Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

You'll all be pleased to know my hands are improving, largely because I've done very little all week. No knitting, no sewing, no unpicking of seams and minimal commenting on blogs.
I didn't spend hours trawling real estate sites either :(

So let's begin. 
This week, instead of V's ornaments, I'll show you a few things I've picked up at the local Vinnie's:

a tiny carved wood goblet

a colourful owl

a beer stein that I'm using as a pen holder

turned anti-clockwise we see trees and snow

turned again, we see a couple of old men sharing a gossip and a beer

a single bookend, if there had been two I would have bought both

lookee here! the 'books' are drawers! Tiny, but useable for things like paper clips

NOT an op-shop (thrift shop) find,but a birthday gift from my brother, this lamp from Ikea

and a Gallileo thermometer from my lovely sis-in-law V, I've always loved these and now I have one!

I found this tiny clay pony(?)in the Oxfam shop in the city, he was all alone and marked way down to $2, so of course I brought him home.

here is Lola, happily sleeping on the spare recliner. She'll have to give up her spot when people visit.

and here she is yesterday, staying close to keep me company. I guess I'll read the rest of that paper later...


  1. I love, love, love that last photo - Sweet Lola!

    1. Grace; she is a sweetie, once she settles down. Sometimes you'd think the devil was chasing her the way she gallops around.

  2. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you, I like the quirky bits I find.

  3. I'm glad your hands are feeling better. Love the pony which actually might be a donkey - but I'm not biased or anything :) Lola looks like she is sleeping hard there! It still gives me a little jolt when I see her picture because she looks so much like our girl. Again, not that I'm biased or anything (ha), but she has such pretty markings.

    1. jenny_o; I thought donkey at first, but his tail says pony. Lola is a pretty girl and I still forget and call her Angel sometimes even though her looks are so different.

  4. owls are sure bright. The other day I saw a big ole owl.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I like owls, but don't see many here in the city.

  5. Love your selection. And the blissed out Lola.
    I am thrilled that your hands are feeling better too.

    1. Elephant's Child; Lola is blissed out quite often these days and I think being calm has helped with her IBS, there is much less trouble there now. I hope my hands stay fine, but I've got quite a bit of unpicking and sewing still to do. I'm going to have to do it in stages and I was hoping to be finished by now.

  6. I love the Galileo thermometer, I didn't know that they existed!!

    1. fishducky; they've been around for years and come in all sizes, even a giant floor-standing model.

  7. Really liked your bookend. One works fine. Nothing says relaxation more than a sleeping cat.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the one bookend does work fine, but with my love of symmetry, I'd prefer a matched pair. Still, it looks good where it is. I used to be able to relax like a cat, it's harder now that I'm older with assorted aches waking me up now and again.

  8. Shama just rested on my space bar and everything moved quickly on my I had to scroll back! I'm sure she and Remy have their favourite sites and hop on when I'm not looking.

    You've some lovely pieces there, River.

    I'm glad to hear your hands have stopped giving you grief. Lovely Lola is looking so very much at home, sweet little girl.

    Have yourself a good week...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the hands are still a bit achy and I'm sleeping in splints at night, I'll have to put off my sewing projects for a while. Lola has taken to dashing across the table here, stepping on the keyboard as she passes. Luckily not when I'm doing anything important.

  9. Love the owl and the lamp looks very practical. Can you tell us more about the thermometer one day? It looks very cool.

    1. Andrew; I love the lamp, it's adjustable but not too big for the room, with a bit of industrial look to it I think. I'll find the information that came with the thermometer and copy it to the blog later in the week.

  10. Lovely decor and a sweet cat. The owl is especially delightful.

    As per usual for me, when i get it up my Sunday Selections post will be here.

    1. messymimi; I'm happy that you like my decor, it's very much a mix of just anything I like the look of. Lola is a sweetie, especially when she is asleep. I was happy to find the owl, to get just that bit of extra colour in my kitchen.

  11. I love the bookend with drawers. I have a Galileo thermometer, given to me by my best ol' ex-teaching buddy Mabel. It sits on the mantel of the corner (electric) fireplace in our basement, not far from my OPC (Old People Chair).

    1. Val; I put my paper clips in one of the bookend drawers, probably now I'll forget where they are since I kept them in a plastic cup for decades. I'd like to see your Gallileo thermometer, is it the same size as mine? About 28cm or 11 inches.


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