Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.
The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.
This month the words are supplied by Lissa and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. last day
2. zealot
3. homeward
4. listen
5. midnight
6. always


1. start
2. wicked
3. holiday
4. castle
5. infinite
6. goodbye

here is my story: a filler chapter

Next morning, Tom was eager to explore the darkroom and see if everything was in working order. After so many years untouched, the chemicals for developing would need replacing, but hopefully the wash trays and red light would be okay. At breakfast, he asked Sara where the room was exactly and was surprised to find it was the rundown looking cabin he’d seen on the drive in. He mentioned this to Sara, saying he thought that was the actual Retreat at the time and wondered why anyone would stay there. She laughed at that and then said it had been the original home of the original owner of the property. “He had plans to build a castle right here where the Retreat is, but he was a gambler and lost all his money at the poker tables.

As they were clearing up the kitchen, Tom’s parents arrived and discussions began about the darkroom, the hair appointments for Sara and Vanessa the next day and a possible visit to the nearest police station. Tom’s appearance after all these years would have to be made known sooner or later. There was the paperwork Tom’s parents had brought with them to read over. Tom thought they should probably get legal advice on whether or not he could be adopted at the age of twenty. Conversation then turned to Robert and Vanessa’s eventual return to the farm. “It will be hard to say goodbye and young Gary Johnson is a bit of a zealot about getting things done just right, so the place is in good hands,” said Robert, “but we still don’t want to be gone too long.” “It is lovely to get away for a little holiday,” said Vanessa, “and now that we know how close this place is, we could come again.”

“You’ll always be welcome,” said Ed, “you feel like family.” “We’ll need to decide when to head homeward, when our last day will be,” said Robert. “What do you think Van? stay for the week and then start for home?” “That sounds lovely,” said Vanessa. “I don’t know whether we should see the police about Tom or not, I mean we should of course, but right away? Or wait until we’ve seen a bit of the area?” “I vote for waiting,” said Tom. “I can stay ‘lost’ a bit longer.” “That may be a problem,” said Ed. “You’ve been down in the town already and people may have seen you and thought you looked familiar.” “That’s true,” said Sara, “we don’t have an infinite number of days to keep you undiscovered.” 
Vanessa said, “We can keep our ears open at Curly Cuts tomorrow, listen out for anyone asking about strangers staying up here and whether or not anyone mentions Tom looking familiar.” “But he hasn’t been in the town all that much,” said Robert. “Tell you what,” said Ed, Stephanie isn’t supposed to be coming tomorrow, how about you and I visit the pub while the ladies get their hair done, we can casually mention you’re staying here with your son and if any of the older ones who seem to live on the front porch notice Tom’s resemblance to Frank, we can sort of wing it from there as to how soon we let the police know.” “They do still have a murder to solve,” said Tom, “and Frank’s disappearance and my kidnapping. Probably the sooner the better, although it might have been nice to stay lost a bit longer. We really do all need to know what happened.”

“One more thing,” said Vanessa. “Will you be coming home with us at the end of our week?”  “That will depend on what happens tomorrow and whether or not we’re discussing it all with the police by then,” said Tom. “I do know I want at least one day to sleep in the afternoon and be up at midnight to get night photos of the Retreat, the beach and a couple along the goat track. Maybe I could do that after you’ve gone home, then follow later, depending on the whole police thing. And I do want to see Stephanie, even if she doesn’t see me. I want to remember her if I can.”

** Next month the words will be supplied by me and will be right here on this blog


  1. I don't have a good feeling about those night time photos.

    1. only slightly confused; he's a photographer and midnight photos of beach areas are often pretty. I think he'll be fine.

  2. Oh, continuing the story now. It sounds as if a turning point is near. Can't wait for next Wednesday.

    1. Uglemor; this chapter fits in somewhere in the middle, so a turning point is quite a way off.

  3. I agree with only slightly confused. I sense sinister coming in the dark.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't see sinister, but we'll have to wait and see how the story goes.

  4. disappearance and kidnapping - those doesn't sound good and mostly, trouble will come, good use of the prompts.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Lissa; the disappearance and kidnapping were 16 years ago....

  5. I missed a lot because I couldn't find your link but it's nice to be back in!!

    1. fishducky ; if you do find the link, this fits in right after chapter twelve.

  6. I am loving the filler story. And looking forward to reading more.
    Nothing has changed for me here this morning. I can (fortunately) still get to your Words For Wednesday pages, but your followers (and about me) have gone.

    1. Elephant's Child; at least you can get to the story. I have the followers there, but didn't bother with the 'about me' this time


  7. I have a lot going on in my head/life at the moment...and haven't gotten around to using this week's words or last week's images....I'll sort out the can of worms wriggling around in my mind soon and get back into the mode!!

    You've done well, River with this, combined with your changing format. Personally...and I don't mean in anyway to sound rude...I preferred your previous format. It was easier for me to read and follow etc. Of course, the fact is your blog to do with and present however which way you wish.

    I'm still finding the print quite light...a pale, faint grey.

    1. Lee; the print is still quite light and I'll fix that if I can, but I can't find my way back to the original theme either.

  8. You certainly know how to spin a story!

  9. Lovely read. Still can't find your links to previous chapters.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I don't know what to do about that, apart from changing the whole thing again and maybe it will work and maybe it won't.

  10. I made use of that link to get into this story! That must have been a lot of work.

    1. Val; so have you read all the preceding chapters?

    2. Yes! I took quite a bit of time out of a day of doing nothing so I could read them all!

  11. Nice job! (As always.)

    Wow, your blog looks fantastic. Looks like you've been a super busy lady. :)

    1. Susan; thank you. The new look didn't quite turn out as planned, the blue background is too light and many readers are having trouble finding either my bloglist or the link to the Wednesday stories, or both.
      I'm not up to getting in there and changing it all over again though, not yet.

  12. Big changes here! I don't know if I would be brave enough to switch over like you have done. Kudos for having the fortitude!

    And another chapter in the story - yay!

    1. jenny_o; I wasn't sure the move would turn out well. It's mostly okay, but some readers can't find the link to the stories or the blog list :(
      This is a filler chapter which goes in after chapter twelve. I've yet to edit chapters 14-25

  13. Love the new look of your blog. I am also in admiration of the way you write. You always make want to read on.

    1. Around My Kitchen Table; thank you, I'm happy when people tell me they'd like to read more of my story.


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