what's new in Adelaide?

well, we're building ourselves a new hospital.....want to see?

Here we go then.....

cranes and formwork, slabs of poured and set concrete.....

doesn't look much like a hospital yet.....

but it sure is big.

all this in space that used to be rail lines. Don't worry Jayne, the trains are still running.

and what's that big blocky looking thing over to the side with the communications towers on it?

That's our brand spanking new, not open for business yet, SAHMRI.

what's a SAHMRI?

I'll show you......
this is a SAHMRIand here's what it looks like>>>

very modern, state of the art even, although I'm not exactly sure just what state of the art means....
I've heard people saying they don't like it, but I do. I like it very much.

reminds me of a pineapple.

all those angled bits are window shades.

I saw these men on TV a few days after I took these photos, so now I know what they are doing. Sealing the windows against weather.

reminiscent of the prow of a large ship, one that crashes right through the wharf and starts knocking over cranes etc, like that movie with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.

it's very tall and I wasn't able to get photos of the bottom half, it's all fenced off.

more workers.


  1. My preferences lean towards older architecture - but the SAHMRI is interesting. Futuristic. I am not certain that I like it - but I like that it is there (and love its purpose).

  2. Cutting edge in many ways. I do like the unconventional appearance. Why not; the youngsters who designed it will be looking at it far longer than we.

  3. It's unusual and that always is interesting, look at our opera house most people hated it when it was first built but we all love it now well most people.
    I was just having a chuckle imagining a train running through a hospital it could blow the horn and keep the inmates awake (you know how in hospital they wake you up at some early hour for breakfast} then you can't eat it because it's horrible.

  4. I love to see new & differently styled buildings juxtaposed with old & traditional ones!!

  5. Impressive indeed. I heard about it and now I have seen it. Thansk for sharing the pics.

  6. I hope the inside is as futuristic (medically speaking) as the outside.

    Kinda makes you want to be one of the first patients before all the germs rack up.

  7. Nice building design and engineering.
    At first, it looked to me like a huge grater from the side.
    I do like the corner, "prow" shot.
    I've always liked that in buildings - especially the old Flatiron building in New York. Fascinating.

  8. Your new hospital looks a bit like a ship in drydock at this stage.

  9. The SAHMRI is a very challenging piece of architecture.

  10. Coo-er as we say in my home country!

  11. Elephant's Child; I prefer older style architecture too, mostly, but I think that is because most modern buildings are just square blobs of concrete, or steel and glass that hurts the eyes on a glaring sunshine day. There are some modern buildings in Adeliade that I really like the look of, the Telstra building on the corner of Rundle Mall and Pulteney Street is one. I pictured it here a couple of months ago.

    Joanne; very cutting edge, and interesting to look at which is an important feature. Much nicer to the eye and imagination than a square high rise block.

    Merlesworld; interesting is always good, although not always pretty. Hospitals do start things at ungodly hours, I worked in a hospital kitchen for a while. Remember the old joke where a nurse says "wake up Mr. X, it's time for your sleeping pill"?

    fishducky; it contributes a lot to visual interest. I'm not sure there are any traditional buildings next to the SAHMRI, the new hospital will be modern style for sure, but the old railway building isn't too far away and across the road from the new hospital site is a wonderful old hotel which I forgot to post here.

    mm; I'll take more photos once it is completed and the fences come down.

    lotta joy; we saw part of the inside on a TV news story recently, it isn't ultra futuristic, but it is spacious and well planned.

    Vicki; it does look a bit like a grater. Those design and engineering boys have earned their money on this one. I think it's a great piece of architecture. Now I will have to google the old Flat-iron building in New York.

    Susan Kane; do you like it?

    Delores; the "ship's prow" part belongs to the Health and Medical Research Institute building, which is next to but separate from the new hospital.

    Andrew; yes and very well done too. The boys are to be congratulated.

    Gillie; pretty fantastic isn't it? When I first saw it at a distance from the city I thought it was the new hospital and wondered how they were going to fit beds and equipment in there since it didn't seem big enough. That's why I walked up that way and found it to be the new research building with the much bigger hospital being constructed next to it.

  12. ...but while they spend Millions in Adelaide upgrading they take more and more money out of the country hospitals, many of which have already been closed or cut back way past essential care. So many people must travel to the city for any medical treatment at all that the new hospital will be stuffed full even before it's properly opened.

  13. Kymbo; that's a very sad issue, all those country hospitals are needed right where they are, doesn't the government see this? Not everyone is close enough to a major city should an emergency arise. Even here in Adelaide other hospitals are either closing entirely or closing some of their much needed services.

  14. Just got around to catching up your on blog. I love your floral post...and that blue-eyed black bird! This building at first reminded me of a huge food grater, and then, I saw the "pineapple", all in all a vey interesting, hard to miss building. I watched the Odd Homes Show yesterday and saw all sorts of architecture.

  15. Wow this looks like it's gonna be HUGE. I could not be one of those workers, I'm terrified of heights LOL

  16. Hi River,

    That is a very strange looking building (and I've seen a few on my travels).

    That's a job I would not want.

    I really wish I wasn't scared of heights.




  17. Going by the second-last shot, it looks more like a ghetto-blaster to me.

  18. Linda O'Connell; flowers are always cheery and I've decided the blackbird is a raven. The new building is fantastic.

    OpEx; it is huge. You could be a groundsman and wheel barrows around or something of that nature. Or you could work on the below ground sections. You're not claustrophobic are you?

    Plasman; you could work on the below ground sections :) Maybe you should stick to globe hopping.

    FigMince; it does have that shape depending on which angle you're looking from.

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