Ready to get infected?

I've had this written down for years, I copied it from a book once, long ago and don't know who wrote it originally. I hope the original author forgives me for putting it here.

"Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. 
I walked around the corner and someone saw me grin,
When he smiled I realised I had passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile and then realised its worth, 
A single smile like mine could travel round the earth.
So if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected,
Let's start an epidemic and get the world infected."



  1. Smiles are great, but I do hate when a stranger comes up to me and says, "Smile, it can't be that bad." I always think, "F you, how do you know? Sometimes you just need good sulk!

    1. joeh; good point, sometimes a sulk is necessary. I did have quite a conversation earlier this year with a man walking along the street with a sign saying "smile, it doesn't cost anything". We got to talking about people not smiling enough and I told him about a bumper sticker on our old kombi van that said "smiles are free-use one everyday". When my bus came along I did feel much more cheerful.

  2. Absolutely true. I have been doing such of late and it works.

    1. What is the old song, Smile and the world smiles along with you.

    2. Andrew; I've found it works too, maybe not as effectively as the poem above, but many people do smile back. I don't remember the song.

  3. Smile could be the second best medicine, next to laughter.

  4. I am totally on board. Sending one your way and am pretty sure it will make it.

  5. Replies
    1. Val; me too, although sometimes a good sulk is necessary, a smile at the right moment can help even on a bad day.

  6. It is the best virus of all! Great verse...great epidemic! Let it spread wide and far! :)

    I copied and pasted this into my Word Documents because the print on your blog is so faint, River....I find it difficult to read. Perhaps it's just my computer...however, I'm not having a similar problem elsewhere.

    1. Lee; the print is lighter than black and I don't know why, it seems to be part of the package with this particular blog format. I'm not going to mess things up further by trying to fix it. I'm wishing I had stuck with the original. Anyway, I'm glad you like the poem. I'm going to print myself a copy and hang it in my kitchen.

  7. There is a lady named Joy who believes everyone should be a JoyGerm and spread joy.

    1. messymimi; I had a sister in law named Joy and she certainly was a happy person.

  8. Replies
    1. Joanne; that's true as well as being nicer to look at.

  9. I just started my blog and I'm already infected. It's what I get for clicking here and there and everywhere.
    I do need something to smile about after frowning and growling trying to get my blog set up! Thanks!

  10. Everyone I've known who was a joy was a misery in making. I'd laugh quietly to myself. I love the poem, I do smile a lot and it is nearly always reflected back to me.


  11. Smiling costs nothing, but it pays back a lot.

  12. Hi River,

    I smile at people all the time - and most do smile back.





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