Sunday Selections # 377?

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

I had a really great day yesterday, here's why:

I was at a birthday get-together for a neighbour

with a group of lovely ladies. That's the birthday girl in the hat. She turns 82 on Monday

we had a lovely view from our outside table

we were beside the pond in the Botanic Gardens 

time to chat after eating cake

gifts were unwrapped, I didn't realise the other ladies were bringing gifts so I didn't have one to give :(

Garfield is ready to party! V is a Garfield fan and has a collection of plush Garfields in several sizes, this one is #30

my second hot chocolate, they were so yummy

I wandered across to the bridge to see if there was a turtle in the pond still, I hadn't been there for quite some time

I was happy to see quite a few of them, about six I think

on our way back to the car I kept taking photos and found this tree rather interesting.
Does anyone else see the woman, upraised arms and stretching forward?


  1. I do see the woman's figure. Good eye.
    I hope that was a cheese cake. It looks yummmmmy.

    1. Joanne; if I'd taken the other path I would have missed her. It was a Bee Sting cake, with a cream layer in the middle, very yummy.

  2. Lovely place to have a birthday party! I thought the last photo was an elephant! No matter how I try I cannot see a human figure.

    1. Grace; it is a lovely spot, we were there before the lunch rush and leaving just as tables began to fill up.
      The branch just left of centre, leaning a little resembles a woman from waist up, two nodes for the breasts and at the top branch leaning further right suggests upraised arms.

  3. I do see the tree nude.
    What a lovely place to have a birthday celebrations. Love those turtles too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love finding the person in the tree, any tree.
      I was very happy to see the turtles, all smaller than the one I saw several years ago, so perhaps the next generation. And so many!

  4. Yes, I, too, can see the naked woman... it looks like she's about ready to dive into the pond.

    It appears you had a pleasant day out with the ladies.

    I hope the coming week is just as pleasant for you...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; that would be a long dive, she is several paths away from the pond. it was a really nice day out, and a suggestion was made that we could do it again for each of our birthdays, but nothing was fully decided. I'm glad you can see the tree woman, I like finding tree people.

  5. What a great thing to do. Social interaction when you are older is so important, and so is having fun and laughs. Yes, I agree about the tree.

    1. Andrew; it was more fun than I expected, not knowing any of the others but the birthday girl, I wasn't sure, but conversation flowed well.

  6. It's always good together together with friends.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); these are new friends for me, previously I only knew the birthday girl.

  7. I see the tree woman! It took two tries.

    That's a beautiful place to have an 82nd birthday party. I hope nobody got too rowdy, all hopped-up on hot chocolate!

    1. Val; I'm glad you found the tree woman, I like tree people. I was the only one who had hot chocolate, others had coffees of various types.

  8. Such a nice party, and yes, i see the woman in the tree.

    It is an odd feeling to come empty handed to a party and find out others have brought items.

    1. messymimi; I've been online early this morning and found a "late" gift of a Garfield comic book which will be delivered her next week and I'll take it to V.

    2. Wonderful! She will be just as glad as if it had come at the party.

      This morning, a view from my front porch.

  9. Yes, I see her.
    What a nice time you all must have had at the Birthday..

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; it was a very lovely day, which surprised me, I don't usually sit around eating and chatting with others.

  10. I miss the Botanic Gardens. What a great place to spend a birthday. :)

    1. Snoskred; the gardens are lovely right now, shady and sunny, with a few leaves changing colours.

  11. This was my first time participating in this. You have shown some very nice photos today. I am fascinated with turtles.

  12. What a really nice day you all planned for her and I am sure your presence was present enough.
    I had to embiggen the picture to see it but there she was.

    1. Arkansas Patti; even the weather was perfect. Glad you could see the tree woman.

  13. I do see the woman - good eye, River.

    That sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration in a beautiful location. Do the turtles stay in the water all winter there?

    1. jenny_o; I like tree people. Yes, the turtles stay in the water all winter, we don't get ice and snow here and very rarely get below freezing.

  14. It looks like it is still summer there! We are barely defrosted here FINALLY.

  15. What a lovely place to celebrate a birthday. I'm glad the weather cooperated. (Even Mother Nature celebrated for her!)

    At first glance, the last pic looked like elephant legs, but you're absolutely right about the lady with raised arms. She's there!!!


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