jeannie was Bob's one true love for sure.

  8. Very sweet tale with an achingly poignant ending.

  9. That was just so beautiful. It would be wonderful to have someone feel like that about you after you'd gone. Well thought out.

  10. How ridiculous you are, I'm taking a look (that's all) and rooting them in the street.

  11. What a wonderful story you created with Delores' prompts. Esp. the ending.

  12. jabblog; I hoped it would touch people that way.

    Mimsie; Bob and Jeannie were soul mates and will meet again one day.

    R.H. that's a little crude, I'm going to have to ask you to tone it down.

    Gran Turismo Driver; welcome to drifting, glad you like it.

    Susan Kane; I hoped people would like it.

  13. What a lovely story - it kept me hooked to the beautiful end. Perfect match for the photo.

  14. Jackie K; thank you, the photo was the inspiration.


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