Sunday Selections # 527

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others, Andrew is one.

 Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

A random selection again today: 

we have had some very pretty skies lately

my borage plants are flowering, the buds are pink to begin and blue once they open

look how much brighter the colours are when I accidentally use the flash, I prefer the natural look

Meg and Gillian discussing what to do for the day

while this little monitor looks like he has a virus

the lovely deep yellow yolk of my lunchtime free-range egg

this is the water after I rinsed out my dusting cloth I should probably dust more often, right?

Harvey Banana has a new bongo drum, L'il Hector would love to have a go at it

the girls are happy with their new autumn coloured mat, I think it should be bigger but it will do for now.

they have decided to play cards,

Me: what game are you playing?

Meg: we don't know any games

Gillian: we just pick up cards and throw them down like we've seen in the movies


  1. Hehe Meg and Gillian playing cards. I love their story.

    1. Charlotte; Meg and Gillian found my miniature cards while I was cleaning the shelf they were on and have claimed them as their own.

  2. The girlettes playing cards, no rules! the best way to play! Your dust water looks nearly drinkable, just add some sugar...There are eight orphans living here now! Word got out I guess. They are getting ready to collect chocolate eggs that the rabbit drops.

    1. Linda Sue; eight orphans! I hope the Easter Bunny has enough eggs. I can't drink the dust water, I'm not allowed sugar. Yet I'm eating Easter Eggs, Ha Ha!

  3. Loving your selections this week - and am sure the girls will have a heap of fun playing cards. There is no cheating in their game either - and my brothers ALWAYS cheated at card games.

    1. Elephant's Child; I showed the girls how to play patience but the game would never come out and later I found why, a couple of cards had been lost under the TV chair earlier.

  4. Always enjoy a visit with Meg and Gillian. Nice mat for card playing and hey, rules just get in the way. You go girls.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the girls are fun and the mat is a good enough size, they both fit on at least.

  5. All your little housemates look very happy and content. I suppose they're all running around on an Easter egg hunt this morning!

    I hope you're enjoying your Easter weekend, River...take good care. Have a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the girls did have an Easter Egg hunt and I took photos which you will see next week. Lola says purr purr to Remy and Shama.

  6. Replies
    1. Dora; those are very small cards, 5 1/2 cm by 3 1/4 cm, smaller than the palm of my hand. They look big because the girlettes are small, only 7 1/2 or 8 inches tall.

  7. The movie card game. I must remember that.

    1. Joanne; I don't know when the girlettes are watching movies, I don't have the tv on during the day. I suspect they are watching after midnight.

  8. Heeheehee! You need to teach them Go Fish.

    Those are lovely skies and borage flowers.

    1. messymimi; go fish is a good idea, but they might misunderstand and ask for fishing rods.
      Sadly, the borage is no more. I went out this morning to water and found nothing but stems and caterpillar droppings. :(

  9. Your egg reminds me of when we had chickens, and were getting over a dozen eggs a day. They WERE delicious, but not even a family of four eats over a dozen eggs a day. Hick was giving them away to anybody who would take them. Now that we don't have fresh eggs, thanks to the chicken-killing neighbor dogs, we rarely eat an egg. Those store bought eggs can't compare to a fresh one from the yard. Except a free range egg, which we don't buy.

    1. Val; these store bought free range eggs are more expensive than the usual "free range" but for the better taste I am happy to pay just over $9 for a dozen in jumbo size. I remember getting the same colour and taste from my daughter when she had chickens and brought me eggs.
      Why do you not buy free range eggs?
      Here we have farms that follow the guide lines for free range eggs which states that to be "free range" a chicken farm cannot have more than 15,000 hens per hectare, which is a LOT of hens in my opinion, and these are the farms the major supermarkets buy from. The eggs are pale and tasteless. I buy from a brand that carries only 14 hens per hectare, and that seems much more humane to me, and the eggs are always delicious and sometimes double yolked.

    2. We don't eat many eggs, and I don't cook much with them. At one time, we had 31 chickens running around free as a bird! Then those neighbors moved in across the road, with their killer dogs who ate one or two chickens a day. Of course they were sorry when the dogs brought the dead chickens home. Of course they tried to keep their dogs on their own property. 31 chickens later, we are virtually eggless. Yes, we got double yolks, too! Hick was always excited and had to show me when he cracked one open.

  10. Meg and Gillian sure have a great time together, love to see this!
    Poor monitor!

    Hmmm, that egg! I only have cheese. (OK, cause I´m lazy and watching a fairy-tale, munching along - i planned on eggs, they sit in the fridge and think, "WHAT?! It´s Easter!! What are we waiting for?!").

    Hehe... the water! LOL!

    I hear the jungle, Harvey!

    Girls, play Mau-Mau? I near to always won, boy, that Ingo kept playing with me... Looking for cards!

    1. Iris flavia; Harvey is surprised that you can hear him drumming from so far away.
      I don't know what Mau-Mau is.

    2. We played Mau-Mau (English link) endlessly in Australia. Even for two it´s funny. Better certainly with more people, super-easy, too (actually for kids, I guess).

  11. Nice sky indeed. How many chemicals did it take for the egg yolk to be that yellow? Borage has always sounded edible to me, but I don't really know. Yes, you should dust more often, you dirty housewife (old personal joke).

    1. Andrew; yolks are a deeper colour when hens get enough fresh greens in their diet, when my daughter had chickens they roamed the whole side acre eating fresh greens, table scraps and bugs from the garden. The yolks were always that colour you see here, she certainly didn't feed them any chemicals.
      I've heard that borage is edible, but I grew it for the bees, sadly the caterpillars got to it and now there is nothing left.

  12. I love eggs - and so does Mrs PM but she recently found out that she is allergic to them - she's not happy.




    1. Plasman; I'm so sorry to hear that, does this mean she can never eat just eggs or never eat anything that contains eggs, like cake and mayonnaise.

    2. She can eat some things that contain eggs but she has to be careful. Basically it makes her feel a little nauseous - nothing worse than that.




  13. You guys have the prettiest and most interesting flowers and birds.

  14. Replies
    1. MM; but you don't look like one (old Aussie joke, just in case you've forgotten that one)
      Do you get decent eggs where you are?

  15. Lovely flowers. Great game of cards by my favorites Meg and Gillian. Hope Hector got a go at the bongos.

    1. Granny Annie; I don't think Hector got to try the bongo yet, it's a bit too tall for him.

  16. Your girlettes have the most fun together—simple pleasures!
    I hope it is cooling off there and you all can go outside for an adventure soon—I am eager to see the landscape (ocean scale?) where you live!

    1. Fresca; it is beginning to cool off here, certainly the nights are cooler but days are still too warm, for me anyway, today is 28C (82.4F) and tomorrow is going to be 31C (87.8F) which used to be comfortable for me, but not as I get older. Can you Google Earth to see Adelaide South Australia? Then you will see how close we are to the ocean. Adelaide has many kilometres of beaches, with the city spread along the coastline, so any beach is usually only 20-30 minutes drive if you live on the other side of town. For me, I have to catch a bus to the city, then a bus or tram to the beach, or a train if I want to go to a different beach. The tram only goes to Glenelg Beach and my favourite beach is Semaphore Beach. I used to live there and would like to again someday $$$ permitting.

    2. Wow--I looked at pictures of Adelaide and Semaphore Beach---awesome--yes, I can see you're right on the ocean (Vincent Bay)! The Botanical Garden looks like just my sort of thing!
      I'm with you: I don't like hot weather either---anything over 28C... Ugh.


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