Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Margaret Adamson and friend Sue Fulcher and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. solicitude
2. rampant
3. toes
4. form
5. knocking
6. pin cushion


1. reel
2. grappled
3. perfume
4. courtroom
5. squad
6. general

Here is my story:

Nathan's heart was knocking in his chest and his breath became ragged as he grappled with the rod. The reel had spun out some time ago and he was struggling to bring in whatever his hook had snagged. He dug his toes deeper into the river bank and called for help. He couldn't afford to just let go and lose another rod.
General Matthews looked up from the book he was reading beside the campfire and whistled for the rest of the squad who rapidly appeared from all points of the compass. Advice was rampant from all with little solicitude for Nathan's exhausted state. General Matthews called a halt soon enough, saying the pincushioning of a mate was in poor form, given the state said mate was now in. 
Damian was ordered to take over the rod, Marcus and Jeff were told to get the dinghy and nets out onto the water while Jake, the squad's best diver, was sent under to see just what the hook had snagged on that couldn't be brought in by rod alone. 


  1. Very good River. Wonder what the hook was snagged on, I expect you have something in mind !

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I'm thinking something submerged that moved when first hooked to cause the reel to spin out.

  2. Hmmm, i hope he didn't just snag a tree root. If so, he may well be teased mercilessly by that crew.

    1. messymimi; it has just got to be something more interesting than a tree root.

  3. Hooray for a General who discourages pincushioning. Sadly I think he is a rare breed.
    And loved your take on these difficult prompts.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I really had no idea where the words would take me.

  4. I sure wouldn't want to be pincushioning. The term sound painful

    1. peppylady (Dora); it's just teasing, which some people call needling, so I made it pincushioning.

  5. This tale of yours reminds me of the time my ex and I were fishing from the banks of the Maroochy River shortly after we'd relocated from Brisbane to live on the Sunshine Coast. Rod in hand, his line was cast...and suddenly it took off like a bullet...reel spinning. His line had been picked up by the wind and he'd hooked onto a truck travelling on the nearby bridge!!! I still laugh about that incident! :)

    1. Lee; that's definitely something to laugh about and I did when I read it.

    2. HA! I've caught lots of strange things while fishing, but never a TRUCK! That' priceless.

  6. Whew! I was worried when I saw that "toes" was one of the words. Your usage was a relief to my foot-hating psyche.

  7. Great use of the words. I hope you're going to follow up on this one, so we know what he hooked. (Or what hooked him...) That initial hit while fishing is always exhilarating, but I've never experienced a situation as exhausting as this. (Then again, I was YOUNG. HA!)

    Have a super weekend, dear lady.

    1. Susan; whether or not I follow up on this depends on the words in the weeks to come.

  8. I'd love to know what snagged the line! A body? Treasure? In this country it would probably be an old pram or a supermarket trolley!

    1. jabblog; out here it might be a supermarket trolley too, but they are camping far away from civilisation, so it could be anything.

  9. I was thinking something more than a fish for Nathan and then I got to laughing about Lee's ex. That was funny.

    1. It was the de-sexed body of the local philandering Priest who was finally brought to book by unknown local assailants . Very Gory.

    2. Arkansas Patti; I was thinking of a fish at first, but don't really know what it might be now.

  10. Vest; I don't think I could go that way.

  11. Of course my love for all things creepy crime shows went immediately to a dead body or just a torso with only one identifying tattoo. - You are great at these!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; I really don't know which way to go on the snagged item. There are so many possibilities.

  12. maybe they snagged a whale or a pirate ship? good story.

    have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; I have them near a river, so I don't think a whale, but a small ship might have once made its way up long ago.

  13. I am curious as to what was snagged, something unusual I hope. Interesting take on the words which were challenging.



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