think on this for a while

Did you know it is possible to speak for a whole minute and not use the letter A even once?

Do you know how?

Think about it and let me know.
If nobody gets it, I'll let you know how it's done.


  1. Say things like, "Mm hmm" and "uh-huh" and "yep" for a minute on your end of a "conversation."

    Ok, that's my guess.

    That, or this is a smarty-pants riddle and you would say we are not using letters when we speak, but that letters only somewhat approximately represent speech sounds. :)

  2. It's a conundrum for sure.

  3. Happy Elf Mom; sorry, that's not it.
    It is a smarty-pants riddle though. Sort of.

    Delores; I was surprised when I found out.

  4. Maybe if they spoke Welsh....?

  5. I'll not give it away but perhaps you got this from reading A Wanted Man which I read recently. Jack Reacher showed how it could be done at the end of the book. Am I right?

  6. Elephant's Child; giving up so soon?
    You're as bad as me.

    Kath Lockett; no Welsh involved.

    The Wicked Writer; I'll tell you then. In a minute.

    Mimsie; I knew you'd know.

    The answer is......count out loud from one to one hundred, it should take you about a minute and you won't need the letter A until you get to one hundred And one.

  7. I've no idea, but you have some clever responses here! :-)


  8. Pearl; the answer is the last sentence in the comment above you.

  9. Groan. Clever, and now I feel inadequate. Thank you.

  10. Counting is not speaking though.

  11. Elephant's Child; I did too, all the way through the book as I tried to figure out how that was possible.

    mm; true, but it is a minute of words without the letter A.
    Welcome to drifting.

  12. Re mm's comment. Of course counting is speaking unless you are doning it silently on your fingers perhaps. lol

  13. Mimsie; you're right. I suspect mm was referring to proper conversation.

  14. Ah ha... clever... I had to read the comments to figure it out.


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