Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Margaret and friend and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. parasol
2. heel
3. wag
4. ascending
5. hook
6. stair rods


1. mint
2. tottering
3. chew
4. binder
5. coming
6. pelmet

Here is my story:

"Mint?" I spun around at the voice so close to my ear and in doing so, snapped the heel off one of my brand new high-heeled shoes.

"Jason! You startled me!" I wagged my finger at him reproachfully. "Now look what's happened. I can't go tottering home on one heel."

"Walk home without shoes."

"Jason, I can't do that, my stockings will be ruined and they're real silk."

"Oh," said Jason. "Wait a minute, I have an idea. Hand me the other shoe."

I did so and he snapped off the other heel. "There, now you have flats. Put the heels in your purse and get the shoes fixed tomorrow. Take them to Smithy's, he does good work. What are you doing parading around in new shoes and with a new parasol too? Did you find a hundred dollars lying in the gutter?"

"No," I said, beginning to chew the mint. "Daddy's insurance cheque came in and it was more than he expected, so I have new clothes and Mum shoo-ed me out for the afternoon because the designer is coming with his binder of fabric samples and drawings. Mum is getting new drapes with a fancy pelmet and a new carpet runner up the stairs with brass stair rods. We shall be ascending in style, just like those rich people in the movies."

Jason held out his arm, crooked at the elbow. "Hook your arm through mine Susie, I'll walk you home. You can change your shoes, then we'll go walking along the pier eating icecreams."


  1. Another good one! I wish I had half your imagination.

    1. Val; thank you. I think your imagination is pretty good too.

  2. out for guy though...he could be a gold digger.

    1. only slightly confused; no, he's her best friend, they met in kindergarten.

  3. Very well done River, I'd be keeping an eye on Ole Jason there.

    1. Jimmy; no need to keep an eye on Jason, they've grown up together, been best friends since kindergarten.

  4. I think walking along the pier (in flat shoes) sounds MUCH better than tottering along in finery. I hope she ditches the stockings too.

    1. Elephant's Child; she will eventually ditch the stockings, she's not a finery type of girl, just enjoying the luxury of a few unexpected dollars.

  5. Just the idea of hobbling along in modified heels makes my ankles hurt! I agree with E.C. and Jimmy.

    1. Susan Kane; I don't think I'd like to be hobbling along like that either. I'd be more likely to ditch the silk hose and go barefoot.

  6. Hum, there was a time I should have tried that solution. You really have such a clever mind.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you. Broken a few heels in your time have you?

  7. A fun, imaginative little tale, River. Love it! :)

    1. Lee; thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Fun stories make people smile.

  8. Love your story - hard to walk in shoes with the heels off though.
    Happy New Year

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; thank you. I rather suspect Jason will help her out, perhaps sweep her off her feet and carry her.

  9. Just as I expected; another good story!!

  10. Replies
    1. PL Keenor; nice to see you here and thank you :)

  11. That's a nice tale with a happy, friendly ending!

    1. messymimi; thank you. I do love a happy ending.

  12. I like your story, and wish you much happiness in the year of 2018!

  13. Lon Anderson; thank you and I wish you a Happy New Year also.

  14. Hi River,

    Very well done. I think Jason actually wants to keep the heels to add to his private collection and the heels may well compliment his stilettos.

    Have a super 2018, River.

    Gary 😀

    1. klahanie; no Gary, he gave the heels to her to get the shoes fixed. Thank you. You and Penny have a super 2018 too.

  15. I hope the Smithy ( Meaning Blacksmith ) Did not shoe the young filly with Horse shoes ?
    nice yarn. Yes, I have completed my story too. NSW IS A LONG WAY from S A. button pushing can get you there fast.

  16. Vest; Smithy is the town's cobbler, named Horace Smith, nicknamed Smithy. I'll check your story later tomorrow, it's past bedtime for me right now.

  17. First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR, kiddo! May you continue to keep the good stories coming. :)

    Good use of the words, as usual, and you've painted a sweet picture. I have a feeling Jason will help keep Susie grounded so that new money and finery won't go to her head.

  18. Susan; thank you :) Jason has been the anchor to her flights of fancy since they were five.


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