Sunday Selections # 375

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

continuing on  (again) from the previous two posts:

the gnomes corner of my TV cabinet, I think I've shown this one before

more of my oil/polish work, this statue was on my front porch for several summers and beginning to crack from dryness, so I moved it inside and gave it two coats of the polish/oil

here's one of the cracks and also some of the detail which is more obvious now 

the top, which the statue person is holding up,

now holds a small black pot with a new, fake plant.

I bought a couple of lengths of static cling film for the windows on either side of the front door, so when the days aren't too hot, I can raise the venetians and see pretty windows, while people outside can't see in. Of course I can't see out either....

here is the other window, you may notice black gaffer tape along the bottom and top of the film, because the area gets so warm, the film began to unstick and roll down

I have some film left over

which I may put on the bottom half of this window, on the right side only because the left side is a screen and I can't get to the window part easily.

it's the window right above my couch, a lovely warm place to take a nap on a sunny winter afternoon.

These next few photos are for Val, and I forgot to resize and put my blog name on them.

my kitchen cabinet when it first arrived at my previous residence, notice the birdcage over to the right of the photo? I wish I still had that, I foolishly gave it away :(

here all the beige paint has been sanded off, I had some help with that part, L did it all while I was at work and left the fun part for me, the painting. Interior first of course, pink, aqua

blue and purple

here it is in the kitchen with doors and drawers back in place, exterior framework is pale lemon yellow

top left with the glass back in and my dishes installed, Mavis the Kitchen Witch hanging from the door knob

and the top right hand side. This cabinet doesn't fit inside in my current home, so it is in the closed in back porch, holding most of my plasticware, only some of which is actual Tupperware. It gets quite dusty out there and the paint isn't gloss, so I can't wash it down. Now and again I wipe it over with a damp cloth after brushing off the dust.

Several of you have seen this cabinet before and may recall me saying L wanted to paint the whole thing baby blue so I said she who pays for the paint chooses the colours, so off he went to the paint shop and came back with flat paint instead of gloss "because it was cheaper." :(


  1. I love, love love the painted cabinet with glass doors! I want that!

    1. Grace; you can't have mine, but I don't mind at all if you find yourself an old cabinet and copy it.

  2. Your cabinet looks wonderful.
    Sigh on the dust front. We have been very, very windy here recently and the patina of dust is huge. I suspect I could write my name on some things, but the winds/dust storms are expected to continue so it will just have to stay that way for a bit.

    1. Elephant's Child; dust is the bane of my life, as I suspect it is for many people. We had a couple of very windy days, but are now having a lovely soaking rain which began just after midnight.

    2. I consider dust as kinetic art. It makes a lovely frost on my furniture. Attitude adjustment makes all the difference.

  3. I love gnomes. Don't tell anyone. It's a secret.

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; it is no longer a secret, this blog is read by many.

  4. One can never get enough of seeing Gnomes! I love them too!

    1. Karen S. these three gnomes are just a few of my collection. The rest were out in the garden, but are now in the back porch, on top of the pretty cabinet featured here. The garden plants have all spread and the gnomes could hardly be seen out there.

  5. I think it's all wonderful! When I can no longer read my name written in the dust, I do something. Not a minute sooner!

    1. Joanne; I tend to keep the TV and DVD players almost dust free, but don't care so much about the rest.

  6. Dust is the biggest pest of all. I don't know where it comes from here because it's a fairly lush area, but the dust makes its presence known! And, therefore, dusting is a never-ending job!

    The gnomes are very, very cute. :)

    Have yourself a great week, River...cuddles to the the lovely Lady Lola. :0

    1. Lee; dust is the world disintegrating and of course it gets inside, drawn by the static of many electrical devices. I like my gnomes, they're not the usual type seen in other gardens, I don't know anyone else who has the biker gnomes.
      Cuddles to your furry housemates too.

  7. My daughter in law collect gnomes and love those bright color cabinets.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I like to have colours around me, and since my homes are always rented, I can't paint the walls, so I paint my furniture. My mum used to collect gnomes.

  8. Replies
    1. Lowcarb team member; thank you, I think they're pretty great myself.

  9. Ooh! Those cabinets are very pretty. I never would have thought they'd turn out so nice. But I can't believe you got rid of the birdcage!

    Sorry that I can no longer help you fill it with real Tupperware! Hick sold it all a couple days ago, to our daughter-in-law, who will sell it on the internet and make herself a nice profit.

    1. Val; thank you, I really enjoyed painting it. I miss the bird cage too, I have the perfect spot for it in my garden now, but it was one of those 'break-up' dumpings where I tossed a lot of stuff he'd found for me on roadside rubbish collection days.
      I don't mind about the Tupperware, I have no room for anymore plasticware as it is.

  10. Lovely selection of photos.
    We always give things away that we want later.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; that's so true, and probably why the world is filled with hoarders. I don't miss much that I got rid of, but I'll be searching junk shops for another birdcage.

  11. Avery cute and colourful home you have there. Thanks for sharing a few of your favourite things.

  12. Those are two beautiful pieces, and a clever way to have light from the windows without sacrificing privacy.

    One of our young rEcess friends showed me this trick.

  13. Your cabinet came out really nice, I have to admit that in the first few pictures when you were first adding the color I didn't like what you were doing, but once you were finished I can see that you had a great idea all along, I really like what you did and would be proud to have it in my kitchen. I also like your statue that is now holding the plant.

  14. So glad you saved that statue. Too nice to let go. Dust?? What is dust? Since my eyesight is no longer 20/20, dust is no longer there. Well for me anyway:)

  15. You have been a busy homemaker. I have gnome story up my sleeve, told to me by Little Jo. Even semi-gloss can be damp wiped down properly, but you can gently wet wash flat paint. The cabinet colours only worked for me once it had dishes in it.

  16. Is there no top clear gloss sorta paint that can go over it now?

  17. My aunty had a kitchen cabinet just like that one I have fond memories of it, it was our job to set the table when we stayed with her.

  18. I love the cabinet of many colours. I read your reply above to another reader explaining your reasoning behind the colours and it makes all kinds of sense to me.


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