childhood memories

How many of us remember desserts that featured yummy vanilla custard?

On its own, over sliced fresh or canned fruit, over a steamed pudding, it was pretty nice.

(not my photo, this is a googled image)
I still like it. Poured over apple pie or crumble.....

When I was wandering around taking riverbank photos last week, I also took photos of this>>>

the old Lion Factory on the corner of North Terrace and Morphett Street here in Adelaide.
This is where the custard powder was manufactured and packaged. 

the yellow "custard" pouring out of the windows is made of metal I believe, or possibly a hard weather proof plastic,

and looks more effective from a distance.
As you can see by the sign, the building is now an Arts Centre.

look at that wonderful old brickwork.

the whole building has been maintained rather well.
Except for that "I" in LION. That needs a coat of paint. 

even the stone Lion is still up there surveying his territory.
He's been there as long as I can remember.

Did you enjoy custard desserts as a child?


  1. Pretty impressive old building. I know we had custards and a lot of tapiocas. I think we always had some dessert but no one seems to eat them much now.

  2. I did and still do on the odd occasion. I don't remember Lion though. We usually had Foster Clarke's.

  3. I'm afraid I have never been a fan of custard....but I really like that old lion.

  4. Only on Christmas pudding loaded with brandy or in my mother's secret trifle recipe loaded with sherry.

  5. I like cold custard not hot.
    Merle....... ..........

  6. Wonderful the building has been maintained and has a new life. A subject near and dear to many hearts.

    I remember custard, too, but made in the top of a double boiler, with eggs and milk. I had too much of it from my grandmother to appreciate instant, when it came out, or even the stuff from the box that mom cooked.

  7. Loved it and still do but rarely have it these days altho' I believe it is OK for diabetics. I do cheat and occasionally buy ready made custard.
    Our brand over here was always Foster Clarke's. Mum used to make the custard using Sunshine Milk powder. It was never lumpy and I liked it hot or cold.
    That old building is fantastic and I'd be getting in touch with the people responsible for it now and suggest someone do something about that I. The idea of the custard pouring out of the windows...brilliant.
    I must ask Phil if he remembers that building from his 2 years living in Adelaide. Long time ago though.

  8. Manzanita; we had custards and sagos in the winter almost every day, in the summer it was canned peaches and custard and icecream on Sundays. Sago is seed tapioca.

    Andrew; I haven't seen Lion brand custard powder for years, the packet in my pantry right now is Foster Clark's. There are still Lion brand products on the shop shelves though, things like scone mix and pastry mix.

    Delores; he's wonderful isn't he?

    JahTeh; I've never had custard with any type of alcohol in it, just the vanilla or chocolate flavours. I love hot custard over Christmas pudding, but I'm not a big fan of trifle. I used to pour custard over failed cakes and call them puddings when they didn't rise properly and stayed heavy and sticky.

    Merlesworld; I like both, but on cold custard I have to remove the skin. Just can't stand the feel of it in my mouth.

    Joanne; it has been an Arts building for years now, I wish more of our old buildings could be used for other purposes too. I've never had the double boiler type of custard but I often make baked egg custards with a sprinkle of nutmeg on them.

    Mimsie; I have custard quite often in the winter months, usually over something like apple pie or apricot tart, sometimes over canned fruit. I like the ready made ones available in the dairy section, but sometimes still make my own. That building has been in Adelaide as long as I can remember so Phil probably would remember it. It's right next to the Morphett Street Bridge.

  9. Custard tarts are what I buy now but would really go crazy for a steamed pudding with custard. On a recent trip to Cairns I bought a custard tart in a bread shop at Babinda and it had real fair dinkum Custard. You can tell the difference.

  10. I love custard and it featured a lot in our house when we were growing up. I'm from a very large family, so mum made dessert stretch by using her own stewed or bottled fruits and lashings of custard. She occasionally used Lion's custard powder, but not when gran was there as she'd have had a blue fit - evertything from scratch for her :-) We had our own chickens, so the eggs were not an expense and her custards were so beautiful and yellow.

    These days I'm forced to make it from scratch as there is no custard powder here. I could buy some overpriced Birds powder from an English specialty shop in Stockholm, but it's just as easy to make it myself. We love it on puddings and crumbles. It's autumn up here in the North Pole, so ideal custard weather.

    I remember that building well and I'm so glad that it's getting a second lease of life as an Arts centre. I remember when the Jam Factory on Payneham Road was turned into a crafts centre and thought it was a great use of the space without the need to simply demolish it.

  11. What a lovely building. We didn't have much custard growing up, still don't really. I'm not really one for desserts.

  12. R.H. a proper custard tart has baked egg custard, I've made my own a few times.

    Marie; Mum used to stretch our desserts with custard too, a slice of pudding then the custard poured over to nearly fill the bowl.
    I've never made custard from scratch, not the pouring kind, can you supply me with a recipe please? I've made baked egg custards.
    As far as I know The Jam Factory on Payneham Road is still there and is still a crafts centre. It's on my list of things to check.

    Fenstar; I'm a dessert girl. I blame my mum who always said if we ate our dinner we'd get sweets.


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