Sunday Selections # 349

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

It's bottle-brush season here again>>

and they are everywhere. everywhere I say! Aaatchooo!

the fence surrounding the local MacDonald's carpark is looking nice

remember the foundation poured on the corner block near K's house? We all decided it was a very big house. Turns out it isn't. This is the back of the construction,

and this is the front. Four townhouses are being built, two storey.

here is the front again from the other end.

And this is what they will look like>>

house-garage, garage-house; small gap, house-garage, garage-house.
Modern, but not too bad looking, rather nice in fact.

the Lemon Verbena I trimmed so drastically has made a remarkable comeback; you might remember a few Sundays ago I showed new leaves beginning. These are all on the right hand side,

and on the left where the branches were all so very dead, new growth coming straight from the trunk,
and a bit lower down>>

Look at that! I'll need to trim off that broken bit before someone stabs herself in the hip with it, but I'd say the little tree is well on the way to recovery 😎

What's this in my newly opened tin of Milo?

Huh. Cricket collector cards. I never look at the label on my Milo, just grab the size I always buy and toss it in my basket. Not a trolley, not a cart, just a little hand-basket.


Lola, enjoying Angel's big scratching tower.



  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I'd get more photos of her, but she doesn't like the camera.

  2. Replies
    1. Author R. mac Wheeler; one ear scratch given, and I did the other ear too.

  3. What exactly is Milo?
    I kind of like the townhouses.
    My sneeze season is ending and yours is beginning. Sorry. :-(
    Nice that Lola enjoys Angel's old perch, although I'm sure you wish Angel was there too.

    1. Sharon; I do wish Angel was there too, maybe one day soon.
      Milo is similar to Ovaltine, which I'm sure you've heard of, a chocolate flavoured powder to mix with milk or milk and water. I drink it hot, mix a couple of spoonfuls of the powder with a little milk, then top up with boiling water.

  4. I do like the fence top. Will it eventually come down the sides, too?

    1. Joanne; the plants are on the other side of that fence, the bare side is part of the Boy Scout building driveway. The plants have grown up to be taller than the fence.

  5. We have three bottle brush bushes here that I really need to trim, Cindy's dad has kept them trimmed to look like a tree.

    Your Lemon Verbena is looking really good, I believe it survived the trimming just fine.

    I love how quickly Lola has become queen of the castle, she is looking really good.

    1. Jimmy; I don't have any bottle brushes in my part of the yard here, there are a couple further up the main driveway. The one pictured is right next to the bus stop I use most often, and the other bus stop has one too.
      I planted that Lemon Verbena myself 18 years ago and it got badly overgrown after I left that house, the kids took over the lease, but they are not great at gardening.
      Lola thinks she owns the place, I have to remind her who is the boss now and again.

  6. Lola is looking more and more 'laxed. And lovely.
    We have lemon verbena too. Just starting to leaf out. Your bottle brush is well ahead of ours.
    I hope your sneezes are short-lived this season.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm glad the lemon verbena has survived, it's one of my favourites. I'll have to make sure I keep it trimmed. Funny our bottle brush is ahead and when the bulbs start blooming, yours are ahead. Sneezes aren't too bad, but my head often feels far too heavy.

  7. Replies
    1. fishducky; Milo is classed as a "food drink", cereal based, chocolate flavoured powder, with vitamins&minerals. Mixed most often with milk, or with milk and water. I like it hot.

  8. Guess I am going to have to Google Milo also. So glad Lola is using the tower. I could never get my cat to use hers.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'll have to take photos of the ingredients and nutrition panels on the milo tin. Basically, it's a chocolate flavoured, cereal based (barley) food drink.
      Both my cats love being high up, Angel, who is still missing, claimed the very top of that tower when he was still quite small. Lola mostly gets to the middle level, although she has been up top.

  9. I didn't know bottlebrush causes sneezing. They do look so nice when in full bloom. I don't think I've ever seen an attractive McDonalds car park, but this one is very well done. I don't mind the picture of what the new development will look like. I've seen much worse and it is good that it is only two storey.

    1. Andrew; most people aren't affected by bottle brush and I'm okay with them once the pollen is gone. The new development is half a block away from my kids home, fingers crossed for a lotto win so I can buy one of the houses.

  10. Hi there, River. I love Milo and always have some in my cupboard. Home is not home with out Milo! :)

    The jacarandas are in bloom here now...I love jacarandas....and I love the rain we've been getting since late yesterday!!

    Have a wonderful week, River...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Milo has been a staple in every home I ever lived in since I can remember. Our Jacarandas should start in about 8 weeks. We had the rain last week, now we're in for three days over 30C starting tomorrow. Miss Fancypants has had her cuddles today, she'll be back for more when she's hungry.

  11. I've never seen the bottle-brush. At first, the colors reminded me of a mimosa tree. I Googled it, though, while I was looking up Milo! The McDonald's fence picture, with its grays and assorted shades of green...gave me a peaceful feeling.

    1. Val; you've never seen a bottle brush?? I'm surprised at you all not knowing what Milo is, it's been mentioned occasionally in novels set in America. Similar to Ovaltine, I'm sure you know Ovaltine. The MacDonald's fence is easy on the eyes.

  12. Replies
    1. peppylady (Dora); we're halfway through our spring and heading for summer, everything is blooming now.

  13. My word what an abundance of blooms that bottle brush tree has, don't think I've seen on so laden.
    Always good to see new growth on plants/trees.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; all the bottle brushes around here are similarly laden and the mulberries have ripened earlier than usual. I think we're in for a long hot summer.

  14. What do you do with Milo? Looks like chicken feed. Happy that Lola can enjoy Angel's perch.

    1. Granny Annie; it's a "food drink", cereal based chocolate flavoured powder to be mixed with milk. We Australians love it.

  15. I'd not heard of Milo before, but reading through your earlier comments and replies I now know what it is.

    Love the photo of Lola.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; perhaps one day you'll get to try some.


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