no news is good news, right?

Angel isn't back yet and I'm still worried, but after yesterday's breakdown where I cried for a solid hour, I'm feeling more hopeful.

I'm still searching the grounds and neighbouring streets daily and there's no smell of decaying animal anywhere, no pitiful meows coming from hard to get into and out of places, no neighbours telling me they've seen an injured grey tabby. 

So this is all good. 

Last night's possible sighting by a neighbour who was coming home late had me outside in the frosty air for well over an hour with no result. Neighbour M thought she saw Angel near my front door, but when she approached the cat ran away. Which makes me think perhaps it wasn't Angel because he knows her quite well. On the other hand he has been badly frightened. Enough to make him run away and hide anyway. 

This morning on my way out to do my usual Friday things, I put out a small dish of Angel's dry food and when I got home again, it was still there, but crawling with ants. So I tossed it onto the grass and I won't put any more out. 

"no-one" (from "nothing by nobody" a defunct blog) suggested putting his favourite sleeping blanket on the porch, perhaps a familiar scent would help to bring him home if he is hanging around close enough. Well, Angel's favourite sleeping blanket is the giant quilt on my bed, so I folded it in such a manner that Angel's 'grease spot' (oils from his fur) is on top and draped it over the porch chair. Being from my bed, it will have my scent also and that has to help, right?

So tonight I've been outside every half hour, quietly and in the dark so as not to scare him if he is creeping home, but haven't seen him yet.

Today is day four. 😢


  1. Really hoping Angel comes home soon! Hugs!

    1. S.J.Qualls; he must be getting very hungry, although losing a pound or two wouldn't hurt him. I'm hoping his hunger will bring him home where the treats are.

  2. Maybe try looking in nearby drains with a torch, cats often like to hide out there. I am hopeful your Angel will return.

    1. Snoskred; there aren't any nearby drains big enough, except the storm water drains in the gutters and I hadn't thought about those. I'll check tomorrow. Thanks.

  3. My heart aches for you - Prayers for a happy outcome..

    1. Grace; thank you. A lot of neighbours have said they will pray too.

  4. This is scary, and I think Angel is probably also very scared. I hope along with all your readers that she will come home soon.

    1. joeh; it is scary, I worry that he is injured and unable to get back to me, but then I think I would have heard him crying if that was the case.

  5. My cat got locked in the neighbor's tool shed for a couple of weeks. I looked and looked for her and did not find her or hear her until the neighbor went to get some tools and she sprang out in a flash and came home. She didn't look malnourished or anything. Maybe Angel is trapped in something and you could be looking places like that. Remember they do have 9 lives. I am so hopeful along with you.

    1. Granny Annie; most sheds around here are kept locked so things don't get stolen, I don't recall any open ones the evening he disappeared. I'm surprised your cat didn't look malnourished after so long being locked up.

  6. Keeping everything I've got crossed that Angel comes back soon..poor little soul......Our cat got trapped in the neighbours garage once but he put up such a stink you could hear him a mile away.

    1. nly slightly confused; I've just done one last look outside before I go to bed. And I'll start again right after breakfast, this time I'll check the storm drains as Snoskred suggested.

  7. Continuing to send positive thoughts ...
    Thinking of you and Angel

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; thank you. I did another search this morning.

  8. You'll find him; I just feel it!!

    1. fishducky; I hope so, I really hope so. I'm not feeling it today as strongly as I did yesterday.

  9. Angel will come hone, but that upstairs neighbor must go. How's that situation coming along?

    1. Joanne; there's word he may be moved out within a couple of weeks, but that's the sort of thing we can't believe until it happens. There have been many complaints though, not just from me.

  10. Oh, you poor thing. I hope you find him soon. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

    1. Susan; thank you. at this point I'm just hoping he isn't hurt somewhere and can't get home to me.

  11. I am worrying from this side of the country. I really, really hope he comes home soon. Checking the drains is an excellent idea. We had a cat who moved in on us after living down the drain for years.

    1. Elephant's Child; the only storm drains are out in the street, they're quite wide and open, with a concrete cover that can be lifted to remove any pet or other object. They're all empty. I filled out a lost pet report, with picture and microchip number at the Animal Welfare League web page this morning.

  12. Don't lose hope, River. I really do believe Angel will come home...when he is ready. but it will be soon. Once spooked as he was, he'll make progress his own his own good time.

    I wish I could just gather him up in my arms and hand him to you...I really do.

    The trouble with putting food outside, it could draw other cats and that, in itself, could keep Angel away.

    This is such a difficult, heartbreaking time for you...and I understand how you're feeling, as you know. I'm upset for you, as well. You both are in my thoughts.

    1. Lee; the hope comes and goes. I know he will come home if he can and hope that will be soon. I've registered him as a lost pet with the AWL, just this morning. I'm not putting any more food outside, the small amount of dry food yesterday was crawling with ants in no time. When his dinnertime comes around is the worst time :(

  13. Day 4, oh gosh do hope Angel comes home. It's heart breaking wondering where he would be - have had the same happen to me twice with same cat. I found same took him to the vet both times for a checkup and he lived several years after that.
    So there is always hope.
    Good luck and thinking of you.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; day 5 now and another search completed. If he isn't home by Tuesday I'll report him to the local council as has been suggested by the AWL, and also see if I can print out some missing cat pictures at the library. I don't have the resources here at home for many pictures.

    2. Good luck then and a great idea/s. I'll look on your blog as we travel to see how you are doing

  14. Like Granny Annie we had a cat locked in a neighbour's garage. Trouble was they'd gone away for a few days. I could hear him but not get to him. I warned the neighbour to stand clear when he opened the door lol
    Have you done a local letter drop- I know it's only a 'few' days but could be Angel is being cared for by another person thinking he is homeless.

  15. I would do the Council thing on Monday or even right now, the after hours service can take your call and make a note on the system - in case anyone calls in having found Angel, they will have your details in the logs and can call you right away.. I would call again the moment council opens on Monday just to give them all the info they might need which can be different to the info after hours will ask for.

    I took those after hours calls for some years, there were times when one of us would be taking a lost animal call and someone else would be calling in with that exact same animal found, and we could reunite pet with owner right away. There may be a small chance they have Angel in the system already. :)

    Also a lot of lost pets end up on the Facebook pages I mentioned - here are two in Adelaide -

    They have sightings which are put up there, too. If you are on Facebook you can put up a photo of Angel there and everyone who reads those groups will see it, if anyone finds him they can contact you. :)

  16. Also lost Norwood pets - if I am right in remembering where you are near to. :)

  17. One other thing - most vets now have websites and email addresses, so you can email a photo of Angel and his microchip details and your contact info directly to them, in case anyone brings him in. :)

  18. I should imagine that someone has taken him in by now. The chance of the poor fella being a crossbow victim is super super slim. Really really slim.

    Hoping for a happy update soon. Here there is a missing teen, last seen about a month ago. Not the same thing but I keep checking the news and hoping good things and all that...

  19. oh River... I see there is no update. I am wondering if you have found him? I am so sad for you, I know how much you adore him. Sending you so much love x


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