
Showing posts from July, 2014

Thursday Thoughts #5

All you parents out there, remember when your kids were little and you thwarted them somehow for something? They would be red faced, angry, crying, yelling "I hate you!" Did you ever yell back "I hate you too!"? I did. I prefaced it with "right now", which softened the blow a bit I suppose, but I don't think it did the kids any harm to know that Mum could be angry enough sometimes to "hate" them. On the plus side, even when angry, I loved them and they knew it. They loved me too, but probably didn't realise it when yelling "I hate you." I remember being about six years old and "hating" my mum for some childish reason and saying I wanted to leave home. And I meant it. I was going. I dragged out my school case to put things in and was stopped in my tracks by mum offering to pack it for me. What?? She wanted me to go?? Well, too bad! I wasn't going anywhere! Why should I make her happy by leaving? I'd h...

Whimsical Wedneday # 134

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday! The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend. Well, sorry folks. Today's funny isn't googled, it's another cartoon strip that I had on my wall. it will have to be this one, since I can't find the one I wanted to put here.

Musical Monday # 18

Musical Monday  I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site. I think itā€™s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time.  Iā€™ll be finding my clips on you tube , so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldnā€™t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist. Todayā€™s clip is:  Paul McCartney and Wings.   Again. What? They're a great group.  Mull of Kintyre.  I loved it then, I love it now. and the lyrics , for those who like to sing along. Enjoy.  I do like Pipes and Drums bands. Quite a lot.

tagged by Mimsie for a Blog Tour

I was honored recently by Mimsie who tagged me to take part in this Blog Tour.  We introduce ourselves, answer some questions and tag three other bloggers to also take part. I generally don't like talking too much about myself, so don't take part in these things as a rule, but here I am. 1. Introduce yourself  We can include photos if we wish, but I can't find the ones I am looking for.  I am a German born Australian, born in Hamburg in 1952, which makes me a Hamburger , although at very nearly 62 , probably a stale Hamburger.   I know nothing of Germany, having arrived in Australia in 1953 and in all that time, I have never left. I have been married and divorced twice with the first marriage gifting me with four wonderful children, two of whom have further gifted me with grandchildren.   My first husband was in the Army and we spent several years moving up and down the east coast of Australia, living in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Sydney again, t...

Sunday Selections # 182

Welcome back to Sunday Selections! This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs. The rules are very simple:- 1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title 2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post 3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted. 4. hop on over to TheElephantā€™s Child to see more of her wonderful photos. Kath and Andrew often join in. There are a couple of other participants too: Jackie K at Working Through It Gillie at The View from Here I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of my section of the gardens surrounding these flats I live in. You all remember the stand of thorny grasses down beside my flat?  this is it. Spiky leaves, lo...

Angel's Antics

*title suggested by Vicki * Thanks Vicki. A few weeks ago, while Angel was still kitten sized, I was searching for a toy to keep him occupied, something he could play with on his own, so I could get more computer work done. Someone suggested a "cat dancer" ,  I think it may have been Susan Kane . So I searched online, watched a you tube video of a kitten having a wonderful time with one of these "cat dancer" toys and ordered one. (Actually I ordered three. One is stashed away in case the cardboard strips get chewed beyond saving). I put one in the kitchen, down fairly low as Angel was small still and watched him play. He loved it. this is a cat dancer toy. Small strips of tightly twisted cardboard, about one inch long,  threaded onto sprung steel wire. The other end has one strip of the cardboard and you can hold it in your hand to swing for your cat to jump and catch, or you can feed the single strip through the edge of a door by a hinge and then close ...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

On Wednesdays , Delores, from Under The Porch Light, has a meme which she calls ā€œWords for Wednesdayā€ . She puts up a selection of six words which we then use in a short story, or a poem. Iā€™m hopeless at poetry so I always do a story. Itā€™s a fun challengeā€¦why not join in? This week's words are: 1. calamitous 2. fraction 3. spanx  4. glittering 5. ambitious 6. indispensable and/or this phrase : a glitch in time saved mine Here is my story: "Well, how was it?" asked a grinning John as Mandy skipped in through the door. She struck a pose and gushed theatrically, "oh what a calamitous day dahling!" John's  mouth dropped open and he almost dropped his coffee mug. "What??" Mandy giggled, becoming herself again. "I was copying one of the other models. Right twit she was, acting all posh and pretending to be some foreign famous model, called herself 'Miranda von Dusseldorf' or s...