Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by Elephant's Child, who gladly accepted my offer to keep this going, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing. I won't always be participating, the increasing arthritis in the knuckles is more than annoying and typing doesn't help. but I found a couple of photos from way back in June 2014, or maybe it was May, anyway here I am at a wildlife park. 

here's me holding a koala, you can see just how large they are, even with me being only five feet tall. The handlers were close by, making sure he didn't get cranky or upset in anyway and timing each hold so waiting people would get their turn.

and here's me being silly having fun, climbing onto a tortoise statue, a little more difficult than expected as I wasn't wearing stretch pants and worried they might split, being several years old already, you can see by the fading on the knees. 
There are many more photos from the wildlife park, but I haven't found them all yet.


  1. I didn't think Koalas were that tame.

    1. joeh mostly they're not, but these ones have been in the wildlife park for a while and gotten used to being handled, but there's a limited time for holding and after about an hour of different people holding them they are given a rest. There are only two holding sessions per day I think and usually they koalas are fed and rested so they're calm.

  2. Lovely to see you posting for SS again. That koala looks quite heavy as well as big.
    I was hoping to see photos of you in your wedding finery. Next time? (hint hint).

    1. Elephant's Child; he was quite heavy and larger than I expected. When you see them in trees they look smaller. Wedding finery? Ha Ha! I was quite cold the whole time so kept my wrap/cardigan thing on the whole day. Mostly I stayed in the background and let the social butterflies do there thing. I was just happy to watch.

  3. Lovely photos, River. That koala is almost as big as you!! :) They;re great beautiful.,..and so unique.

    I hope you have a great week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; that koala was a hefty boy and I was a bit nervous in case I dropped him.

  4. Ooh! I thought koalas were about half that size. I suppose he's holding a sprig of eucalyptus leaves?

    1. Val; they do look smaller when you see them up in trees, this one was full grown and quite old, well used to being held. Yes, that's eucalyptus leaves he's holding. It's all they eat.

  5. Koalas are big, aren't they, i had no idea.

    If i'd been there, i would have wanted to "ride" the tortoise also.

    1. messymimi; yay, another tortoise "rider". Koalas are bigger than I imagined.

  6. Great photos. Like Val and messymimi, I had no idea how big they are.

    1. Susan Kane; I'd imagined them smaller because I'd never been that close to one.

  7. Great photos. The koala looks so heavy. Maybe it takes you back to carrying your children just before they became too heavy.

    1. Andrew; he was heavy, but held his own weight well, not a "deadweight" just hanging limply, so that helped. I didn't carry my children much once they could walk and they weren't heavyweights anyway.

  8. What a cool opportunity to hold a koala. They are so cute that I think we have all wanted to get up close with one. Heard they could be cranky and glad yours wasn't. Good of them to limit exposure for the animals sake.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the handlers make sure they are well fed and well rested before handling time, which is limited to a short time twice a day.

  9. How fantastic you got to hold a koala! That would be so cool. And like everyone else, I'm a bit shocked at how big that one is. It's interesting to get a different perspective from the "koala in a tree" pictures.

    1. jenny_o; I was surprised at the size too, but only the adult koalas get held as the young ones might get too frisky or otherwise upset. They train them for quite a while to get used to being held.


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