spring breezes

It's wonderfully breezy here today and sunny too, so I've opened both windows, one front, one back, and both doors too. 
One front and one back.
That's all I have, but it's enough. 
Who wants to clean miles of windows?

can you imagine? This is a house for sale here in Adelaide, all sides, all levels, have these floor to ceiling windows. The views are fabulous, but oh, the cleaning..

Anyway, the breezes are blowing through bringing me lots of lovely fresh air. Unfortunately they are also blowing mountains of cat fluff out from under the bed and couch. I have to keep my eyes firmly focused on the screen here, lest I break down and drag out the vacuum cleaner (*~*)


  1. Haha, don't be tempted! Wait and do that stuff on Monday. Enjoy the lovely weather and the breezes. ;-)

    1. Sharon; Monday I have somewhere else to be, far away from my vacuum.

  2. I like to have the doors and windows open, but floor to ceiling windows would be a bit much for me.

    1. Jimmy; with our white hot Australian summer sun, their cooling bills must be enormous and I don't want to think about the winter heating bill there, with so much heat escaping through all that glass.

  3. Always pleasant to have a breeze when it's warm or hot, we have southerly today that's keeping the temperature down.
    Too many windows to clean in that house for sure, my house is bad enough!

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; southerlies are great this time of year, not so much in the winter when they are cold as ice. my own windows, both of them haven't been cleaned in quite a long time. Years that is. I'll get to it when I can no longer see out.

  4. That house is very nice, but the people who live there better not throw stones.

    1. joeh; good point and no ball playing inside either. I suspect there aren't any small children or dogs either, to be messing up the glass with wet noses or sticky hands.

  5. Maybe if you open up your window and door all the way (with no screens to block them) the cat fluff will blow out, and you won't have to vacuum!

    1. Val; I'm too exposed to the street here, the front screen must remain closed and locked at all times. The back screen opens to the porch and is always open when I'm home so that Lola can get out there and climb up Angel's scratching tower. the porch is enclosed and locked so we're both safe.

  6. Resist. Open the screen door and maybe the fluff will blow out the door. If you can afford that house, you can afford a window cleaner.

    1. Andrew; I did resist, just picked up larger fluff balls as they blew past me. You're right about the window cleaner, I wouldn't buy a house like that without one, or even a team of them, like you see in the city abseiling up and down office buildings with rags and squeegees.

  7. Andrew is right about the window cleaner. And probably every other sort of cleaner too. I have a trail of cat snot to remove from the windows. Soon. Ish.
    And hooray for fresh spring breezes.

    1. Elephant's Child; cat snot is one thing I don't have, Angel never marked up the windows and Lola doesn't even get up onto the sill. I do have a lot of Angel's hair still on the blind though. I've put off cleaning that off, but I think it's time.

  8. I like windows for air and light but full length ones no thanks as you say to much cleaning and to cold in winter.
    Cat fur it's everywhere in my place.

    1. Merle; I don't like full length windows for lots of reasons, one being there's so much more of your room to be seen from the outside and I don't like that. You can keep the curtains closed of course, but then what is the point of having large windows? Cat fur here is mostly under the couch and bed, a bit under the fridge and washing machine too.

  9. I'm with Andrew. That house comes with a window cleaner, a floor cleaner, a bathroom cleaner, and on and on and on. It was breezy here yesterday. Today, rain.

    1. Joanne; an entire team of cleaners and to keep it sparkling they would have to come at least twice a week. I wouldn't be prepared to spend that much money, so I'd never buy a house like that. Rain is good for the garden, we had a lot of rain last night. A LOT and then a fierce downpouring of hail, hard and fast for almost an hour.

  10. It is a beautiful home. But, so is mine and I do my own window washing. I can't decide which I like more. The breezes blowing through the house or the winter sun like today.

    1. Peace Thyme; I haven't washed my windows since the week I moved in. I have only two windows and they're small, the dust on the glass isn't really noticeable unless you compare my windows with everyone else's. I like breezes blowing through and winter sun. Summer sun, not so much, it gets way too hot here.

  11. I think you should wait until your cat goes bald!!

    1. fishducky; is that likely to happen? Soon? No, wait. I've seen those hairless cats and much prefer the hairy ones.

  12. If I had that house, I could afford a lounge chair and a mint julep as I watch someone else clean the window.
    My cat's hair wore me down yesterday and I had to vacuum. Sigh.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I've never tried a mint julep. Haven't had anyone ever clean my windows either. The most I've done about cat hair is use the lint roller on the bedding so I don't breathe it in while I sleep.

  13. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; the urge was successfully fought. Coffee and cake helped.

  14. It's too damn hot here at present...yesterday and today. I've everything open, as I always do, except my back door. The "front" sliding door is screened, so that area is open (screened).

    Not much moving air going around here at present, though.

    Cat fur? I think the interior of my cabin has a fur coat! :)

    1. Lee; we've had a few too hot days recently, I actually turned on the air conditioner for one of them. I usually close up on those days, because the hot wind blows right in and heats up both rooms. We're cooler this week though, with tons of rain and a heavy hail storm last night.

  15. I had a recurring nightmare for a number of years. I dreamed I was in a totally glass house. Even the furniture was glass. I held a flail (spiked ball on chain) and went around breaking everything. Thanks a lot River for dredging up that memory. LOL

    1. Granny Annie; that's an interesting nightmare. Do you think it means you didn't like everything around you for a while?

  16. First thing I know it's out of my price range. But I would guess my mouth would drop on the taxes on place...Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); way out of my price range too. I've had enough coffee for today.

  17. It takes focus and determination not to see those tumbleweeds, I know from experience--good job :)

  18. I would not want to clean those windows. Plus, we have dogs and they press their wet noses on the sliding window doors. More cleaning.

  19. I do like having windows open ... cleaning the few we have is not too bad, especially as Eddie does it! LOL!

    All the best Jan


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