Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. shutdown
2. wreck
3. hairclip
4. marked
5. old school
6. brewery


1. release
2. hell-no!
3. cherries
4. insignificant
5. coffee
6. almost

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

let the creativity begin!


  1. Wow! Now there's a selection that's 'all over the board' and I'm feeling a little 'overboard' with it. I shall apply myself but it may take a while with this one.

    1. It's up on my blog now. Great words. I had a blast figuring this one out.

    2. only slightly confused; this whole month's words are ones that I jotted down over several days as they randomly popped into my head. I'm not sure what I will write either.

  2. Cry? In public? And be marked as a sissy? Hell-no!
    Peter was old school. He kept his emotions (except anger) in almost permanent shutdown. Keeping the brewery in profit, drinking endless cups of coffee and chain smoking had been his tried and true stress relievers for decades.
    Sarah had her full licence for only two days when she died in a senseless car wreck, brought about by less than twenty seconds of distraction. Losing Sarah, his first and most precious grandchild, made every other loss insignificant. Endless tears roll unnoticed down his cheeks as he sits silently turning her hairclip with its painted cherries over and over in his gnarled hands.

    1. Aww, deservedly distraught, poor Peter, such a tragedy. Well done, EC.

    2. Very sad...the raw emotions are strongly felt through your descriptive use of the words, EC.

    3. oh, such a heartbreaking tearjerker, wow. Beautiful use of these words, thank you.

    4. Very well told, how even the crustiest of us can be undone by loss.

    5. Poor old guy. What a great job you've done of painting this picture with words.

    6. Oh how beautiful and sad, you caught his emotion so well.


    7. this is so sad. great use of the words.

      have a lovely day.

  3. 1. release
    2. hell-no!
    3. cherries
    4. insignificant
    5. coffee
    6. almost

    The sour cherries were ripening nicely on the tree. They would go nicely in the homemade compote which would be poured onto slices of plain cheesecake for our honoured guests. Of course, there would be freshly brewed coffee to accompany it. Sometimes, the main course paled in comparison to dessert for me, a sugar junkie. But the large turkey roasting in the oven was not an insignificant temptation. The smells being released into the room were almost impossible to ignore. Hell no! I would not miss this special dinner for the world.

    1. Yum. I would be very happy just with the sour cherry compote. By the spoonful.

    2. Now, I am hungry!!! An early lunch for me today, I do declare! :)

      Well done, Christine. :)

    3. Well done Christine; I can almost taste the cheesecake and smell the roasting turkey.

    4. Sounds like Christmas dinner to me. Great job.

    5. Delicious. well written. Thankfully I just had lunch.

    6. I could smell those cherries and I do love sour cherries :)


    7. sounds delicious, though I'm not much a fan of coffee.

      have a lovely day.

  4. "Since the MARKED SHUTDOWN of the OLD SCHOOL the nearby BREWERY has had its eye on the land to enable it to expand.

    The interesting news RELEASE hit the morning bulletins.

    Pop’s “HELL-NO!” response would be an INSIGNIFICANT ripple in an expected wave of support. His cry was ALMOST as insignificant as a single rain drop in the Pacific Ocean.

    I adjusted my HAIRCLIP as I placed a bowl of whipped cream and a jar of berry jam beside the warm freshly-baked scones filled with CHERRIES. I’d not long taken them from the oven. I knew they were my grandfather’s favourites.

    “Would you like your COFFEE made on milk, Pop?” I asked him in an effort to appease his grumpy mood."

    1. That would certainly improve my mood. Yum. Great take on the prompts.

    2. I think I like Pop. I don't know too many men who would be saying Hell-no! to a bigger brewery. I'm not happy about school shutdowns though. And now I'll be thinking about scones all day :) Thanks for this great little story Lee.

    3. He may not like it, but sometimes we can't stop what others see as progress. Well done!

    4. Never underestimate grumpy old men lol.

    5. Go grandad, go. I understand your grumpy mood, and would need more then one cup of coffee to allieviate it.

    6. expanding the brewery would spark concern, I am with Pop.

    7. Coffee made on milk has me going. Is that like white coffee in Europe? If so I want a cup like grandpa.


    8. I think I would be smooth by berry jams and fresh scones if I'm grumpy.

      have a lovely day.

  5. My mother was from the OLD SCHOOL so she used a HAIRCLIP on my hair before I went to school and she headed off to the old BREWERY which is MARKED to be SHUTDOWN by the end of the year, it really is a WRECK of a place at the moment.

    Two weeks in a row for me :) just another short one.

    1. It might be short, but it is great. Well done.

    2. Short and sweet. I'll bet that hairclip disappeared as soon as Mom was out of sight lol.

    3. Short story and good story. I hated hairclips too.

    4. good that it will be shutdown if this is such a wreck anyway

    5. Margaret-whiteangel; i like this, my mother was old-school too, with clips for my hair and refusing to let me have a fringe like all the other girls, so I cut my own....I was five, what a disaster that was. Good story :)

    6. you used the words well.

      have a lovely day.

  6. Those were productive words. As usual, I wrote an instalment of my magical biography.

    1. Uglemor; I'll pop over and read it right now.

  7. Oh this was fun. I got the picture in my mind first and then made the words fit.



    1. Wisewebwoman; I'll be over to read as soon as I read Uglemor's


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