Monday Musings #2

Where does the time go? There are still 24 hours in each day, yes? why do I feel like there are only half that amount?
Seems like every time I turn around another day has slipped into history and it's time to go to bed. Mmmmm, sleeeep..........zzzzzzzz.

I'm desperately trying to catch up on reading, I have a stack of books that has a 1/4 inch of dust on top because I just don't get to them. Another stack is shorter by about ten books. My kindle lies idle while I'm reading and commenting on blogs, writing my own new post, reading a book while pages load. 
There's a crossword puzzle waiting to be done, and a whole book of code crackers to be worked out. Two books actually, I bought a new one, then found the old one.

There's cooking to be done, kitchen clean up, washing of clothes. I spend more time than I'd like staring at my pots of succulents, wondering where I'm going to plant each one. I don't have a plan for that, there are so many other things already there, the jades, the kangaroo paws, spring bulbs popping up all over. Well, the planting will wait until the ground warms up again, so I have time to decide what goes where. I hope to get some bird baths in different heights, to put in a group and fill with miniature rosettes of echeveria.

There's all those times I have to leave the house, the bread is mouldy, so I must head to the shop for more, books need to go back to the library, well, no more of those, I didn't borrow new ones last time I was there. Tomorrow I have to go to the city, (it's still Sunday as I write this) because the supermarket there has tomato soup on special for only $1 per can. I use a lot of tomato soup during winter; as a base for my bean and pasta soup; also to add flavour to other things like stew or casseroles.

I go to the cinema more than I used to, I've just seen Minions and laughed quite a lot. 
When the lights went on again and we were all leaving the cinema, I was shocked at what I saw. discarded popcorn boxes, discarded drink containers, spilled popcorn absolutely everywhere!
I bet those kids don't get away with that at home. Or at least I hope they don't. 

With all that going on, I'm surprised I get any sleep at all.


  1. I know what you mean about time going by fast. How is it that we are more than halfway through June already?

  2. Hi River,

    Time depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. Seriously, time seems to go faster and faster. Especially when you stay as busy as you do. Sleep? What's that?

    Hope you had a nice weekend, because, speaking of time, I know it's now Monday where you live.

    Gary, typing from Sunday.

  3. Twenty-four hours? Are you sure? I am pretty certain that guvmint cut-backs have hit there as well...

  4. Hi River, well I reckon the older I get the quicker time goes! Being the busy and creative girl you are, I thought a very sound sleep would be assured for you :) I'll have to take a leaf out of your book and get a bit busier, particularly in the gardening department. The window of opportunity up here in the heat is so limited I'd best get cracking! x

  5. Time certainly does fly by all too quickly...a week no sooner begins and we're at its end. When we were children our elders often told us that time flew as we grew older. We thought it was a lot of hogwash...but how true those words were.

    Christmas will be upon us once more before we have time to say "Santa Claus"; and then the race will commence all over again!

    It's a slippery, rapid slope we're on! Perhaps we should get off the slippery slide and jump on the merry-go-round! :)

  6. jo(e); that's half the year already!

    klahanie; oh goodness yes, the bathroom door. There's nothing worse than someone in there saying "I'll just be a second" when you're on the outside with legs crossed and dancing on the spot.

    Elephant's Child; well that would explain it!

    Rose~from OZ; I do get a sound sleep until Angel wants his breakfast, then sometimes I go back to sleep, depends on the time. Before 5am I'll go back to bed, if he wants breakfast at 5 or later, I'll stay up and get some reading done while it is still dark outside. Are you home from Scotland already? Seems like just last week you were getting ready to head over there.

    Lee; I remember childhood days when it seemed there was no end to summer holidays and surely there were 5 years between Christmases? Nowadays, It's Christmas before we have a chance to get over the Easter indulgences.

  7. There is a lot to be said for getting out of the cinema before the lights turn on these days.. :(

    We don't make it there very often - usually by the time we want to see something it has been and gone at the cinemas.. but next month I am going to see Take That live in concert at a cinema about 50km away, it is a special event thing and my friend is a fan like me.. The Other Half might see the new Terminator movie, while we are there. ;)

  8. Snoskred; usually I leave as the credits are rolling, but this time the cinema was full and I didn't want to be tripping over kids on my way out, so I waited until the lights were on. Usually I go to an earlier showing and the cinema is almost empty.

  9. Oh you are busy. Rather be busy than idle. I have my Kindle talk to me that way i can do other things as i listen.

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  12. Sleep is over-rated -- and delicious when snatched on cool afternoons. :-)


  13. River...further to the Fossil Forest mystery....I emailed four councils and three responding not knowing anything about them.

    Finally, a few minutes ago I received a fourth response from the Burnside per copies of my reply to the Burnside email (also attached)....shown below for your information. I will keep you posted of further results...if and when I receive them.

    Quote: "Thank you very much, Kevan, for this information. I do appreciate you responding to my query so promptly. If, at your leisure, you do learn more about this sculpture I would love to be advised of the results of your search.

    Thank you again.


    From: Kevan Delaney []
    Sent: Tuesday, 23 June 2015 1:50 PM
    To: 'Lee George'
    Subject: RE: Fossil Forest...Glen Osmond Rd. Adelaide

    Ms George

    Unfortunately the work was not a Council project. As near as I can tell it was a State government initiative either standalone as a “Welcome to Adelaide” statement for visitors coming down the Freeway, or as part of a road upgrade of Portrush Road.

    The records therefore would not be with us but I will try to chase this up for you.


    Kevan Delaney

    Kevan Delaney | Manager Engineering Services
    City of Burnside | 401 Greenhill Road Tusmore SA 5065

    P: 08 8366 4257 | F: 08 8366 4299 | M: 0438404930 " End Quote

  14. And furthermore,'s another email I received in response to my queries. These should assist you, I hope.

    Quote: "Dear Lee,

    Mathew from Unley Council has forwarded your email enquiry….

    Tony Bishop presented the key note address at the opening of SALA in 2000 he talked about life, art, life as an artist, public art work and the making of the work ‘Fossil Forest’, so this may provide you with a bit more information. The link to the pdf is below.

    Tony Bishop has public art works in several other capital cities and is represented in our state collections (Art Gallery of SA).

    Regards Sue

    Sue Lorraine

    Arts Development Officer, Public Art & Design

    Arts SA
    Department of State Development

    T +61 (8) 8463 5447


    GPO Box 2308
    Adelaide, South Australia 5001

    Level 16, 30 Wakefield St, Adelaide, 5000" End Quote

  15. whiteangel; if I could spend all of my time reading while others bring me food, I'd be a happy camper.

    Pearl; sleep is over rated?? Wash your mouth!

    Lee; that's a lot of information! More than I wanted, but thank you. next time I need info on anything, I'll know to do a blanket council email, instead of wondering just which council I should ask.

  16. It's a wonder we get anything done these days. And keeping up with blogs is very hard!


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