Sunday Selections # 529

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others, Andrew is one.  Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

full moon

waning moon a couple of days later, about 10am

look, we can see ourselves

I like my new blue bow

my new winter coat has arrived, head to toe warmth. Mum ordered it before Gillian came, so now she has to order another one :)

what are we doing in the kitchen?

I'm looking for more Easter chocolate. Help me? Of course

we can't get the cupboard open

never mind, let's have a concert instead

Lola, please look at the camera

thank you

my tiny Christmas Cactus is big enough to see without a magnifying glass now, it's about five inches tall.

this entire Jade hedge is confused and thinks it is spring

with every bush covered in flower buds 

I have two new plants these are a variety of Peperomia

I went out to read the label, but all it says is designer peperomia

Lady Olga has taken over the chicken watching duties

this is a ten cent piece I found when I moved one of the garden pots, grubby, but recognisable with it's lyre bird feathers


  1. What a wonderful winter coat for Meg!!! SCORE!
    Looking forward to seeing what coat Gillian gets.

    I can't get enough of their adventures---they bring such joy!
    Thanks for sharing them.
    (And I hope they eventually got some leftover Easter treats?)

    1. Fresca; I can order the exact same coat for Gillian, or use a shorter pale blue on I already have. The long one only comes in the one brown colour, it's a Barbie accessory. There are no left over Easter treats.

  2. Your girls dress so well! The ones living here are not accustomed to finer things. and i will not put that bug in their ears- - they are too rough and ready. Some may say "uncivilized" . You are heading into winter as our blossoms are blooming and the sun has shown up finally! I love how that happens- For two years , because i like winter, I followed it around the globe. Winters in Melbourne were like summers here, though.
    Your girls make me glad!!

    1. Linda Sue; the girls are wearing Barbie things mostly, with the sleeves and legs cut to fit. They also have a couple of Ken Doll tracksuits for the colder weather, I thought they would fit better because his waist is not so narrow as Barbie's. I knitted a skirt yesterday, following a Skipper doll pattern, it didn't quite work out, but I know now where to adjust it, so I'll try again and hopefully make them one each. I have sewing patterns now too, but nowhere to set up the sewing machine.

  3. Your moon shots are lovely.
    Hooray for the girls, adventuring together. And the garden. Spring is popping up here too - confused plants that confuse me.

    1. Elephant's Child; I spotted the moon on my way home from the shop and hoped it would hang around long enough for me to get the camera. I wonder if Mother Nature is as confused as the plants?

  4. Love how the girls seem to work together so well and bet Gillian will be excited to get her winter coat also.
    Ha ha, Lola really minds well for a cat.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Lola rarely minds that well, she is the queen of ignoring. I haven't ordered Gillian's coat yet, the first one took months to arrive! I do have a shorter pale blue one that will do.

  5. Lola is such a beautiful girl. She's looking very content, indeed. Cuddles to her from me. I hope you have a great week ahead, River...take care. :)

    1. Lee; Lola is surprisingly content lately, possibly because my own mood is happier.

  6. I am so jealous of you and all the love and care you give to Meg and Gillian. Their daily adventure are the best!

    1. Granny Annie; no need to be jealous, you can get your own little dolls and have adventures with them.

  7. At times people mention plants doing unseasonable things but seldom to they follow up. How about reporting back on what happens to the jade buds in a month's time.

    1. Andrew; many of the buds are showing pink at the tips, I fully expect they will open, but not last as long as the spring show. There is one low down branch that is showing odd signs of dying, withering and browning of leaves, as if someone has sprayed poison on it. I'll remove it next time I am out there.

  8. New clothes are fun, as long as i don't have to go to the store to get them. Online is better.

    It's great to follow along on the girls' adventures.

    Enjoy those beautiful plants!

    1. messymimi; online is better for doll clothes, but for myself I need to try things on, as I am short and round, so things bought online often don't fit.

  9. Meg's green dress is incredible! So is Lola. What a beauty.

    1. Joanne; That's Gillian in the green dress, and what a lucky find to have something fit so perfectly. I have ordered more from the same seller in different colours for next summer. Lola is being very well behaved lately.

  10. That's a great moon photo.




  11. Thank you for continuing the story of Meg and Gillian. I hope they fnd something else if the easter eggs have all been found.

    1. Charlotte; they didn't find anything else since there are currently no snacks in the house. I tend to eat too many myself and I'm trying to lose a few dozen pounds.

  12. Of course I'm jealous of your 10 cent coin! I like the girls' hair ribbons, and their piano concert. That's a pretty pose for Lola.

    1. Val; thank you, the girls love giving concerts. Lola rarely poses so nicely.

  13. Wow to the moon and BIG WOW on Meg´s green dress!
    Hope to let go of my winter coat soon. 7C right now.
    And Lola!!!!
    Cute cactus.
    Oh, I have to post the pennies we got.
    See. I still have Aussie-money here, coins and notes, sitting here, stuck, like us. So sad.
    Hope the coin brings you luck :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; I was happy to find a dress that actually fit the doll. I hope the coin brings me luck too.


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