Calendar Tuesday # 12

Welcome to the final Calendar Tuesday of the year. Possibly the Final,  as I may not purchase calendars for next year.  I'll have to see how the budget pans out.

First, Violent Veg:

Guess buying a cheap Sat-Nav wasn't so wise.

Second, Life of Teddy:

Christmas Teddy! Merry Christmas! and look at that cute little puppy :)

Last, Suzy Toronto:

and here is what Suzy says for December:

 Ignite Your Passion

Choosing a life of passion is not the path of least resistance. Living a life that simply keeps pace with the flow is far easier (and has significantly less drama)!
But in the end, taking the easy path could leave us feeling like we inadvertently missed out on some of life's most spectacular fireworks.

True passion is about asking "What's really important?" and then having the courage to structure your life around that answer. It's about boldly reaching into the darkness and harnessing that energy to light up the world. It's about fanning the flames of what sets your heart on fire, knowing that even the smallest spark can make a difference...and, as a bonus, igniting within others the desire to do the same!

If you have the courage to embrace your passion and let it foster your purpose, that momentum will change the world.
When the embers of passion take flight, the night sky will forever twinkle and shine.
It's not going to be an easy road to travel, but, oh, my friend, it will so be worth it.



  1. Well, I'm not sorry passion found me these last six or seven years.
    Hope Santa puts calendars in your stocking.

    1. Joanne; I know Santa has one calendar for me, but the rest I'll have to buy myself.

  2. Another month already....where does the time go?

    1. only slightly confused; into history, that's where time goes, tom be read about by future generations who will probably laugh at us.

  3. Love the Violent Veg.
    And agree with Joanne. I hope that Santa does find a way to provide you with a calendar or two (I get ours in the sales).

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm sad to report I haven't been able to get a Violent Veg for next year. I'm going to have to search online and hope I find one, then hope it gets here in time.

  4. Oh dear, we are on the last page aren't we. Hope you find some more interesting calendars to get you through 2018.

  5. Violent Veg, good as usual.

    1. Andrew; I've been hoping to find one for 2018, but had no luck. I'll have to search online.

  6. Always good to see each month of your calendar, how the year went rather too quickly.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; the year has gone by too fast, but now we have a whole new year to look forward to.

  7. Years ago, my favorite gambling aunt gave me a Far Side calendar. I liked it so much that I cut it up and used the cartoons on the wall of my classroom, because Gary Larson did a lot of science-related humor.

    1. Val; I like The Far Side too and my daughter K usually has one of his calendars each year.

  8. Easy for her to say! I opt for easy these days. That's my passion. No more fighting windmills for me. ;)

    1. Lee; I've turned to the easy side too, giving up trying to get it 'all' done.

  9. I'm all passioned out, except for LAUGHING!!

    1. fishducky; I don't think I ever truly had passion unless you count my obsession with houses and their floorplans which I would often copy and redesign in a way I thought would work better. I've given that up just recently. I haven't looked at real estate sites in weeks.

  10. Hi River,

    Methinks I need to ignite my passion which may well include a lit match in the region of my posterior.

    Good grief, it appears to be December.

    Take care, River.


  11. I hope a new violent veg calendar manages to turnip for you. Everything you shared from it this year has bean a hoot. :)

    I can't believe another year is almost gone...

  12. Like many others, I too think the year has simply flown by ...
    Isn't violent veg brilliant!

    All the best Jan


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