Thursday Thoughts # 42

from Ghost Story- a Harry Dresden novel by Jim Butcher

"I wasn't her match in a straight up fight, but this was more like a hallucinatory variant of whack-a-mole."

from Loose Screws and Dusty Deals by Ray Davies

"I'd left Kiska at home today. His body had decided to go into one of its twice yearly moults. The inside of my house looked like a teddy bear had exploded."

"The past is a strange country. You go back, it doesn't recognise you."

Today's Thoughts

My thoughts this week have been mostly self-centered. Last week's health fright has left me wondering just a bit, what is going on in my body and should I be overly worried? 
Or even just a little bit worried? 
I was worried on the day, scared even, but since then I've not had it on my mind a lot, except when I'm at the doctor's clinic. 

I was there on Monday, discussing the hospital letter with Dr L and raised the issue of possible kidney stones. How does one get one and more importantly, how does one not get one again, if that is what I've had. 
His answer? Drink lots of water. Well, I already do that. 

He requested a urine sample be left at pathology and asked me to schedule a CT scan at radiology. They're all in the same building, along with a dental clinic, a podiatrist, a physio therapist and a psychologist. 
Handy. Total Health Care at one location. 
They even have a treatment room for minor emergencies and things like vaccinations etc. 
Of course it is two bus trips away from where I live, but the doctors there know me from when I lived in the area.

I had the CT scan yesterday, it's been a long while since I had any kind of imaging done, I think the last one was a regular x-ray which showed the beginnings of arthritis in my neck. 
So I'm lying on the skinny table wearing nothing but a disposable gown and knickers (and my socks) and the lovely lady asked me to please raise my arms above my head and keep them there. 

Up went the arms and within a minute the shoulders and upper arms were screaming at me to please be lowered. When the scan was over I had the lady help with lowering each arm as the shoulders had stiffened.

The table slid into the machine and a voice told me to breathe, breathe in and hold, breathe again. I'm not very good at holding my breath, but thankfully each time for three images it was only for a few seconds. 

I'm back at the clinic today, probably while you are reading this, getting the results of sample testing and the CT scan from Dr L. 

I don't feel concerned as I type this, (Wednesday), I feel as well as I always have, so it's a matter of wait and see what Dr L says before I start worrying. Or not.

I had planned on planting out my spring bulbs this week, but that will wait until the weekend, or next week. It's far too sunny outside anyway, I don't fancy a sunburned nose. I'll choose a cloudy day to get the planting done.


  1. Fingers crossed all your tests show good results.

  2. It is even possible you had a small one and already passed it.

    I could feel your pain over the raised arm thing.

  3. I hope you pass all your tests--& your stones!!

  4. I think they could just ignore my finger bones for those CAT scans, but no, it's over the head with the old bones.
    Here's to getting their money's worth of all the tests.

  5. Good luck.
    I will be thinking of you, while I am also out and about today.

  6. Fingers crossed that you get some explanation, and that it's something easily fixed.

  7. I, too, shall be thinking of you...positive, kind thoughts one and all are sent your way, River. :) I'll keep checking in at intervals.

  8. Hoping the test results are good in all ways and look forward to an update on them.
    I can empathise with you re the extended arms thing. I have two bad shoulders (dislocated one a couple of years back). I am sure the person asking us to do that realise it hurts but as it a must they have to maintain a toughness and make us do it anyway. I too had to ask for help to get my arms back in the correct position. Sounds silly, but it's true.

  9. Delores; the tests came back showing nothing visibly wrong, yay me! But he wants one further test to be sure.

    joeh; I'm sorry now that I've been neglecting my shoulder and neck exercises. I'll dig out the illustrated sheet and start again immediately.

    fishducky; there's no evidence of any stones, all looks good. so of course he wants one more test to be doubly sure.

    Joanne; I think raising the arms above the head has the added effect of stretching out the ribs and abdomen a bit for a clearer image.

    Elephant's Child; tests came back indicating nothing visibly wrong. I'm thinking of you and the cherished one also.

    Jac; everything looks okay in there, but Dr L wants one more test to be sure.

    Lee; I'm thinking my own positive thoughts too. I'll do an update post in a second.

    Mimsie; doesn't sound at all silly. when you don't normally raise your arms and then suddenly have to hold them up there for a time, they're bound to get stuck. my test results look good, there's just one more Dr L wants me to have.


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