Sunday Selections # 221

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections but this week I have a random selection.

the Black Forest Cake I bought at the Cheesecake Shop. It's called a Quarter Pack because it is a quarter of a full cake.

I cut it into three slices, you can see they're quite large, so I could have got four servings from it, but I'm a bit greedy when it comes to Black Forest Cake.

the cherry on top

this is where and how I stored the bulbs after I lifted them from the pots when they'd died down. One of the bags was empty, nothing but dust inside, the bulbs disintegrated.

I had to email Elephant's Child and ask if the Ranunculus should be planted claws up or down; when she replied I ran right out and wrote it on the bag! because I always forget.
The bulbs have all been planted now, but carelessly, all higgledy-piggledy, so maybe they'll grow, maybe not, it's a wait and see game now.

these tall marigolds will have to be pulled out soon, they're looking very untidy. I'll fill the area with something else, probably new seedlings of French Marigolds, the dwarf ones with the lovely colours.

I've collected plenty of seed heads from the french marigolds, each flower forms one of these as it dies.

inside each seed head is dozens of seeds, those little black strips, so even if some don't grow, I should have enough new seedlings to make a good show next season.

now for something completely different, I heard from a neighbour there was a Koala in a nearby tree, so of course I ran back home for the camera. Can you see him? A little lower than dead centre, he has his back to us.

I tried a different angle, but couldn't get close enough; the tree is behind another block of flats.

just above the guttering, that grey-brown blob is the Koala.

he wasn't moving at all, but I was unable to get his face as the tree was in another yard and he didn't feel like turning around, probably he was sleeping.

a butt view!

then I left him and went home to bake my breakfast.  
Last night's leftovers.
Mashed potato, peas, carrots and sweetcorn kernels; all mixed with a beaten egg, some parmesan cheese, a little pepper, then sprinkled with more **parmesan cheese and baked in the oven until hot and golden.


after the breakfast? A cup of tea made with sage and mint leaves from my garden.

** I don't buy pre-grated cheese in the little sprinkle tub, I prefer the taste of cheese grated fresh from the block. 
If you prefer fresh grated but don't want to be bothered grating it each time, you can pre-grate your whole block and store it in zip lock bags in the freezer. Being a dry cheese, parmesan doesn't freeze in a solid clump as most other grated cheeses do, but stays loose.


  1. I remembered how much I like ranuculus and wondered why I haven't planted any. Then I checked them out--they would not survive my brutal winter. They grow them in Texas, for crying out loud.

  2. How cool is it to look out your window and see a koala bear in a tree.

  3. Now I've got that "Take your Koala back Jack" verse from "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" stuck in my head!

    Very cool though...all I've got are squirrels.

  4. I would never have thought of making that breakfast casserole but it looks delicious!!

  5. LOVE your koala. And your breakfast frittata.

  6. Breakfast looks rather good. You are not that far from town. Is it usual to get koalas so close to the city? There must be a linear park or something like that for them to be there.

  7. But a butt view of a koala is better than no view at all. :) They're wonderful creatures.

    Have a great week ahead, River...cuddles to Angel. Take care. :)

  8. Oh my goodness, what a selection you've presented to us today. Black forest, much too rich for me but it certainly looks delicious.
    I think you are amazing the way you keep seeds from plants and always remember claws look like roots so go downwards. lol
    I didn't know koalas inhabited suburban areas. How lovely to have one so near your home. Hope it is OK. Is someone keeping on eye on it I wonder?
    That breakfast sounds delicious and mouthwatering. You are a wonderful cook and I envy you for that.
    Hope the weekend has been a good one for you and Angel.

  9. *gasp* it is just not fair that you live where there are koalas and all I see outside are squirrels. Do they even HAVE squirrels in Australia? :)

  10. Joanne; shame about the ranunculus, but you have anemones and they are just as pretty.

    Delores; not visible from my window, I had to walk past two other blocks of flats and he was in a tree behind the third block.

    joeh; I'd forgotten about that song. now it's in my head.

    fishducky; I often do this with leftovers, sometimes I mix in cornflake crumbs too and fry the mix as patties.

    Elephant's Child; frittata is so easy, mix and bake! I looked for the koala the next day, but he has moved on.

    Andrew; breakfast was yummy. We're reasonably close to the low foothills of the Urrbrae and Brown Hill Creek areas, beyond that is Mt Osmond, Waterfall Gully and Cleland Conservation Park, so koalas are seen around here often enough looking for water and we have plenty of Eucalyptus trees around here.

    Lee; you're right, a butt view is better than no view. He's moved on now. I reached out to pat Angel this morning and he bit me, breakfast takes priority over cuddles I guess :)

    Mimsie; I won't be buying too many Black Forest Cakes, they're yummy, but already I don't fit into my jeans, so the cakes will be severely rationed. I've kept seeds for many years, from tomatoes, beans, parsley, pumpkin (they never grow) and from many flowers. Not everything grows, but it's always worth a try.
    Koalas come into the suburbs quite a lot, as close to the foothills as we are, they come for water and of course there are many eucalypt trees around here.
    Breakfast was leftovers, I often do things like this with leftovers, a habit left over from when the kids were little and I had to stretch my dollars. I still have to stretch my dollars, so I don't throw out too many leftovers.

  11. If we had squirrels in Australia, life would be totally perfect. That is really the only thing we are missing here, I think. :)

  12. You temptress. The cake looks divine but the breakfast looks tasty and healthy.

  13. Snoskred; I've heard that squirrels can be destructive to gardens, so probably we can live without them. They are pretty to look at though.

    Manzanita; the cake tasted as divine as it looks, good thing I don't eat it too often. I like a tasty breakfast, bland first thing in the morning puts me back to sleep.

  14. Happy Christine; how did I miss your comment? Would you like me to email you a koala photo so you can look at it daily?

  15. koalas have very ratty backside fur from being wedged in branches all day "he wasn't moving" - no. sound asleep most of the time. however, when they change trees they have long legs and move like a rocket. what a thrill.
    There is a Black Forest Cake festival in Germany and with cake hats and everything. guugle bollenhut and shreik (swallow your cake first).


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