Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by Lee and can be found here.

This week's words/prompts are:

1. faultless 
2. anticipation 
3. quota 
4. development 
5. sculpture 
6. transform  

1. literally 
2. privilege 
3. perpetual 
4. refresh 
5. platform 
6. ply  

Here is my story:  

In the heat of a summer night, I lay in the shadow of the huge oak tree, feeling the grass warm beneath me, and cried. 
Twenty years ago, I had not known it was possible to be so deeply unhappy. 
Twenty years ago, I stood tall, as if on a platform, heady with the anticipation of all that life had to offer me. 
I would take charge of my future development, transform myself, literally. I had thought the plan was faultless
I would ply my skills and work hard. I fulfilled every quota asked of me, the more they asked, the harder I worked.
 I did not see the downfall coming, did not feel the perpetual tiredness creeping in, 
I felt it was a privilege to be asked so often to work extra hours. Surely this meant I was valued? 
But now, twenty years later, I felt it had all been for nothing. 
I felt unable to refresh myself. 
I had so little enthusiasm left, a sculpture would contain more life than this old body. 
I looked up at the full moon and asked through my tears, "where have I gone wrong? The farm is doing so well, yet I feel no enjoyment, this earth does not speak to me." 
I lay exhausted and a moonbeam shone on my face. 
I heard a whisper, "you have done no wrong, but you have forgotten your true home. You are not a child of the earth, you are a spirit of the sea and sorely in need of the soothing waves, the salty air. You must return to the ocean and daily feel the sand beneath your feet. Make a new life beside the sea."


  1. This is beautiful. I suspect that many of us would be happier if we were able to listen to those whispers...

    And, off topic, I notice you were up early again and assume insomnia. I am sorry.

    1. Elephant's Child; up early because I spent most of yesterday sleeping because of the sore muscles and will spend more time lying down today. I really hope it eases soon, I can't do anything for even an hour before having to lie down again.

  2. Never had lived by a sea. But sand in toes is quite the thing

    1. Dora; I'm the only one in my family who likes the beach, not a single one of my kids like it.

  3. Wonderful, River...well written.

    I'll meet you on the foreshore! :)

  4. nicely done. I think I am more of a sea person too.

    1. joeh; thank you. I don't know many sea people.

  5. Lovely to read and so pleased you found where you should be - by the sea and I know you loving looking at it and walking by the sea, on the beach...
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. I'm not there yet, still living in a housing trust flat close to the city, just one lottery win away from a home by the beach, ha ha.

  6. My spouse loved the sea. Beautiful story River.

  7. "Look always to the sea!" Huh, I don't know where that one came from. Tantalizing story.

    1. Charlotte; I always look to the sea, it's over in the west where the sun sets and I like to see the clouds changing colours.

  8. Me too. I have been away from the sea for 16 years and your story stirs in me the need to go back.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I plan to go soonish and walk along the sand again, as I do several times a year.

  9. I think you wrote down my adult life.

    1. Iris Flavia; you are similar then, too long away from where you need to be.

  10. So beautiful. The ocean felt so real. Getting back to one's source of is indeed renewal.

  11. A simple story:

    Polishing a sculpture after its completion, Anthony ran fingers over its faultless stone surface. Recalling how he had viewed the stone with anticipation and planned its development, Anthony also recalled the thrill of transforming stone into magic. There was no quota when it came to creation. Creation had no limit.

    1. Susan Kane; I like this very much, I always admire those who can turn a lump of stone, of any kind, into something beautiful. You're right about getting back to one's source too, I'm really feeling the need to see and smell the ocean lately.

  12. I loved this story. I'm more of a Great Lakes girl. :) No salt. No sharks. Nothing to sting me but still beautiful beaches and waves that people do wind surf on. I miss the Great Lakes. Lake Michigan was 2 blocks from my house. Out here in Idaho we have the beautiful mountains but we are land locked and that sucks.

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; we don't have any great lakes out here, we are a dry country. There is Lake Eyre in the middle somewhere, but it rarely has any water, relying entirely on almost non-existent rainfall and it is salty.

  13. Beautifully well-written. :) I'm a sea girl, too, so any time I visit the ocean, I feel like I've come home. Something about the never-ending rhythm of the waves really resonates with me and fills me with peace.

    1. Susan; the waves, yes, especially stormy waves crashing against rocks if there are any rocks, not all our beaches have them, but what I like most is the salty air, which can't always be tasted, but it reduces my asthma and hayfever so much I almost don't need the inhalers and antihistamines. and just looking at that blue horizon is so calming.

  14. My ideal would be to live where the sea is before me, and mountains behind. A very good tale.

    1. messymimi; I would love that too! Thank you.


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