Sunday Selections # 333

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Random stuff today, mostly plants taken as I walked around the neighbourhood , some are of my own garden.

the new house across the road is getting a second story

with plenty of space either side for a balcony maybe

Angel watching people walk past, this photo is from the Monday he disappeared 😢

autumn colour in my street

I meant to photograph this tree while it was leafier and so gorgeous, but forgot to take the camera and the wind got to it before I did.

look at that leaf shape, like butterfly wings,

and that buttery gold against the blue sky is just heavenly. I believe it is a Gingko tree.

across from the Gingko is a stand of fan palms

when the leaves dry out they shred themselves into these pretty tendrils.

I don't know what these things are hanging off a different palm, flowers? seed pods? but they're pretty.

this is a sneaky photo, she doesn't know I took it. She's a neighbour and every day walks to the bus stop and sits for a while before coming home. Sometimes she goes all the way to the shops. She is 80+

interesting rings on this palm trunk, spaced evenly apart, they show where fronds were as the palm grew.

pretty bronze tinged new growth

which will eventually become green. I like the heart shape of these.

Jacarandas are forming their new seed pods.

this is what the lamps look like in the supermarket parking lot

have you ever seen a rose this snowy white?

and one more of autumn coloured leaves



  1. I paid close attention to every picture, so I could have an Angel report at the end. Wherever he's hiding, he's not happy. I hope you find him soon.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I hope he comes home today. No one in the neighbourhood that I've spoken to has seen him.

  2. I'm sure Angel is getting pretty homesick by now. It could be when he bolted he went a little further than usual and is turned around. Hopefully when you post pictures and notify the shelters and the vets he will turn up.

    1. only slightly confused; the vet has been informed five days ago and is keeping a lookout too.

  3. Liking your autumn color on your street, especially those Ginko (?) leaves. Was hopeful when I saw Angel - I do hope he shows up soon. Have you contacted animal control?

    1. S.J.Qualls; I'd love a gingko tree in my yard if I had enough space. They grow quite large, the pictured one is a youngster. I set up a lost cat report yesterday at the animal welfare site here, included a picture a description of distinguishing marks, and his microchip number.

  4. Beautiful photos, but all I could think of was Angel!!

    1. fishducky; I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else too :(

  5. All I could think of was Angel. I am almost positive that your crazy neighbor has had something to do with Angel's disappearance more than scaring him off. I hope your council has addressed the issues of this bad neighbor. Meanwhile I do love the pictures you took of your area while I know you were on a greater search.

    1. Granny Annie; you've put words to a fear of mine. The bad neighbour issues are in the hands of housing and I've heard he may be moved on soon because of all the complaints from so many others. I don't believe he has Angel because I would hear him meowing, but I do think he might have had something to do with Angel's disappearance.

  6. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; they're gorgeous aren't they? If I ever move and have enough space I will get a gingko tree.

  7. Beautiful photos. But Angel coming home would be the very best news any of us could have.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I took them while I wandered around calling Angel. Today is day 6. The camera batteries are freshly charged for photos when he gets home.

  8. It is with leaden heart I greet you this morning, River. I hope our boy races through your door today...into your loving arms.

    May the week ahead bring you only good news, happy news. Take care. Hugs.

    1. Lee; I have my own heavy heart, it's surprising how emptiness can feel so heavy. I emptied, washed and dried his food and water bowls this morning and cried again. I'm hoping it will work like packing away winter clothes then getting a sudden freezing gale force wind with enough heavy rain to fill dams everywhere within an hour. Weird logic.

    2. Don't lose hope, my dear.

  9. Such a great post! A lot of thanks for sharing.

  10. Lots of interesting trees and leaves but good news of Angel would be the best of all.

    1. Merle; I do like pretty trees, but you're right, Angel coming home would be the best.

  11. Very interesting photos. It is good that the lady gets dressed and groomed every day and goes out for a walk. The carpark lamp is a timeless style.

    1. Andrew; I keep telling myself I should get out for a walk every day too, but the computer sucks up so many hours before I realise it. The lady in the photo even puts on lipstick every day still. I don't even own a lipstick.

    2. Yes, I think you need to set aside time to go out for a walk and stick to it. You can never catch up on everything on the computer.

  12. I too am very worried for your Angel. I only had one cat go missing once. It did not end well. I can remember exactly how I felt and I am very sorry you are having to go through that, it was awful. :( I swore I would never put myself or my cat(s) through that again. All cats since have been indoor only.

    I hope that your Angel finds his way home today.

    1. Snoskred; I hope Angel comes home today too. The temperature is dropping so perhaps that will draw him to the warmth he knows here. Yesterday's paper carried an article which had me newly terrified for him.

  13. Lovely selection River - take care

  14. It was nice to see all of your photo's here, including the one you took last week of Angel.
    It was interesting to see the rings on the palm trunk, they are spaced so evenly apart.

    Sending positive thoughts for Angel's return.

    All the best Jan


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