Sunday Selections #113

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. go on over to The Elephant's Child to see what she has posted for her Sunday Selections.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I have sunbeams and reflections for you.  And a solar powered wind spinner.

I'd been in the kitchen making a coffee and came back to see this.

the sun had moved across the sky and was coming in through the front door,

and was reflecting off the the chrome edge of the speaker on the laptop.

Then when I went out to the porch to check on how my washing was drying,

I saw sunbeams across my cabinet. 

I remember being glad to have so much sun that day, I was hoping it would power up the new solar powered spinner I'd just hung off the canopy over my front window.

this is it.
The flat round section just under the hook has a solar panel on top which is connected to a colour changing light bulb glued into the glass sphere hanging inside the spinner frame.

At night the sphere lights up and changes colour.



blue which then becomes purple, you can see it beginning to change here.

There is a yellow very briefly between the red and green but Iwas unable to catch it, and the purple also doesn't stay very long before going back to red.

The photos are a little blurry because it was windy, so the whole thing was spinning as it is supposed to.

After I'd had it hanging for a couple of weeks, I noticed the sphere had dropped away from the bulb and was resting within the frame, so I took the whole thing down, glued it back in with super glue and hung it back up. It's attached by cable tie, so should stay up for a long time.


  1. I'd like the solar spinner but nowhere to hang it.

  2. I love all the solar powered lawn gizmo's out these days.

  3. I love your sunbeams and your spinner. Could I ask where you got it? The skinny one would love it.

  4. Hi River,

    This was brilliant in more ways than one. And thanks for reminding about sunbeams and something called the sun. Seems but a distant memory as a relentless blizzard I see beyond my window.

    A peaceful rest of the weekend to you.


  5. I love it! Where can I buy one? Ta!

  6. River,
    I have never seen anything like this. But I've heard there are many new solar things on the market. Good photos.

  7. And I am so woefully behind the times this is my first introduction to solar powered lawn art. I'm off to locate some!

  8. What a unique set of pictures! I especially like that solar powered spinner. I've never seen anything quite like that before.

  9. Andrew: I had trouble deciding where to hang mine, the window canopy is really the only place, but I had to get out the big ladder.

    Delores; I'd buy so much more solar powered stuff if i only had somewhere to put it all.

    Elephant's Child; Cheap As Chips online, I don't think they're in the stores.

    klahanie; another blizzard?? Never mind, have another look at my sunbeams.

    mm; if you're in Australia, the spinners were available at Cheap As Chips online. Not sure if they still are.

    Manzanita; I love solar powered garden stuff.

    Joanne; do an online search and see the wonderful variety now available.

    Susan; I'm not sure what the USA equivalent of our Cheap As Chips stores would be, but maybe you could do an online search.

  10. It's wonderful when we have the time to enjoy things like reflections and shaddows.
    Those spinners are a delight and I must try and find some online.
    I have solar lights in the garden which can be a tad unreliable but they don't cost much so can be replaced.
    Thanks for the pics. : )

  11. I've never heard of a solar spinner - would love to hang something similar from our balcony here.... (off to look online)

    Oh and I'm doing 'Sunday Selections' today too and have linked to you! K xo

  12. Mimsie; reflections and shadows are some of my favourite things. reflections because they can show things in reverse, like trees in a lake, or add sparkle to a wall; shadows because they are constantly changing.

    Kath Lockett; the spinners are still available online from cheap as chips, maybe your mum can send you one?
    I've just left your Sunday Selections, those animals are creepy, I'm not surprised no one goes there.

  13. I love hanging crystals in my windows to catch rainbows and find them in the house unexpectedly!


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