Sunday Selections #149

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.
Kim spends more time writing at The Shake these days.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to TheElephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
There are several other participants now though:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I have a Christmas Theme for you. 
Run, Santa, Run!

Last Sunday, I was down by the Torrens Riverbank again.

It was the day for the annual Santa Fun Run for Charity.
Naturally I took photos.....

here's a few Santas heading for the meeting point.
I didn't know where that was, so I followed them.

following Santas up the hill...

to the gathering point. Red and White suits as far as the eye could see. This is just a fraction of them.

got a good spot near the starting point, I learned later there were over a thousand Santas participating this year.

TV cameras were there, I made a mental note to watch the news later, but wouldn't you know it, I forgot to! Too busy processing the photos...........

and they're off! runners went first, walkers and Santas with strollers came behind.

heading up the hill....

crossing the bridge...

more Santas crossing the bridge

from here they ran or walked around the Torrens Lake and back to the starting point which was now the finish line, a total of 4km.

some of the runners returning

Elmo was there... two lucky little kids a ride.

Even a plane flying overhead was red and white.


  1. I never knew there was a Santa Run--what fun!!

  2. What a brilliant idea. We have a Santa's on motorcycles toy run, but not the human kind. Though a Santa suit would get very, very hot I imagine. Some years it could be dangerous.

  3. I never seen so many Santa's in one place, what do you tell the kids.

  4. Elmo fit right in costume wise...was he a 'hug me' Elmo by any chance lol.

  5. Next year, since you were there this year, you should join in. We had a similar event, but I did not know about it until afterwards.

    @Merle, Santa has many many helpers.

  6. What a fun run! Of course I'm thinking "where did they get all the Santa suits?" I too would have enjoyed watching them!


  7. Oh what fun to see all those santas and the red suits. I bet that was a sight to watch them run. Would those suits be hot and difficult to run in? You always come up with new and fun things. Excellent, my dear.

  8. That's a lot of Santa's. I wonder if the plane is "Santair"...

    Have a lovely remainder of your weekend.

    Gary :)

  9. I've not seen anything like that before and I am sure we don't have that event in Perth but then I am so out of touch with what happens these days that's it quite possible we do have it.
    I too was wondering where would you get so many Santa suits although I guess some people made their own.
    Thanks for sharing this fabulous event. You are wonderful the different things you come up with. Did you also do the 4km with them?
    The plane was the icing on your cake.

  10. fishducky; it began about five years ago, through the variety club that raises money for kids charities.

    Elephant's Child; we have the motorbike toy run too, that was today, but I forgot it was happening and went Christmas shopping in the city. I only remembered when I saw tinsel decorated bikes heading for the meeting point. Two years ago I stood on the corner near here and took photos, they're on the blog....

    Merlesworld; they are all Santa's helpers keeping track of who is naughty and who is nice.

    Delores; I think he was the kids Dad.

    Andrew; join in? You want me to put this red face in a red suit? Well, maybe....

    betty; over here Santa suits can be bought cheaply at the Cheap As Chips type stores or hired from costume shops. Some people make their own.

    Manzanita; I think many of the suits were made in summer fabrics. I do know that all the Santas headed straight for the water booth to get a drink when they got back past the finish line.

    klahanie; over a thousand Santas. I think the plane was Air Asia. Or Asia Air...

    Mimsie; I didn't do the 4km walk, I only found out about it at the last minute by the notice in the paper. Wolfed down my breakfast, grabbed the camera and headed to the riverbank.

  11. What a terrific idea and such a lot of fun for everyone. I miss those sorts of amazing community events.

    The weather looks a little overcast for December, which I guess is just as well as I've always felt a bit sorry for Santa in the southern hemisphere. A red velvet suit is not suitable attire for a portly gentleman anywhere in Australia in December.

  12. How beautifully, awesomely RED!! I wonder what the collective noun for a group of Santas is?? Maybe a suit of Santas? Or a presence of Santas?? If I think of anything better, I'll be BACK!!!

  13. That is fantastic! Have never heard of this. Great photos too, especially the running ones. Love it.

  14. Marie; the clouds came and went, we even had one or two drops of rain, but I don't think anybody noticed. It was warm though, I think I sweated about a gallon and I wasn't even doing the run! Most of our Santa suits are cotton or a cotton polyester mix.

    Red Nomad OZ; you're right! RED!!
    Maybe a sack of Santas?

    Jackie K; I had the camera set to video for a few minutes too, but I haven't yet mastered the art of stopping video before lowering the camera so I have running/walking Santas, then crazy whirling sky and ground for a few seconds. I'll post one later in the week.

  15. My school does a fun run scholarship fundraiser. I am going to propose this. It looks like so much fun.
    And Gus the cat would steal my heart, too.

  16. I have always loved red! What a hoot!

  17. Linda O'Connell; I hope you can get one up and running annually, that would be great. Gus is a cutie.

    Susan Kane; I love red too, pity I can't wear it, it clashes with my overly pink face. I have rosacea.


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