Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are again supplied by Delores and can be found here.

Sadly, this month will be Delores' last turn with prompting us as she has been plagued by trolls and is closing her blog.

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. caps 
2. fishing 
3. storm clouds 
4. willow 
5. racing 
6. ripples  


1. blasted 
2. scurrying 
3. basket 
4. intense 
5. success 
6. model T

here is my story: 

I stared out at the ripples on the pond and the racing whitecaps speeding across the surface of the Southern Ocean. The rising wind had the willow swaying in all directions, the intense purple-grey of the gathering stormclouds looked like bruises against the orange yellow lingering along the horizon from the setting sun. 

Scurrying inside with my basket of freshly dried sheets, pillowcases and towels, I was glad to see Mitchell sitting by the fire, reading. This morning he had announced his intention to go fishing with “the boys” but had been foiled by the failure of the old Model T to start up. “Blasted machine,” he’d said, “capricious as the weather,” but he’d seemed relieved when Andy phoned to say the fishing expedition was off due to the weather forecast. 

I’d been more than happy to have him stay home. At 87, I didn’t like “the boys” standing on slippery rocks trying to catch fish anymore. I wished they’d give it up altogether and do their fishing at the early morning market. A freshly caught fish from a boat just in was as good as freshly caught by husband in my opinion, and a lot safer. 

We discussed the subject over dinner and after declaring my new peach cobbler recipe a success, he announced that he’d had similar thoughts about the rock fishing and would phone Andy in the morning. They could have meetings in the pub instead and discuss fishing instead of actually doing it. I knew the other wives would be as happy as I was to hear it.


  1. Love that first paragraph! So evocative.

    1. Grace; you can almost see that storm building, right?

  2. There is a time to do, and a time to discuss. Let's hope they agree with what time it is now.

    1. messymimi; I think they'll be happy to agree. It's one of those situations where each was waiting for another to make the first move toward change.

  3. I hope he does just that. And love your take on Delores' prompts. Which have left me blank this week.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was blank for quite a while too, what was I going to do with Model T?

  4. Well done! I'll be glad if I reach 87, never mind fishing on the rocks.

    1. joeh; you'll get there, Mrs C takes good care of you.

  5. I wish storm clouds would gather up here...linger long...for a few days...and unload their load! Bush fires rage in the valleys below the mountain.'ve used the words well, River. :)

    1. Lee; thank you. You've got bush fires? I'll push a few of our clouds your way.

  6. What an evocative atmosphere. I hope the old men will enjoy the "fishing" at the pub for many years yet.

    1. Uglemor; I'm betting they will enjoy a more comfortable atmosphere.

  7. I was really wondering what your would do with Model T also. Well done. Sometimes it is better to talk an action than to do. I find the older I get that happens more and more.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I find talking happens more than doing these days too.

  8. He is right talking about fishing is just as good and a lot safer.

    1. Merle; definitely safer, and they have years of memories to talk about.

  9. Looks like Mitchell had the right idea, but just needed someone to nudge it out of him. The Model T and the storm did their part for the short-term decision.

    1. Val; sometimes men can be stubborn about not being first to change the regular routine.

  10. Your descriptions in the first paragraph are reeeeeeally good! Great job!

    In fact, I like the whole story. It's difficult for men... more so than women, I think... to give up things they enjoy because of age-related issues. I'm sure all of the wives in your story will be relieved to have their husbands skip fishing on those slippery rocks.


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