Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here.

This week's words/prompts are:

1. false 

2. moon 
3. whispers 
4. broken 
5. lies 
6. tree 


1. body 
2. night 
3. black 
4. cry 
5. water 
6. action 

Here is my story: 

The whispers coming from my parents room were quiet, but I knew what they were saying. The never-ending discussion over names for the new baby had been happening for weeks. 

It was a welcome change form the previous weeks, with talks of the false advertising, broken promises and outright lies told by politicians as the elections came nearer. 
I'd tried to understand it all, but I guess I'm still too young. 

Old enough to see that mum is really close to having the baby though, and I'm excited to soon be meeting my new brother or sister. I know most of the other girls in my class would prefer to have a sister to share things with, but I'd quite like to have a brother. 

I stared out my window at the full moon, half hidden by the branches of the old oak tree, around the moon, no stars at all could be seen, the night was black as coal. I closed the curtains and snuggled down under the blankets, winter was approaching and I was glad dad had been up to the attic to get the winter bedding out of storage. 

I was just drifting off to sleep when an excited cry from my mother startled me awake. "Russell, my water has broken! It's time, finally, to heave this body into the car and get going." I heard dad leap out of bed and race down to my room. 

"Action stations kiddo! Time for me to get your mum to the hospital. Go to the back bedroom and wake up grandma, but gently. Or maybe not. You're ten, you'll be fine until morning, then take her in a cup of tea and let her know we are at the hospital, okay?" 

I waved them goodbye and decided to wake grandma after all, we could have a little midnight feast together and maybe she would tell me more about babies and what I should do when mum comes home with one. 


  1. I love the ending where the character gets to have a midnight feast with Gram. That made me smile!

    1. The Happy Whisk; I thought that was a great idea too, a little alone time to discuss the future after being an only child for so long.

  2. This is a delightful story. It is still pitch black here (no full moon) but I was right there with your characters. And yes, I do hope she does have that midnight feast with her grandmother.

    1. Elephant's Child; Grandma is a big fan of midnight feasts. Thank you.

  3. I really enjoyed this story. What a neat kid, great family and I hope she gets her brother.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, I aimed for happy since everyone else went the other way. She gets her brother.

  4. Well done, not easy to pack all those words into sa short well constructed story!

    I have just one question for your "Unknown" commenter. Why doesn't DOCTOR SIKAMA have a cure for Covid-19?

    1. joeh; thank you, I enjoy these Wednesday challenges and usually try for happy. Unknown has been booted out.

  5. Smart move to have a midnight might be the last peaceful one for a while! :)

    Good story, River. :)

    1. Lee; I think you may be right about that. At least until the new baby is old enough to participate.

  6. I didn't even noticed the words, just the story. This is awesome. Babies.

    1. Susan Kane; thank you. I love it when people don't notice the words, it means the story holds the focus. I love babies too.

  7. Lovely story. Now did she have a boy or a girl! I guess we may never know.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; Let's go with a boy, just because.

  8. Bravo! It wasn't easy to construct an upbeat story from that list of words, but you carried it off brilliantly. Great job! Take care, and have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; thank you, I wanted something happier than what everyone else wrote.

  9. What fun, a new baby, and a midnight snack to celebrate!

    1. messymimi; I'm a big fan of new babies and midnight snacks.

  10. As an only child I always want a sibling

    1. Dora; I wasn't an only child, but I was alone for several years after mum left and took my siblings with her.

  11. I love the cheeriness of this little jewel of a story, River. I could feel the warmth of that family :)

    1. jenny_o; thank you. I do like happy families.

  12. I think we all needed this happy ending. In my mind she got a baby brother too. :) - I wish I could have one more midnight snack with my grandma. She's been gone so long...

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; I never knew my grandmothers, but I wish I had done midnight feasts with my kids, or even the grandkids.

  13. I got a baby brother.
    We named him in his second name as my first "boy friend" cause I thoughh I can play with this one right away.
    In church, when he got marriedd, LOL, the pastor accidentially took that name and FIL to be went, "who is Thomas????"
    I nearly fell off the church-chair! Try not to laugh!

    Can you imgagine. It took him years to play with me ;-)
    And now he´smy best friend. And no one calls him Thomas. I call him "Brüderchen" and he calls me "Schwesterchen" and he started this, too. We´re adults. I guess. His kids always give us strange looks....


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