Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. passport
2. movies
3. puffed
4. complete
5. transport
6. bleach


1. avenue
2. helicopter
3. fair
4. clearly
5. foolishness
6. ability

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

let the creativity begin!


  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I'm not sure how to work these into the direction I want my story to go. I'll be over shortly to read your contribution, which I'm sure will be good as it always is.

  2. The COMPLETE FOOLISHNESS of some people never fails to stun me. We laugh at silliness, at slapstick comedy in MOVIES - performances that are CLEARLY made for our entertainment; for our enjoyment.

    However, in the reality of life many among us appear to have a PASSPORT to stupidity. They believe they unique; they believe are bullet-proof. In their mind the rest of us know nothing.

    A new guest arrived at the island resort. A young fellow in his mid-twenties or thereabouts, he strutted along the jetty like a PUFFED up pouter pigeon claiming pride of position on the AVENUE.

    Obviously, the highlights in his already FAIR hair had been artificially assisted with BLEACH.

    COMPLETE with an arrogant attitude towards others believing he, and only he, knew everything about everything, he ignored advice given freely with his safety in mind.

    With his arrogance on full display, against the explicit advice given, but not heeded, he took the resort’s small sailing craft, the little 7-feet long Sea-Hopper, out to sea, far beyond the permitted boundary.

    Night descended. He was stranded out in the ocean miles from the island’s resort. A HELICOPTER had to rescue and TRANSPORT the humbled, foolish fellow back to safety.

    Karma is sweet....

    1. Karma always comes around to bite us in the ......

    2. Lee; I remember this from when you wrote the whole resort story. Serves him right, Mr Smarty-pants. Great way to use my words.

    3. Let's hope he learned his lesson, it was an opportunity for him to become a better person.

      My words will be up in a couple of hours.

    4. messymimi; it's almost 10pm here now, so I'll come over and read what you wrote.

    5. People sometimes do the darnedest things!

    6. Oh the foolishness of the young, looking death in the face thinking it could never happen to them!


    7. Karma indeed, I hope he learned a lesson.

    8. passport to stupidity - I like the phrase. what a fun story!

      have a lovely day.

  3. 1. avenue
    2. helicopter
    3. fair
    4. clearly
    5. foolishness
    6. ability

    She had studied so hard to meet her goal of becoming a doctor. She had been accepted for an internship at a major hospital. He decided it was only fair to
    reward her dedication with a special celebration. As he walked down the tree-lined avenue leading to the luxury hotel, he was looking forward to meeting her at the top of the building where he had booked a romantic helicopter tour over Toronto at night.

    Clearly being 5000 feet above ground, flying over the dazzling city lights at night time, had stunned her. Looking into her eyes, he realized he was so much in love with her. Was it foolishness to propose right then and there. Should he wait and not rush into this big commitment. Maybe it would be better to wait until she had settled into her residency. He could plan a quiet, private dinner for two away from all distractions so that they could be sure they were doing this for the right reasons. They had known each other for one year, having met her at school where he was studying to be a lawyer. He was now working at a law firm and his future looked promising.

    Then he realized he didn't even have a ring yet. There was no need to be so impulsive, it could wait a few more months.

    1. Nice one Christine. I'd love to read Part 2.


    2. Christine; a story filled with hope for the future, I like it. I wonder if the next few months will bring them together or take them on separate paths?

    3. Well written, Christine. :)

    4. Good use of th WfW. I hope he gets himself together soon.

    5. sounds romantic but I think I would be too freaked out being in the air to be able to enjoy the moment.

      have a lovely day.

  4. My wee story can be found on my blog:



    1. Wisewebwoman; did it pop up there yesterday? I may have read it, but I'll come over and check.

  5. I hope he doesn't keep puttng it off. Time and romance wait for no man lol.

    1. only slightly confused; true, but there may be a reason for the hesitation, something unforeseen to happen? Time will tell.

  6. It's been a great month River and a terrific selection of words.

    1. only slightly confused; thank you, it's been fun.

  7. I echo Delores' praise...thanks, River. :)

    1. Lee; you're welcome, maybe one day you will take a turn providing the prompts.

    2. I did a few months ago, River...and may do so again one day...but at present I have so much on my plate and on my mind....without going into details. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Now, finally, I got my writing mojo together and produced next chapter in the Tale of Unicorn Farm. I also want to say thank you River! for your prompts this past month.

  10. I honestly do think little prompts like these really help with writing and thinking, so thank you River for hosting wfw this month.

    have a lovely day.

  11. Thanks for hosting wfw River! I am learning that writing takes a bit of research if you want to weave a good story, even if it is only to learn the proper meaning and use of a new word.


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