Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. bathroom
2. parasol
3. furniture
4. duck
5. phone
6. puzzle


1. wade
2. grim
3. barge
4. sporadic
5. pizza
6. burial

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

let the creativity begin!


  1. Wow! pizza and burial in the same list. Okay then!!! I'll work on it but not likely until tomorrow.

    1. only slightly confused; it does seem like they shouldn't go together, but I'm really interested to see what you do with them :)

  2. "Presently my life is a complex PUZZLE.

    As I WADE through site after site seeking accommodation, my living arrangement is looking very GRIM.

    For the past couple of weeks, and more, I’ve been constantly on the PHONE – talking, talking, talking; asking questions, seeking answers. I’m searching for four walls and roof for me and my two indoor furry mates. The three of us will become the bag lady and her two cats, if I don’t find something suitable soon.

    I’ve lived in this very humble above for the past 17 years...but “the time has come, the walrus said....” I put up with a lot from a manic, “me-me-me” landlord who fabricates to suit himself as he goes along.

    My feelings of stress and anxiety are not SPORADIC. I need the help of a large PARASOL to protect me from the deluge of emotions constantly pouring down on me.

    My BATHROOM is being used more than usual. My stomach is continually upset and in a state of turmoil.

    Yesterday, I tried to eat a PIZZA I’d made, but it felt like I was force-feeding myself. My appetite has packed up and left me.

    The local Op Shops and the local rubbish tip are beneficiaries of my constant de-cluttering. De-cluttering, in its self, is stressful. I’m parting with things that have meant very much to me for many years. However, one has to be brutal at times, and not allow sentimentality to take control.

    Shortly, I intend organising a fellow to come and take a load away in his truck. It will include FURNITURE I no longer need.

    As one grows older, as I am...one doesn’t need much. The fewer possessions I have, the better. It will be less I have to transport to other accommodation -when I find same.

    Frequently of late I want to BARGE forth and express my feelings, but until I have my “DUCKs in a row”, I will keep my own counsel. It seems every day I’m conducting a BURIAL of my unspoken words and feelings not expressed. Every day the anxiety grows and the tears flow."

    1. Good grief I hope this isn't a true story. If it is, my condolences and best wishes for finding a new 'happier' home. If it isn't true, great job in using the prompts and writing a story that really grabs the attention.

    2. It is true, Delores...occurring at present.....to me

    3. Oh no, hoping things improve sooner rather than later for you.

    4. It sounds like a very difficult time, i hope you find a much better accommodation quickly!

    5. Oh my, this is very upsetting. I do hope it all gets resolved for you, uncertainty can be so stressful and exhausting.

      Well written tho!


    6. Lee; I've suspected this was the case and your excellent use of my words confirm my worries. I'm sad for you, damn here's the tears, I hope you find something suitable very quickly. Can you access public housing? Even as a temporary measure? please keep in touch and let me know. Can you search realestate.com.au for rentals or domain.com.au?

    7. Thanks,, River for your kind words and thoughts. I've been non-stop searching real estate sites on line...all of them. I've gone cross-eyed and my mind is in a constant turmoil...and my stomach is tied up in knots of anxiety. I am getting things, bit by bit...at my pace. He will not force me out...I will go when, as I said, I have all my ducks in a row. It' will happen...not overnight, or next week...but in a couple months.....it's too hot for me to over-extend in the energy department at present. So I am doing it at my own rate..pace. He will get his comeuppance - what goes 'round comes round. Thanks, my dear...I appreciate your words. :)

    8. Good use of the prompst to describe a bad situation. I feel sorry for you and hope for better times around the corner.

    9. I hope you find something soon. it's quite hard to find a place to call home.

      I really do like this - "It seems every day I’m conducting a BURIAL of my unspoken words and feelings not expressed. " - you expressed your predicament very well.

      have a lovely day.

  3. Thanks for hosting, River! Here is my piece:

    We spent one week barging along the waterways in Burgundy, France. It was picturesque and peaceful making our way down the canals and through the locks. One day we got off the barge and went on a biking excursion through a charming little village. I noticed a child wading in a large fountain outside a cathedral. Should he have been doing that I wondered? Further on, there was a funeral procession outside a church, heading, no doubt, toward a burial ground. On the last day of the barge tour there was some sporadic thunder in the air, forcing us to take our pizza lunches inside the barge. We washed the meal down with a fine burgundy wine and didn't mind the weather one bit. All too soon, our relaxing vacation was over.

    1. Christine, i enjoyed that, it felt like a virtual vacation.

    2. Lovely Christine, I was with you!


    3. Christine; this is lovely, I can almost picture myself on the barge with you.

    4. you used the words very well, it sounds like a relax vacation.

      have a lovely day.

  4. Marvelous fun! Mine's on my blog here.



  5. Thanks, River, for your words. Here's my nice and easy next chapter in my mock autobiography.
    Later, when I return home again, I'll sit myself with a cup of tea and read all the stories waiting here and elsewhere.

  6. Almost didn't make it and I love the word Parosol....https://peppylady.blogspot.com/2019/02/wednesday-meme-twenty-eight.html

  7. I'm not sure I should link it since I think I only used two words but here it is - April Gale 6

    I'll be posting another piece tomorrow, I was inspired to write something completely new with the prompts and it makes it the first time I actually used all the words.

    have a lovely day.

  8. here's my second piece for rent

    have a lovely day.


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