
Showing posts from December, 2019

Santa knows what Australia needs most

From yesterday's newspaper, Wouldn't that be wonderful!  And this from last week's newspaper: "That's right Artoo, it could be worse....we could be in  South Australia!" and I was mistaken when I thought the Cudlee Creek fire was under control and almost out. she took off running and devastated more of the countryside.  I also saw news footage of a farm where a field of donkeys had been burned with only one donkey left wandering around, I suspect that farm is one owned by a friend of my neighbour V, who has many animals besides the donkeys, including alpacas, cats, dogs. I'll find out later today if the farm was hers. Right now her phones aren't answering. Wildlife rescue is swamped with injured and starving koalas, who are only now coming out of hiding and looking for food and water. Later edit: I've found out my friend's farm is okay and all her animals. Her neighbour has some of his sheep in her fields and came arou...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Cindi and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are: Share a tradition you have this time of year, when, why or how it became a tradition and how it makes you feel.  This is tough, traditions are usually something that occurs at the same time and place, in the same way, for years, decades, generations. I don't have anything like that. Things change here from one year to another, depending on what plans the kids have and now that the grandchildren are grown, things are even more different. How many years does s...

Crazy Cat Lady

What is that exactly? a crazy lady who keeps cats? or a lady who keeps crazy cats? discuss....

I had a hard time deciding what to put up here, so I went with everything

I don't think more words are necessary. Have a great Christmas, Hannukah, holiday break, all of you. And please hug those nearest and dearest.

I hope you're ready, because....

Yes, he is, he really really is ! don't forget to leave some cake  or cookies for him maybe sing a little song or two ?  ā™«ā™Ŗ

I'm not an emotional person usually

I don't cry over every little thing, but I'm watching the news tonight and seeing fire after fire after fire and I'm crying. South Australia has its own fires, there are some in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland. But New South Wales seems to have the worst of it.  Even our beautiful Blue Mountains are ablaze.  Does anybody out there know any good rain dances?  In years past, the "cockies" (farmers) in the outback would search the skies hoping for clouds and at the first sign of even a single fat rain drop they'd toss their hats in the air and shout "ripper! send 'er down Huey!" Apparently God's name is/was Huey. Well I'm standing by my front door, looking at the cloudy sky and beseeching Huey to please "send 'er down" A nationwide cloudburst, please. 

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Cindi and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are: write a diary entry dated 10 years in the future Dear Diary ; I notice you are still almost as pristine as the day I bought you. So many crisp, unused pages. I guess I'm not so good with writing things down on a daily basis, nothing much happens on a day to day existence anyway. I look to the previous page and see my last entry was December 12, ten years ago. That was the day Missy died. You were already three years old, but had so few entries.  Not much has hap...

A question for swimsuit manufacturers

It's summer here in Australia and department store catalogues are filled with tall, thin, or tall curvy, women modelling this years swimsuit styles and fabrics.  They're not much different from previous years. Colourful and pretty.  Some magazines have articles on choosing the right swimsuit for your body shape, but they still focus on regular types, thin, pear shaped, apple shaped, top heavy etc. Where are the swimsuits for older, SHORT people, around five feet tall, and shaped more like a dumpling on legs, than like Elle McPherson? The people who look more like a Ma Kettle cookie jar, with layers of squishy roundness? It's all very well someone saying, "just buy the larger size." That just doesn't always work. It might fit around me quite well, but it will also be far too long and I'd have to hitch it up at the waist and tie it tight, or swim with the crotch dangling around my knees (slight exaggeration there) and the shoulder straps would ha...

A Big Thank You to the person who invented Air Conditioning

Here in South Australia we are again in the grip of a heatwave.  Three days at 40C (104F) before warming up to 44C (111.2F) on Friday. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, whoever you are that invented Air Conditioning. And thank you to my brother who helped me pay for mine to be bought and installed. The temperatures above are only for the Adelaide area, the rest of the state is hotter and much hotter especially up in the mid north and higher. There'll be no cooking done in this small home until the heat drops down to reasonable levels. I've heard that will be Saturday, but who knows how long the cool will last? We still have January and February to get through.  I am still drinking hot coffee though, just less of it and plenty of water the rest of the day. Colour me weird, but I really hate iced coffee. 

Sunday Selections

Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look. today I thought I'd show you my Christmas decorating for this year. I wasn't going to decorate, but then it just sort of happened: it started with putting some of my Christmas earrings on my fake bonsai tree. I have two fake bonsais, they're identical, but after doing this one I couldn't be bothered with all the fiddly work of doing the other one. some of you might remember these from a post long ago when I showed off the earrings I wore to work every day in December the little sleigh is one of my favour...

R.I.P. Missy

Missy - 1999-2019 20 people years, 96 cat years. Brought to us as a tiny, tiny thing, not yet weaned when the mother abandoned the kittens, I remember twice daily using a baby teaspoon to drip a warmed milk and water mixture onto her mouth and being delighted when she licked it off. We progressed to Missy licking milk off my finger and eventually following the finger into the bowl of milk which then got slightly thickened with Weetbix for extra nourishment. From there she quickly moved on to soft cat food before beginning to steal raw and cooked meats from the table after clawing her way up the chairs. Missy chose "no-one" as her Mum and spent a lot of time in her bedroom when she wasn't outside. Always slightly feral and always a very small cat under a huge amount of fluffy hair, "no-one" and I arrived home one day to find a very satisfied kitty and a clump of bird feathers on the front porch. Under the porch table was a beak and one foot. That's al...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the prompts are supplied by Cindi and can be found here . This week's words/prompts are: something entirely unexpected:  1- Look around and choose an object in the room.  2- Now write something from the point of view of that object.  I'm not sure how to say this, I'm not a talker, I don't have a voice, like a clock or a radio, I don't make sound of any kind, I'm not something useful, like a cabinet or a chair, but I do have colours so I am something pretty, to be looked at and admired. I don't remember much about the years bef...

Just FYI

I tried something new, foodwise. Usually when I do, my reaction is "Meh, it's okay, but I probably won't buy it again" not this time! This time, my reaction was "wow! this is great, I'll definitely buy this again" so what is it? This , from Woolworths supermarket, in the prepared meats cabinet of the meat section, NOT in the freezer, NOT at the deli counter. Wood Smoked Beef Brisket, pre-cooked and just needs heating in the oven for about a half hour, covered with alfoil until the last five minutes, then take the foil off. Instructions are on the back of the pack. 100% Australian beef. The included sauce sachet is a pretty decent size, served over the meat once the heating is done. But instead, I brushed a little of the sauce over the meat for the last five minutes of heating time. Serves four, unless you are my children, then  this pack would serve two. I have plenty left over and will freeze one portion, while making beef sandw...