I hope you're ready, because....

Yes, he is, he really really is !

don't forget to leave some cake 

or cookies for him

maybe sing a little song or two ?


  1. Ready? Queue hysterical laughter. I will leave out a little cake for him though.
    I hope your Christmas Eve, your Christmas and the year(s) to come are all marvellous.

    1. Elephant's Child; I thought I heard laughter from the East :) My Christmas Day will be very quiet, just me and Lola. I spent today with my niece her partner and her young son who is six.

  2. Merry Christmas, River.

  3. Replies
    1. peppylady (Dora); I'm sure they will appreciate them. Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas! Santa is out of luck. I'm too tired to make another Oreo cake.

    1. Val; don't be too concerned, I'm sure Santa gets plenty of cookies and cake at other homes.

  5. Santa won't be calling by here (he's misplaced my address, too, I think)...so I've just eaten a couple of slices of cake, instead. I don't want it to go staile. Should I feel guilty? Naaaaah! :)

    I had a few Liquorice Allsorts this afternoon, too...still didn't feel guilty!

    Merry Christmas, River...stay cool...stay calm. And a giant Merry Christmas to Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Christmas and guilt should never go together. I love licorice allsorts, but usually eat too many at once.

  6. Got some chocolate here for him, hope that counts, too ;-)
    Merry Christmas to you!
    Oh, and Vanilla-milk.

    1. P.S., as I learned you are practically "German": My Mum had the goose in the oven for hours (yes, a waste of electricity!), she poured sugared water over it once in a while (why ever), no fat at all, it dripped in a pan underneath. YUM.
      In your summer I somehow am not really willing to send a chocolate-Henry over to you. But in your winter maybe? If you like leave your address at flaviakaiser@gmx.de.
      No worries if not!

  7. Merry Christmas, River!

    I am trying to remember what the skulls represent. Is it All Saints Day? It's funny to see from here since we are all candy canes and snowflakes. Oh...I can't remember. But I think it is very thin, yet colorful, people who did not eat enough Christmas cookies. Don't be like them!

    1. Sandi; the skulls represent the Day of the Dead, usually celebrated in Mexico I think, but not at Christmas. I just really liked the colourful cake.
      Merry Christmas.

  8. Well you got him early and my what a spread the bearded fellow got. Maybe if I left more than Kale Chips I'd do better:))
    Enjoy your Christmas and a blessed 2020.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Kale chips??? Yikes, that's not at all Christmassy.
      Maybe next year leave a little dip with the chips.
      Merry Christmas.

  9. As ready as i can ever be. Merry Christmas Eve!

    1. messymimi; i'm usually ready for it to be over before it even begins, I get the same jittery tension that I always got whenever mum announced a visit. Still it's something we get through, those who enjoy and those who pretend.
      I enjoyed it a lot more when the kids were little.


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