Sunday Selections # 236

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm showing you some of my things. most of these photos were taken at my previous home, so some of these things, I no longer have :(

my blender which I bought a year before I moved. It makes fabulous summer milkshakes when it isn't being used to puree winter soup.

some of my books, several of which are now being enjoyed by other people. 

more books, this shelf is long gone however and I miss it. It had a cupboard at one end with glass doors; it used to be part of a kitchen cabinet, close to two metres long.

my favourite roadside find in hard rubbish collection month one year. Only the shade, the base is mine.
One of the lower half circle panels had a small corner missing and was loose from the frame too. It's held on now with a twisty tie.

my Siamese Fighter fish, named Chippy; he died just a couple of months before I moved.

He used to love to sleep in the arm of his statue, before he got too big to fit.

my favourite patterns for knitting baby clothes, mostly matinee jackets with matching bonnets & bootees.

my favourite tablecloth. This used to be bonded to a clear plastic sheet, so it was easy to wipe down. After about seven years, the plastic began to peel off at the corners, so I peeled it off altogether. The fabric is quite thin and doesn't stay in place as well as when it was weighted by the plastic, but I love the colours and pattern.

a tiny feather that decided one day to leave the safety of the quilt and fly on his own. This is a macro shot, the feather was about one and a half centimetres long. 

honeysuckle flowers. This is my favourite climbing vine, sadly I don't have one, but one day....

my i-pod speaker dock, it has a great sound and really good volume. I've never yet turned it to full volume, but I can hear it all over the flat. I imagine in a house it would still be audible in every room.

the collection of knitting needles I've had since 1972. 

music to sleep/read by. Well, It used to be, I had to move this away from Angel once he learned to get up on there.

my landline phone which used to live in the bedroom, in my previous home, with a second handset in the lounge room. I still have this, but it isn't connected. I use the mobile instead.

look! a tiny, delicate spider eating a fly. Another macro shot, spotted by chance as I was hanging the washing one day.

the old school pens, handles with nibs that could be replaced. Remember these? 
Dip the nib in the ink and try not to blot on your work.

a large collage/screen that I made to place in front of the opening between kitchen and lounge of the previous home. This helped to keep the warm in the lounge when the heater was going in winter as there was no door in the opening. 
This side of the screen has food photos and always faced the kitchen side.

the lounge room side of the same screen. It is made of magazine pictures pasted on to a large piece of cardboard from the box that held my new fridge. 
This side is all flowers and trees etc. 
I still have this now, it makes a nice headboard for my bed.

spooning spoons. The new cutlery that was a freedom gift to myself the day after L and I separated.

I have a starry-eyed fan. This is now 14 years old and still working well.

the best t-shirt I ever owned, so comfortable, but can no longer wear because the fabric is so very thin it won't stand another washing. After many, many washings, the picture hasn't faded much.


  1. I was so pleased to see this post. I was just about to email you, to make sure you were ok.
    Love your 'things'. That lamp shade is very special. As is the fan, and, and, and.
    Never enough bookcases are there...?

  2. Random parts of your daily life and a bit of good camera work. We were supposed to write at school with fountain pens but for some reason we preferred dipping pens, maybe because there was more involved, with filling the inkwells, blotting the ink and spearing the pens into the Canite ceiling. May as well get rid of your land line phone. I can't see you needing it again and often after so long without being charged, the batteries are ruined.

  3. Great collection, I like to look inside other peoples homes, love all those books and well all of it really.

  4. Elephant's Child; email me because.....I wasn't online yesterday? I had one of those busy and blah days. I did read a couple of blogs after dinner, but didn't comment anywhere, went to bed early.
    The lampshade is gorgeous, I remember washing all the dust and spider webs off it; now it lights up a different corner of a different lounge room. The i-pod dock is still under it and both are still on the same shelf.

    Andrew; I hated those dipping pens back then, the nib sections were always getting bent or crossed, so writing was scratchy and each weekly ink monitor used to make the mix differently; one always added too much water.
    I took the batteries out of the phone when I packed it for moving, I keep it only because I like the way it looks.

    Merle; I like looking inside other people's homes too, it's why I look at open inspections online. I had so many more books in that previous home, six bookshelves full, now I have about a third that amount, two bookshelves and a stack beside the TV.

  5. Your favourite T-shirt could, perhaps, spend the rest of its life framed and then hung on a wall.

    I, too, thought about emailing you...I was preparing some vegetables for my lunch and I thought once I finished doing so, I'd check to see if you had posted your usual Sunday post because it wasn't showing when I looked earlier...but now here you are!

    I love the lamp and the shade...and what clever idea re the screen you made.

    An interesting collage of photos. Have a great week, River...purrs and snuggles to Angel from my two rascals.

  6. Lee; the framing and hanging of the t-shirt was my plan, I just haven't got around to it yet.
    I was sure I'd scheduled this for 1am, like I always do, but there must have been a snafu somewhere.
    When I moved here my older daughter thought I should toss out the collage screen now that I didn't need it.....after all that hard work? Now it's a bedhead.

  7. Some very useful items in your picture group. For instance, where did you get the plastic container for knitting needles? Is it made for needles or for something else? My needles are just in a plastic bag and poking out all over.

  8. Here is my post for this week - Sunday Selections Week 32 - I love your collages. :)

  9. I very much enjoyed these little peeks into your life, River.
    That lamp shade is so very beautiful! Lucky find, they cost a fortune to buy. I've always wanted a tiffany-style leadlight. One day I'll find one at the right price - won't be as fortunate to find one for free, I'd say :)
    I'd be lost without my blender, which is used often.
    Bookshelves make a house more homely, I think.
    What brand is your iPod dock? I've been wanting to get one for ages, but often wondered about the sound quality.
    That T Shirt is awesome. Rare to come across such quality screen prints using good durable inks.
    Definitely good enough to pin on the wall or frame - super funky.
    That image of your wee Chippy asleep in the arms of his cherub touched my heart.

  10. Nice collection of photos.
    Nothing like a good blender.
    Yes, I remember those nibs, inkwells. The boys used to put my hair (curls) in those inkwells..
    The T shirt, well loved...

  11. Manzanita; it's a specific needle case, I've had it for years. They were available here in places like Lincraft and Spotlight, also K-Mart and Target. I don't know if they still have any, it's been years since I was in any of those sections of the stores. Perhaps you could google them and see if they're available in the US.

    Snoskred; I'll pop over when I finish here.

    Vicki; I'm pretty sure the lampshade was tossed because it was broken, a twisty tie is holding on the loose panel, which also has a small corner broken off. I have turned that side to the wall and no one sees it.
    The Ipod dock is Altec Lansing, I bought it at Officeworks years ago, I've never seen another one like it, but that brand has different styles, I'm sure the sound quality is the same on all of them.
    I loved Chippy, but won't get another fish now that I have Angel.

    whiteangel; inkwells! the boys in grade 5 used to soak bits of blotting paper and flick them around the class room.
    I love my blender.


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