Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.
I haven't highlighted Delores site, since this is her final week of providing prompts, she is closing her blog due to trolls.
This month the prompts are supplied by and can be found here.

This week's words/prompts are:

"the oneness of the universe"

and/or these words:
milk duds

Here is my effort: (with a few of last week's words tossed in.)

"I'll head on over to the concession stand while you get the tickets," said Celia. "Do you want milk duds?" "Milk duds are so bland," said Shane. "they're for babies, get me something with crunch and flavour." Under his breath he added, "bad enough I have to sit through a dumb romance movie." "I heard that,' said Celia. "You're the one who made the bet and you lost so I get to choose the movie. But out of the kindness of my heart I'll let you watch whatever blood'n'guts shoot'em up thing you want next week."
"Hardly fair," said Shane. "You'll be at your annual family picnic so you won't have to sit through it."
Celia smiled. "One of the blessings of having a huge family," she said. "I'll get extra milk duds, Janet and Nathan said they'd be along if they finished at the hospital in time." "Does this cinema have handicapped access?" asked Shane. "Of course, that's why I chose it. I can't wait to see Nathan's new wheelchair, it's a newer, lightweight model."
"How's his therapy going?" said Shane. "They're doing a complete check up instead this time, he had a spike in his heart rate at last week's session so they've been monitoring him, they rested him all week to give him a chance to get calmer, I think he's frustrated that things aren't progressing as well or as fast as he wants." "I'd be frustrated too, thinking I might never walk again," said Shane. "I hope they can hurry a bit and not miss the beginning of the movie," said Celia, "it's the opening scenes that usually set the atmosphere. What about chilli spiced caramel popcorn for you?" "Perfect," said Shane. "I can eat crunchy things again now that toothache has been taken care of."


  1. Think she rules that roost. Well done again with some hard words.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think they take turns ruling the roost. In my mind they are an older married couple.

    2. Chili spiced caramel popcorn? They can't be all that old!

    3. Susan; I'm thinking forties or early fifties.

  2. You work those words in so they don't stand out. Well done! No Milk Duds for me, and certainly no chili spiced caramel popcorn. My favorite movie snack is regular popcorn (no added butter), with Reese's Pieces.

    1. Val; I think the point is to weave in the words so they're unnoticeable. I'm not a popcorn fan at all, too many bits get stuck in my teeth.

  3. Hooray for take charge women - and I hope she loves the movie.

    1. Elephant's Child; she'll love the movie and will probably let him take charge next time round.

  4. Chili spiced caramel popcorn sounds like something i need to try at least once. Fun story!

    1. messymimi; I don't know it that flavour exists, I made it up as I wrote it.

  5. Well done, River.

    I've been a bit slack on WW of late...other things on my mind. I'll get back to doing them shortly. Meanwhile, you, as always are doing a great job. Cuddles to Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I missed last week and haven't been able to work any of the words into my ongoing Lost and Found story lately.

  6. I missed you... I'm glad you're back!

    Great use of the words, as usual. Have a fantastic weekend!

  7. Replies
    1. peppylady; probably milk duds taste very bland to someone who is used to spicier foods.

  8. I had to look up "milk duds" - it's not anything I'd heard of here in the UK. Looks like they are similar to our "chocolate buttons". Love them! Well done on getting all those disparate words into a coherent story.
    Around My Kitchen Table

    1. AMKT; I guessed they were similar to our chocolate buttons, which are hard to find these days. I have seen bags of caramel buttons and the specialty chocolate shops such as Haighs have chocolate buttons in milk, dark and coffee flavours.

  9. I humbly submit my entry. :)

  10. Great job as always, River. I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating: your prose is so readable and smooth and the prompts blend in seamlessly. It's a joy to read. I especially envy your ability with dialogue, which I find very hard to do.

    1. jenny_o; thank you. Usually I just write what I imagine people are saying in my head, so dialogue comes pretty easily and the rest of the story just falls into place around that.


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