Sunday Selections # 141

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.
Kim spends more time writing at The Shake these days.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
There are a couple of other participants now though:
Jackie K at Working Through It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of the gardens surrounding these flats I live in.

In these gardens, Spring has sprung with a vengeance. 
Alternately I have a stuffy head, itchy eyes, and a nose that gushes like a waterfall. Sneezing too.
Here's why>>>

the bottle brush trees are so heavy with blooms I'm surprised they don't fall over.

likewise the native frangipani, a mass of yellow and white blossoms from top to bottom.

everyone's rose bushes are covered in gorgeous blooms, some scented, some not

the path along the other end of the driveway.....

up towards the main road.....

is lined with these low growing pinky red roses.

My favourite tree in the whole neighbourhood,

is this lemon scented wattle in the yard right next to the flats.

the scent from this right now is the most glorious thing on earth and I wish I lived in the flat right beside it. I would sit on my porch breathing it in 24 hours a day. Sadly, I'm at the far end of the driveway, but I can smell this every time I walk past to the bus stop.

just look at how wide this tree is, it takes me 19 steps to walk past it.

Clicking on any of these to enlarge them will show you just how dense the flowers are on all these trees.

the very first flower has opened on my Erigerons, (the seaside daisies).

And I had a visitor early yesterday morning.....

this crow (or raven, which one has the blue eyes?) was eating a piece of bread out on the grass, so I got the camera and stood just inside the screen door and tried to focus in through the wire. He heard me and came closer to investigate, but when I took the photo the noise frightened him away.



  1. Lemon scented wattle is such a treat. I have a lemon verbena growing in the back yard, and will often brush up against it just to revel in the scent.
    I loved this post - including the crow/raven. (Ravens are larger - which doesn't help when you don't have the comparison bird there.)

  2. These are pictures of glorious! Spring on view.

  3. Lucky you with spring springing out all over.

  4. I'm a country girl tree hugger, but did not know trees like those even existed!! I want a wattle and a lemon whatever you call it.

    Send them to: NEED THOSE TREES IN THE USA.

  5. The white & yellow frangipani is my favorite flower in the world--& I'm sorry about your nose!!

  6. I am not familiar with either the native frangipani or the lemon scented wattle. They are quite spectacular.

    I think we only have ravens in the south of Australia.

  7. Wonderful smells but I know what you mean plays up with noses mine included, lots of flowers this year.
    Merle............. ............ ...........

  8. What a visual treat. You are having spring and we are starting to get autumn.

    I raven over this post.

    A good remainder of your Sunday, River.

    Gary :)

  9. Beautiful! For this Sunday Selections I went with Spring too, but unfortunately that little daisy is the only flower of yours I have in my garden!

  10. The colors and smells of spring are so gorgeous; too bad they bring all that pesky pollen with them. We have a good bit of sneeze-inducing, scratchy-eyes, coughing kinda pollen year-round, but spring is the worst. Still, it's worth it, isn't it?

  11. Elephant's Child; when I win the lotto (ha ha) I'm buying a property with enough space for a perimeter of native frangipani, with an inner perimeter of lemon scented wattles. Then lemon verbenas, which I had one of the home where my daughter now lives. I took a cutting and brought it here, but it has died. I'll have to get another.

    Joanne; it's wonderful. Everywhere I look are hundreds of flowers.

    Delores; it seems to be springing out with much more vigour this year.

    lotta joy; wattles are also known as Acacia and there are many different varieties, you could check with your local nursery to see if any are available near you. Not all wattles are fragranced. Likewise with a lemon verbena which is a smallish shrub rather than a tree.

    fishducky; I like both types of frangipani, but prefer the native one as it grows more upright. The ones most people know are the flowers used in Hawaiian leis and I like the varied colours available, the native one only has the white and yellow smaller flowers.

    Andrew; they are beautiful trees. I'll call the bird a raven then.

    Merlesworld; the lemon wattle is the best ever and it doesn't affect my nose. Everything else though, I have to make sure there is plenty of antihistamine in the house.

    klahanie; it's a very visual treat, a veritable feast for the eyes.

    Jackie K; I'll be over to see your site soon.

    Susan; spring is really wonderful, as long as I have enough antihistamine available. Without it spring is migraine city around here. I have year round hayfever too from other things.

  12. Same here River; I woke up sneezing this morning!!
    There are large wattle trees next door and in our garden and the one on the other side the bottlebrush are in glorious flower. There are also lots of daisies of different colour and the weeping peppermints are in full flowers and they are notorious for hay fever and even asthma as well.
    Your pictures are truly beautiful and thank you so much for sharing with us. I have an idea that little daisy is one we have had for several years out the front and it has spread to cover an area of about 2 metres by 1 metre. The leaves and flower look very similar. Is yours a spreading variety perhaps?

  13. Re ravens vs crows: ravens have several feathers that stick out at the front of their neck and crows don't or at least that is how I understand the difference. We seem to have ravens here in Perth although I believe there are also crows if you look for them, but perhaps more in country areas.

  14. Mimsie; the daisies do spread a little, I've planted a whole row so they can all grow into each other and make a fence. Google images of erigerons or seaside daisies to get a look at how mine will be in a couple of seasons. I find that wattles don't affect me as far as hayfever goes, but lots of other things do.
    I'll have to look up ravens and crows to see which one visited me.

  15. Perhaps the bird was scared of you because you are a crow eater :-) It doesn't look at all like the ravens we get here, which are huge, scary birds. I gather the Oz ones are a whole different group.

    How lovely to see spring bursting out in Adelaide. I love wattle and native frangipani, but remember that mum had severe allergies to it, so we weren't allowed to have it in the house. And that brilliant bottle brush is a joy to see. I went in a nursery here a few months back to buy some plants and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a flowering bottle brush. I could feel myself starting to blub like an idiot. However, I didn't buy it as to survive in this climate, you'd need a heated glasshouse for winter. I could just see it going the same way as that poor tree in Burnside Village, so I left it in the shop and bought a lilac bush instead :-)

  16. We live in such diverse climates. You have the abundance of sunshine and the "right" soil conditions - free draining, that suit such lovely natives as well as roses. Wonderful.

    And, your sweet Erigeron will soon grow into bushes frothy with blossom - such generous pretty, humble plants :)

  17. Marie; he seemed quite curious, coming close to the door to see what I was up to, I think the click of the shutter shied him off. He appeared to be quite a young bird. Whoever was behind the enclosing of that beautiful gum tree at Burnside should be hung, drawn and quartered. How could they possibly think a mature tree grown to full size would somehow survive in an artificial environment. when I think how that tree must have suffered, I cry.

    Vicki; Adelaide has reactive clay soils, but the gardens around here all have a watering system installed and the tenants get out there with hoses too and water their own little patch.

  18. I had å native frangipani but IT died i have å bottle Bush though and å euculyptus, and apricot and å tuliptree and å Almond tree å magnolia å pomagranet,davida tree ,pawpaw trees å golden nectereen. Two pastachios ,roses Lemin balm.honeysuckles.manatoba maples å elm tree and å white ash in the front

  19. I had å native frangipani but IT died i have å bottle Bush though and å euculyptus, and apricot and å tuliptree and å Almond tree å magnolia å pomagranet,davida tree ,pawpaw trees å golden nectereen. Two pastachios ,roses Lemin balm.honeysuckles.manatoba maples å elm tree and å white ash in the front


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