Sunday Selections #229

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too, but not this time, he is off on a holiday up in the northern hemisphere, hopefully gathering lots of photos to share with us on his return.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I have more photos of those concrete "trees" I featured last week.
Now it's confession time: I didn't get around to finding out more about them, why they are there, what they represent; I did google, but not knowing what they are (I googled concrete trees, concrete structures) I got nothing and after that the week just zipped by and here it is Saturday night already!
So, photos, no information. (*~*)

as you can see, there are ten of these trees, I didn't closely photograph all of them, some are on pedestals, some set straight onto the concrete base.

this one has music etched into it. I don't read music, so have no idea what it is, if anyone can enlighten me, I would appreciate it.

clearly a foreign language--Klingon?? (*~*)

all of the "trees" have different designs etched in to them.

Persistence and Vision; always a good idea

not at all sure what this represents.

Let's see if I can find something more colourful to look at.

Ridge Park, which I passed on my way up to the intersection, has a large oval and several climbing structures and is available for dog-walking also. 

another climbing frame

far in the distance a slippery dip for children.

right next to the footpath a series of exercise/fitness machines. I didn't read the signs, so I'm not sure if they are for just anybody or if coins in slots are needed; at this point I was just concentrating on actually making it to the intersection!

on the corner of Ridge Park is this fabulous stone monument

honouring the fallen from World War One.

on top of the monument is a cluster of small guns, I'm not sure what type.

finally, a splash of autumn colour.


  1. My post will go live at 5am.

    That fitness equipment looks interesting! ;)

  2. Please let us know when you find more about the concrete trees.

  3. Yes, the trees are intriguing. Maybe we can all go googling.

  4. I couldn't find anything, either!!

  5. The concrete trees are intriguing - and the park lovely. Hopefully someone will know something about them. The relevant local council?

  6. You're sure they are trees and not missiles lol?

  7. Concrete trees well I never, at least no leaf litter.

  8. It's strange we can't find any information on those sculptures. I've been searching, too...but nothing has come up as yet. They must represent something...very, very interesting!

    Have a good week, River....cuddles to Angel. :)

  9. This is what I found, River....

    "This week we had another guest lecturer named Darryl Pfitzner-Milika who spoke to us about a variety of different pieces of art work. One piece in particular that stuck to my memory from this lecture was the commission piece created by Tony Bishop on the Adelaide freeway . When the intersection of Glen Osmond and Portrush Road was updated a few years back, Adelaide sculptor, Tony Bishop designed this piece of art work to be displayed along side of the road. He then went on to name the incredible cement pine trees the “Fossil Forest.”

    Darryl speaks of his own work and one piece that is very mesmerising is the art he created using multiple mirrors in order to see yourself in many different ways. Darryl then went on to explain that he has a fascination for Astronomy which led him to begin taking high resolution images of the night sky. He said that he has a broad interest in art, which means he as a broad range of subject matter. I wanted to see what his images of the night sky actually looked like so I undertook some research and actually went and visited his exhibition called “Sky, Land & Beyond: Expanding identity” at Tandanya which is on from the 28th September until the 11th of November.

    This exhibition features quite large works made with both sculptural pieces as well as paint and texture. There is also a series of smaller digital image prints which look closely and have a detailed focus on landscape, sky and cosmology. From my research it is said that Darryl’s focus on these elements reiterate the Aboriginal connection between the micro and macro. I was not allowed to actually take photographs in the exhibition, however, I have found an image that Darryl has actually taken of the night sky and another of a landscape. These pieces were both included within his exhibition “Sky, Land & Beyond.” I find these images that have a focus on cosmology extremely fascinating and particularly eye catching."

  10. I find he concrete pillars fascinating and, apart from being unusual, so cleverly done.
    That is a nice little park and I believe a park near us has an exercise machine but we've never stopped to check it out.
    That war memorial is a reminder of course of young men struck down in their youth but what intrigued me was the dates of 1914 to 1919. The Great War ended in November 1918 and the armistice was signed that month as well. Wonder how one could find out why why 1919 on that particular memorial?
    Once again, thank you for sharing so much of interest.

  11. Snoskred; I wasn't home at 5, but I'm here now, so I'll pop over as soon as I finish with the comments. (Went to the movies)

    joeh; I'm not sure how to find out, but it seems Lee down below has some information for us.

    Joanne; it would be easier to google if I knew what they were called.

    fishducky; thank you, now I feel a little less incompetent.

    Elephant's Child; I don't know which are belongs to which council, they keep changing boundaries :(

    Delores; a lot of people called them missiles when they were first built, some still do and others are convinced the are disguised rocket ships ready to ship the aliens home (*~*)
    Nice to see you here.

    Merle; plenty of leaf litter from all the surrounding real trees though.

    Lee; Fossil Forest! thank you so much how did you find this info?
    I've walked past Tandanya many times and often thought of going in, but have always been on my way to somewhere else.

    Mimsie; I now know the concrete pillars are commissioned art and titled Fossil Forest, thanks to Lee above you.
    I noticed that 1919 and thought maybe that's when the last of the fallen soldiers returned home for burial.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I was determined to find something, I just kept searching and searching with the help of my best friend, Mr. Google. I'm nothing if not determined and persistent! lol

      I couldn't relax until I found something! :)

  12. Those concrete trees are amazing, I love cool and wacky pics! Thanks for sharing xo

  13. They are interesting the concrete trees. Like trees they are different with the inscriptions. Looks a nice park and haven't heard the word slippy slide for a very long time..

  14. I will like to know what movie you saw. :)

  15. Lee; I'm glad you did. I google and hit a brick wall, then don't know where else to look.

    Farmer's Wifey; nice to see you here. They are pretty amazing, most people are used to them now. In the beginning I would wish for them to be painted green to blend in, but they've weathered now and look okay as they are.

    whiteangel; they are interesting, I wonder now how many Adelaideans actually still notice them? The park is lovely, I couldn't take too many photos, there were people using the grounds. In one corner there is a skate park where several young men were busy with their skateboards.

    Snoskred; i saw Minions. I'd planned on seeing Inside Out but had to be somwhere else, so went to a later showing and Inside Out was starting too late, I would have been coming home after dark, so I chose to see Minions. It was funny.


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