Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Remember the butchered tree from last week?

this is all that is left

it's about a metre across. I'm still angry about this, but the new development on the adjoining block is covering all the area where the tree roots would be on that side and over the years the tree might have suffered a slow death, dropping branches on roof, paths, people, so while I hate this solution, it might be for the best. 

these are the erigerons (seaside daisy) I planted the first year I moved here. They're doing really well, these are knee height,

with this one being almost hip height to me.

I love the cheery pink and white flowers on them.

here is something no one wants to see in any garden, this is in one of the rain gardens on the footpath.

golden wattle is blooming brightly everywhere

on the other side of the block is this different wattle, which is much, much larger than it looks here

the leaves are different and the lemon scented golden balls are a softer yellow, most of these haven't opened yet, except a few dead centre in the photo

and a few right at the edge.

this lemon scented wattle is in the yard of this soon-to-be-demolished house that I showed you a few weeks ago. I expected that to have begun by now, but it seems I was wrong. The house will be replaced by two-two storey townhouses, so it's a forgone conclusion the tree will also go along with the rest of the vegetation there.

here is the lovely Lady Lola perusing the newest IKEA catalogue

gazing out the window

settling down for a nap

stretching all the way out

and sound asleep.


  1. THis might not be a good time of year in your area for my allergies, but the photos are nice.

    1. joeh; it isn't a good time for my allergies either, I've doubled my usual antihistamine dose.

  2. As always, I love your photos!!

  3. Your Lovely Lola looks exactly like my Norbert. 💕

    1. Birdie; welcome to drifting. You'll have to post a picture of Norbert.

  4. Aww - Who doesn't love kitty pics?

    1. Grace; probably people who don't like kitties (*~*), I don't personally know anyone who doesn't.

  5. Your spring is coming on so beautifully!

    1. Joanne; yes it is and soon enough it will be summer and we'll all be melting onto the footpaths again. I do love all the flowers, even with the sneezing and coughing that goes with them.

  6. Loving your garden, the wattle and the lovely Lola. Sigh about the tree. And development which insists they have to go.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm sad about the tree too, but I spent time in the Botanic Gardens today and hugged a few trees.

  7. Even though we hate to see trees being cut down, sometimes it is necessary...sometimes one has to be cruel to be kind, unfortunately.'s a cat's life!!

    Have yourself a great week, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; it's true. Sometimes 'cruel to be kind' is necessary, but it still makes me sad. Lola loves the windowsill, it gets sunshine almost all day and she only leaves it to eat or when the sun finally goes down.

  8. I misread that as "golden waffle," and said to myself, "River really DOES live in paradise!"

    1. Val; ha ha. I've tried waffles and don't like them. Give me good old-fashioned pancakes any day.

  9. I remember the paler wattle flowers. It is nice to compare against brighter one. Good to see Lola being her usual energetic self.

    1. Andrew; the paler lemon scented ones are my favourites, the scent doesn't last long though. Lola is about as energetic as I am. She moves for food, but only if she is really hungry.

  10. Every tree that comes down makes me sad, even if it’s because of rot or disease.

    It looks like you are having a lovely spring.

    1. messymimi; sadly there wasn't anything wrong with this particular tree, it was just in the wrong place after the new houses went up. I did hug some trees in the botanic Gardens this morning though.

  11. Never heard of wattle before. I look it up and I'm to far north in United States.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); wattles are all over Australia, different varieties, most of them bright golden yellow, some a softer paler colour like newborn baby chicks. I love them all.

  12. I have a Pinky-red wattle Which is 20 or more feet tall in centre position of our front garden fence. It seems to bloom all seasons. I suppose we are about 1000 Klms further away from the colder regions where you reside, Although it is fairly chilly right now even on the central coast. Minnie my female pussy cat has just come in from the cold outside and has found a warm spot on my lap which makes it difficult to type.

  13. Hard to believe that was once a tree. Shocking. Wattle is new to me also but you intrigued me with its lemon scented. Sounds marvelous.
    Lola really knows how to stake her claim to a spot. Cats are good at that.

  14. Pic of Tree in our Front garden on Daily Gaggle . click on pic to enlarge. there is an old guy out front too. I told him to clear off; he is spoiling the pic

  15. Oh, Lola has such a hard and busy life!!

    The wattle blossoms are beautiful. I love yellow in the spring. The closest we have here is the forsythia, which is much smaller than your wattles.

  16. The beautiful Lady Lola doing what she does best.....I do so miss having a cat.

  17. It's such a shame when a tree has to come down, but from what's left of the tree, it'd be great to have a cross-section slab of it. The wood looks healthy and the shape is interesting, so it'd make a cute little table or stool, or would be a terrific surface to use for an oil painting...

    The wattle is lovely, and I can just imagine the lemon-y scent. We have a bush here that smells like dead fish when it's in bloom. I'd MUCH rather have the lemon. :)

    Lady Lola is a cutie. Oh, to be so relaxed...


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