Sunday Selections

Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 
Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

today I thought I'd show you my Christmas decorating for this year.

I wasn't going to decorate, but then it just sort of happened:

it started with putting some of my Christmas earrings on my fake bonsai tree. I have two fake bonsais, they're identical, but after doing this one I couldn't be bothered with all the fiddly work of doing the other one.

some of you might remember these from a post long ago when I showed off the earrings I wore to work every day in December

the little sleigh is one of my favourites

the wreath earring has a matching brooch that I used to pin on my shirt

I have two new snow globes, a gift from 'no-one' and I forgot to take close-up shots, the one on the left has two teddies decorating their tree.

last year's snow globes were found and put out too. The polar bear in a  blizzard one has lost some of its liquid. Does anyone know how or where I can get it refilled?

I found the 'snow' settles too fast to get a decent photo of it, unlike when I was very young and snow globes had more snow and the liquid was denser so the snow settled much more slowly.

Santa in a hammock on a beach still makes me smile

I found these two Christmas themed meerkats at the local supermarket. The tree is an old one that I've had for several years now, I leave the tinsel on it and just wrap it up each year.

my LED star lights get left up all the time, they come in handy if there is a blackout, this year I had to put new batteries in the control box

this plump and cheery fellow was found in a thrift shop just last week and he practically jumped into my bag to come home with me

he even has a tinkly bell on his cap

this older style Santa was in a thrift shop right next door to the first one, there are five thrift shops together in that one area and by the time I'd had a good rummage through all of them I almost fell asleep on the bus going home.

He is playing a violin,

and has a ukulele and a miniature tom-tom hanging off his golden sash. I have never seen another Santa like this, I believe he must be quite old and I'm glad I found him.

this hanging ornament which isn't hanging here, I found in the local supermarket  a day after I finished decorating. It's not too small, but not huge either, the signpost inside shows the way to the North Pole, to the Elf Workshop, the Reindeer Barn, the Sled and Santa's House.

Then I started on the tinsel:

a little bit here,

a little bit there, and then I stopped.  Enough is as good as a feast, right?


  1. This is such an amazing post! Everything is beautiful. Each decoration is so meaningful to you. We don't decorate anymore. Our arms don't reach or lift. It is a treat to enjoy yours. Looking at the enlarged pics ... beautiful. Every little figure has a special place. I love the Santa with the ukulele. I bet he keeps you up at night.

    Just wait until after Christmas and you have to take it all down and put it back in the storage boxes. Ha Ha Ha

    1. nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing; I loved finding these unique Santas and will probably go back to the thrift shops next year. I'm sure I can find somewhere to put something else small, where the cat can't or won't get to it. Taking it down and packing it away is no trouble since what you see here is all there is. It will be about five minutes, then stash it all in the top cupboard.

  2. Love your decorations. Which haven't happened here. Yet.
    The earrings in particular take my eye. The sleigh is gorgeous and not one I have ever seen. I am a big fan of snow globes too.

    1. Elephant's Child; do you remember the snow globes of the past where the snow whirled longer as it settled? When I take it all down I will take a closer shot of the sleigh earrings for you.

  3. Wow! Impressed. I must do something though my building has gone overboard in the general areas, I must take pics of that :)


    1. WWW; I'd love to see your building decorations :)

  4. What a great idea decorating bonsais. They look real to me. Loved your fiddling Santa.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I got the idea from "no-one" who has mini LED lights on her bonsai. I love the Santas too.

  5. Lovely bits and pieces...bibs and bobs, River. No decorations or Christmas tree here for me. I've not bothered for a number of years now. With only me and my two furry mates...I won't be having any visitors or feeding anyone other than we three...Christmas will be just blending into every other day. I don't mean to sound like a Scrooge or Grinch...because I'm not...but it's too hot to get overly excited...and cooking is the last thing on my mind. Cold...cold...cold for me!

    I hope you have a good week ahead...I heard on the weather reports earlier that very high temps are expected in Adelaide during the coming please take care. Cuddles to Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I didn't bother for a few years, it just seemed pointless, apart from a couple of tiny trees where Lola can't get to them. This year I was only planning to do the bonsais, but then I found the meerkats and later the Santas so it sort of exploded on me.
      I'm not looking forward to the heat at all, and on our 40C Tuesday I have a dentist appointment to get to.

  6. My favourites are the meerkats. I doubt you could get a snow globe refilled. I agree that the snow used to take much longer to settle. I am just curious about you using the phrase thrift store when we say op (opportunity) shop. Is it a state difference?

    1. Andrew; an international difference rather than state. I would normally say op shop, but friends in the US say thrift shop so I used that to save lengthy explanations, thinking everyone in Aus would know they are the same. I love the meerkats too and they are quite fragile so wrapping them carefully will be done when I out them away. They aren't solid, but quite thin shells, so I think bubble wrap is the way to go.

  7. I love everything. The ornaments. The santas. I think the musical santa is fairly old, too. The tinsel. The fairy lights. All lovely. Good enough for me. Nothing is or will be up.

    1. Joanne; I'm happy for you to look at mine anytime you need to see decorations rather than do your own. I've done the same in years past. I'm wondering just how old the musical Santa is, there are no markings on him at all, not even on his plaster base.

  8. That is very Merry Christmas-y! I love the Santa in the hammock. There's a good view of him in the background of the leaky polar bear. That fiddling Santa is also nice. He looks classy.

    1. Val; Santa in the hammock is so Australian, he's my favourite. The fiddling Santa looks like Santa from an earlier era.

  9. Very interesting. I find your tree special cool. I like those who thinks outside of box

    1. peppylady (Dora) I didn't think of it as thinking outside the box, I just put together things I like.

  10. I do like Santa and the violin.
    Your decorations do look great, well done.

  11. It sort of happened ;-)
    Oh, yes, Christmas earrings I bought in Perth a lot! And people smile, seeing them!
    Somehow not available (yet) in Germany...
    Ohhhh... the teddies! Miele-baer sure loves that! (and I do, too)
    Sadly I have no idea of how to refill a globe...
    Oh, the meerkats! Is the ad still on TV with them?? I never knew if to love or hate them ;-)
    I love all this deco (no surprise, huh?)

    1. Iris Flavia; no Christmas earrings in Germany? That's sad. Maybe you should wear the ones you bought in Perth and someone will notice and start to make some there?
      I love teddies too. The meerkats ad isn't on TV right now, but I'm sure it will be back next year.


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