Whimsical Wednesday #301

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

Too many times to count?


  1. Replies
    1. Grace; just lately I seem to be getting it from all sides.

  2. Replies
    1. Sharon; I used to coast along so smoothly, now the ride is definitely bumpy. Got to find that smooth stretch again.

  3. I love minions...and yes....too many times to count.

    1. only slightly confused; minions are cute little guys and so insightful. Too many times for you too? We need a break.

  4. Well, well, well. I never expected to find this. All wrong is a tough one to kick to the curb.

    1. Joanne; it doesn't happen all that often, but when it does there seems to be no end to it. I may need to give myself a kickstart in a different direction. Or just hide out for a while.

  5. Yes. To mix sporting metaphors, even though you think you all bases covered, there is always that one thing from left field.

    1. Andrew; what does one do when surrounded by left fields? I keep asking questions, but no one seems to have answers and I'm left up in the air. Not knowing means no forward planning and I hate that. I prefer to be organised, with all my ducks in a row.

  6. Today weigh in at my weight lost group...After these few words...I will let everyone guess what happen

    1. peppylady (Dora); never mind it will come off again and maybe stay off next time. Half a pound is nothing to worry about.

  7. Sadly yes. At the moment my best efforts often seem to be failures.

    1. Elephant's Child; I mostly feel bad because I have failed myself by letting things get to me. I think it's the culmination of many little things beginning with the troubles Loony has caused us and now not knowing about Pat.

  8. Many times...I imagine I'll run out of fingers and toes if I try counting.

    And, of course, let's not overlook the times we do do everything right, and it's been the actions or attitudes of others that have turned every thing about face! :)

    1. Lee; do you need a giant abacus to keep counting? Just kidding. You're right about others turning everything upside down just when we get it right.

  9. Yes! Every time I get ice out of the icemaker on FRIG II's door, I position my cup just right, and pay attention. At least one cube ALWAYS finds a way to bounce awkwardly off the rest, and skitter across the kitchen floor so I have to search for it.

    1. Val; ha ha, suicidal ice cubes! You need a bigger cup so they all fall in too far to ounce out again.

  10. Oh River that is such a true statement, I can truly say been there done that.

    1. Jimmy; I think everyone over the age of ten has probably been there done that at least once.

  11. Oh yes, when I'm making myself a cappuccino and not watching what I'm doing the froth could end up anywhere.. :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; that reminds me of the time I made a cup of coffee, the first in about 24 hours and as I lifted the milk to put it back in the fridge, I clipped the mug just enough to topple it and coffee went everywhere.
      Also remembering a time when my stepsister mixed Milo with a bit of milk then instead of topping it up with hot water she accidentally, or absentmindedly, filled her mug with cold tea from the pot. the bad part of that is Mum was watching but didn't stop her, instead made her drink the awful mess.

  12. Oh, yes--absolutely!!

  13. Oh yeah. Been there a time or two or twenty.

    1. Arkansas Patti; you're in good company, so many of us have been there.

  14. Unfortunately yes ... I try not to dwell on those times too much though, it could get depressing. LOL


    1. A Joyful Chaos; welcome to drifting. Yes, it is better to just let them go, forget as much as you can. At least until you're able to laugh about it later.

  15. Yes, such a true statement ...
    I think reading through the comments most of us have been there!

    All the best Jan


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