Calendar Tuesday

it's Tuesday!

June 6th and time again for Calendar Tuesday!

First up, Life of Teddy:

Teddies Love Music

Moving on to the Violent Veg:

Father's Day is made for Couch Potatoes  (that's what it says, but Australian Father's Day is in September)

and finally, the Suzy Toronto:

You can't buy happiness, can buy shoes!
(and that's kinda the same thing)

and here is what it says:

 You can't buy happiness, can buy shoes!
(and that's kinda the same thing.)

In an effort to embrace our wild, wacky, wonderful lives and keep on pursuing the paths that lead to happiness, I have established a set of three simple truths:
1. Shoes make us happy.
2. shoes are not immoral, illegal, or fattening.
3. Having cute shoes positively makes our hearts tingle.

So, yes, we are women on a mission. We are in search of the most magnificently wonderful, fabulously adorable, irresistably cute pair of shoes on the face of the earth! If it means we collect a few extras along the be it.

That's why you can't waste another minute.
Gather up all that loose change under the sofa cushions and add it to the stash. Rifle your old purses and check your jeans pockets for any random currency to help with the cause. Every penny counts when it's something this important!

Because although we can't buy happiness no matter how hard we try, we can buy really, really cute shoes...and that's kinda the same thing.



  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; me too, I love teddies dressed up.

  2. I'll never understand the happiness with shoe thing. Now tools! They will make you happy!

    1. joeh; books and dvds are what makes me happy. and money, but that's harder to come by.

  3. I don't worry so much about cute, I want comfortable shoes no matter how they look.

    1. Jimmy; comfort is more important to me too, I've never worn high heels in my life.

  4. Teddy and his string quartet. Not sure what the bear in the long dress has to play.

    1. Andrew; she's probably the singer.

    2. I had a closer look, I think it's a tiny trumpet.

  5. Love the couch potato. Fortunately the shoe obsession passed me by. Books and plants are more than enough. Shoes just need to comfortable.

    1. Elephant's Child; Books and dvds for me, plants come in second. Shoes are just to keep the cold out.

  6. Yes, I agree with Suzie Toronto...and Carrie from "Sex and the City" are wonderful things of joy! :)

    1. Lee; I like what Suzy says, but shoes aren't my thing. I just don't see the point in having more than sneakers, sandals and slippers. Thongs too, maybe.

  7. I'd much rather go barefoot!!

    1. fishducky; me too, in summer. In winter I like my feet warm.

  8. Love the Teddies.
    Never been a shoe person.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; big tick for the teddies, shoes are okay for the winter, but I don't need dozens of pairs.


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