Sunday Selections # 140

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.
Kim spends more time writing at The Shake these days.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been missing in action for quite some time.
There are several other participants now though:I'll add names as I find them.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm down at the riverbank.

I'd gone to the city and wandered around taking photos, then headed down to the riverbank for hot chips and a bottle of water. I'd carried water with me, but had already drank it all. 

Adelaide's River Torrens. Unseen off to the left is the Convention Centre which is currently undergoing some expansion reconstruction, unseen off to the right is the new footbridge construction works.

I sat outside the cafe at a bench facing the river, under the big shady umbrellas, eating hot chips and watching both Popeyes cruising the river. Here one is coming in to the landing while the other is heading out.

the day was very warm and the riverbank was full of people walking, picnicking, and riding the paddleboats. I hadn't seen paddleboats on the river in years.

After I'd eaten, I walked on to the bridge and took "bird's eye view" photos.

Here are Popeye 1 and Popeye 2 again, one coming, one going.

paddleboat steering out of Popeye's path

then I followed the path down to where it goes under the bridge and stood by the edge of the water for this shot. The paddleboats go from the landing to the bridge and then turn back.

this is the view down the river from the bridge towards the zoo. 

From here, I continued on to North Adelaide and kept the camera busy, but those photos are for another day.


  1. Beautiful river peaceful.

  2. I love it. And you have reminded me what a pretty city Adelaide is. Thank you.
    We have paddleboats on the lake - but almost all of them are shaped like swans.

  3. I remember paddle boats one time when I was a young woman. My fellow paddler was not enjoying himself. I'm sorry I never did it again.

  4. Did paddle boats oh so long ago. I wonder how I would do now?

  5. Paddle boats are fun to WATCH. The river must be quite slow flowing there.

  6. The paddle boats would be so fun to use! Wish I had one here.

  7. What a beautiful day.
    I would love to take a trip along the Torrens. A different perspective from the water.
    Thanks River, for the river pics :)


  8. I love those photos River. When I was about 8 or 9 we had a family holiday in Adelaide and I can remember the River Torrens & the Popeye boats. Thanks for the flash-back :-)

  9. Also, any ideas why Blogger is insisting that I comment under my Google ID & not giving me a choice to comment under another ID, now that I've moved my blog?

  10. Delores; it is a very peaceful spot, but that will all change soon. A new football ground is being constructed across the river where the cricket oval used to be. Footy spectators get noisy...

    Elephant's Child; I think swan boats would be very pretty, you'll have to post some photos.

    Joanne; I've never actually paddled a boat, hubby took the two older kids out when they were small, but I was stuck on the bank with the baby in her pram.

    Susan Kane; probably you'd do better than me. I'm not game enough to even try now, my legs ache enough just from walking too far.

    Andrew; watching is better than paddling for us oldies. The river there is actually a man-made lake. The original Torrens was a smallish stream and this section was dredged out and expanded many years ago.

    Letting the Words Escape; for me they're more fun to watch, I don't think I could paddle one.

    sleepydwarf; I like the Popeye trips too, all the way to the zoo and back. No idea about Blogger, but as long as you can comment, does it matter?

  11. Great photos River, I love Adelaide and have spent some time there over the last few years. About time we went over the holiday instead of travelling for work. Remember when the Torrens turned into a mud hole a couple of years ago?

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Great photos River, I love Adelaide and have spent some time there over the last few years. About time we went over the holiday instead of travelling for work. Remember when the Torrens turned into a mud hole a couple of years ago?

    Thanks for sharing.

  13. The Torrens isn't the biggest, wildest or longest river in OZ, but perhaps it's the most charming?? Or is that just your great shots?!?!?!

  14. Kakka; I love Adelaide too, it's an easy city for a quiet shy girl to live in. There's nothing much here that's overwhelming. Yes, the Torrens was pretty yuck through the drought, lots of awful algae bloom too.

    Red Nomad; I do walk along choosing the prettiest spots. Well, I try to choose well.

  15. I love that green paddleboat photo. And what a beautiful day it looks, as well.

  16. I loved your photographs and was surprised to see the Torrens with so much water in it. It is so beautiful and I feel you had a wonderful time down there. Those boats are gorgeous and the paddleboats too...what fun!

  17. How gorgeous the good old Torrens looks (when it's full of water...) It quite brings a tear to my eye.

    I've really missed commenting here, but I've been "locked out" of commenting so many Blogger blogs that I quite gave up. But my clever son figured out the problem (to do with my Firefox settings of all things! Why do computers have to be so darn complicated?) so I'm hoping this one works.

  18. Thank you for the pictures, would love a paddle boat here, would be perfect to walk down the garden and hop on it and wander over the lake!

    I am back, sorry for being AWOL!

  19. Jackie K; that's a good one isn't it? The weather was perfect all day.

    Mimsie; the Torrens is looking much better after the rains. The boats do look like fun but I won't be paddling one. I'm happy to be a passenger if someone else does the paddling though.

    Marie; you're back! I missed you. Glad you got the problem sorted. The Torrens is looking a LOT different now. There's new stuff being constructed....

    Gillie; paddling around would be very relaxing I think, as long as someone else was doing the paddling work. No need to apologise....

  20. Marie; your blog is in Swedish; so I can't read the words, but the pictures are fabulous. Love the basket of apples and those purple plums.


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