sometimes I forget and call her Angel

Is that a bad thing? I still miss him so much and Lola, the lovely Lady Lola, aka Miss Fancypants, is nothing like Angel.

She meows when she is hungry and probably many of you are saying "of course she does, that's what cats do", but up until very recently, Lola was a quiet cat. Purring when contented, which seems to be most of the time now, but otherwise silent. So when I first heard a thin little meow I was very surprised and I think she was too and appeared to be watching for my reaction. 
Of course I praised her, asking was she hungry, did she want some dinner and then gave her the food. She now meows quite firmly and runs to the kitchen if I ask does she want some dinner. 

She sleeps on my bed, of course,  but now instead of always sleeping at the end of the bed, Lola will often curl up beside my hip or my arm, or in the curve of my lying down lap when I'm on my side. 
Last night, she did a very "Angel" thing, walking up the side of the bed, across the top of the pillow, then lying there with her face on the pillow beside mine for quite a while and purring the whole time. If she ever sleeps beside me and wraps a paw around my upper arm, I'll....well, I don't know what I'll do, because that's another very "Angel" thing.

Lola does do one thing different that Angel never did. She likes to play with small rubber balls, batting them around and chasing them until they are all lost under the bed or couch. Then she mopes around until I get them all out again.

Here she is, rearranging all the cushions and getting comfy on the couch.


  1. Well there you go - She now feels very safe and happy...Good for both of you!

    1. Grace; I'm glad she feels safe and is happy, she has put on some weight too. I have no idea what type of life she had before me.

  2. Such a pretty girl and now she knows she's home.

  3. Replies
    1. Terra; she is happy, I've never heard so much purring before.

  4. I think she's an angel. We all knew she would melt into a real one. She doesn't "lose" those balls, she has little stashes. She knows where she is putting them, and waiting for you to be stunned by her accumulation when you find them.

    1. Joanne; she only has four soft balls and when they accidentally go under the bed Lola comes to me and worries her head against the table edge until I get up and sweep them out from under.

  5. Very sad about Angel, was hoping he would show up. Lola sounds like a great companion.

    1. joeh; I still hope Angel will turn up. Last week's paper had a story of a cat returning home after four years.
      Lola is good company, mostly independent and doesn't require constant attention.

  6. She has staked her claim to you and you have no choice but accept. What a delightful gal she is and I am sure a real comfort to you.

    1. Arkansas Patti; she wasn't at all keen when I first picked her up at the Animal Welfare shelter, but staked her claim very quickly once she learned her way around the house.

  7. I still look for Jewel. And miss her. So yes, I do know a little of how you feel. And love that Lola is slowly and steadily settling.

    1. Elephant's Child; I still think of Jewel every time you mention Jazz. Lola is very firmly settled. Angel is 4 years old this month.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I still think Angel will return one day. Lola sounds like she was a bit shy and it has taken time for her personality to come out.

    2. Andrew; a bit shy, but I think more confused about what happened and how she ended up at the shelter. I think she hadn't been there very long, she was still hiding in the corner behind her basket. it didn't take long for her to feel at home here, then her playfulness showed itself and I knew she was settled.

  9. Lola is a lovely girl. Like you, in losing your beloved Angel, she has had a lot of adjustments to make. It's not been easy for either of you...but you will get there bit by bit...step by step...cuddle by cuddle.

    It is natural for you to sometimes call her "Angel"...

    Angel will always be missed...and loved. Like Andrew, I hold onto the hope that Angel will appear at your door one day. He will always remain in your heart.

    1. Lee; I think Lola has adjusted very well, but she doesn't cuddle. I try to pick her up at least once a day, or just wrap my arm around her for a quick cuddle, but she objects and runs off. She's happy to snuggle beside me on the bed at night though.

  10. So sad about Angel, but Lola does sound a great companion and seems to be settling very well.
    I do like the photo here with the cushions.

    Wishing you a good weekend.
    I'm hoping to get some Christmas presents wrapped.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; she's funny with cushions, dives in behind them, then shuffles around making a hidey hole and curls up to sleep.

  11. I know Lola can't replace Angel, but it sounds like she's getting comfortable in her surroundings. And gaining weight, too! She's thriving. I hope you will be reunited with Angel some day.

    1. Val; Lola certainly is comfortable, sleeps on everything. She was only 3.8kg when I got her and quite thin, she has IBS so probably wasn't getting the correct diet. It's been tricky finding foods she likes that also don't upset her system, but I think I've got that sorted now. and she's definitely heavier.

  12. I'm still hoping your Angel will return someday!!

    1. fishducky; me too. He's 4 years old now, his birthday was Friday.

  13. Lovely pussycat is Lola. Having had a few cats in my life time always some similar traits, we always miss them all along with our departed dogs.
    I feel for you regarding Angel, it's the not knowing.
    But you have a beautiful cat in Lola.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; the not knowing is the hardest part. I look for him everytime I go out. Lola is a pretty girl.

  14. Lola has fit right into your home very well, she is definitely a big part of your life and although not a replacement for Angel but a good addition. She will do a lot of things to remind you of Angel and because of this your memories will come back causing you to speak his name, there is nothing wrong with this and there is noting wrong with remembering him.

    1. Jimmy; sleeping close to me is the thing Lola does that Angel always did. Everything else is different. What I miss the most is Angel jumping up on the table ready to lick the spoon when he hears me scraping the last few bits in the bottom of my icecream bowl.

  15. Long ago when I was pregnant my cat, Socks, would sleep around my head and purr. It was like she knew I had a different condition. She never did it before or after. Animals can be funny. Was out blog walking and foundmyself here. I was clicking through to find a Sunday meme photo thing. Didn't find it, but happily found you. Always nice to meet new bloggers.

    Sandy's Space

    1. Sandy; welcome to drifting. I usually have a Sunday meme going, but I'm a bit overwhelmed with real life things right now, so I'm taking a break. If you click on Elephant's Child here in the comments, you will find the Sunday Selections meme.

  16. I'm so glad Lola has you. It sounds like she is happy with her home now. And yes, pets have come back after a long time away. But as Margaret-whiteangel said, the not knowing is the really difficult thing. I'm still hoping, too.

    Lola looks so much like one of our cats - the multi-coloured, striped fur and white bib. She has definite preferences for times and places to be petted, too.

    1. jenny_o; I'm glad Lola and I found each other, with her IBS, she needed someone with enough patience to learn her needs and I think we're doing well together.

  17. Wishing you and yours the happiest Holiday Season. Love Granny Annie

    1. Granny Annie; wishing the same to you and yours :)

  18. "Last night, she did a very "Angel" thing, walking up the side of the bed, across the top of the pillow, then lying there with her face on the pillow beside mine for quite a while and purring the whole time."

    Very sweet.

    1. The Happy Whisk; I've discovered this means she wants to be fed, just like it did for Angel.

  19. I'm totally convinced that cats know what to do and when to do it, just at the right time. Hugs...RO

    1. RO; I wonder sometimes if Angel is sending her messages.

  20. Catching up... I was sort of hoping I would see Angel but sort of knowing better? I hate that. I hate that you never knew or found out what happened.

    Such a pretty cat Lola is and I am not surprised at all that you can tell one cat from another just by its mannerisms alone. It is like saying all people talk (or rather most do!) but they say such entirely different things and you feel so differently around each of them.

    Many blessings to you this Christmas. :)

  21. Happy Elf Christine; Angel and Lola also look so very different, so it's easy to tell which is which, if Angel should ever turn up again. Lola is a little thing, although she has put on some weight now, and Angel is a big boy, much more fluffy and lighter in colour. I do still hope I see him again one day.
    Merry Christmas to you too.


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