I'm not an emotional person usually

I don't cry over every little thing, but I'm watching the news tonight and seeing fire after fire after fire and I'm crying.

South Australia has its own fires, there are some in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland.
But New South Wales seems to have the worst of it. 
Even our beautiful Blue Mountains are ablaze. 

Does anybody out there know any good rain dances? 

In years past, the "cockies" (farmers) in the outback would search the skies hoping for clouds and at the first sign of even a single fat rain drop they'd toss their hats in the air and shout "ripper! send 'er down Huey!"

Apparently God's name is/was Huey.

Well I'm standing by my front door, looking at the cloudy sky and beseeching Huey to please "send 'er down"

A nationwide cloudburst, please. 


  1. Yes, this year it´s really bad and frightening.
    Twice bush-fires came near to us in Australia and it freaked me out.
    I will dance and I kid you not, I will. Huey has to step out and help.
    To Germans "Australia" (as in in general) is burning. They tell me, good thing you did not go (to Perth - as if we had a choice, they don´t want us).
    So here we sit and watch. Even Yanchep is in danger.
    I hope and (try to) dance it all gets under control!

  2. Oh. I "shot" myself, right? We travelled Australia. In 1995 all around and sometimes in and 1999 West, North, Outback. Makes me qualify to say "Australia", as in general?

    1. Yes, you are qualified, you've probably seen more of Australia than I have. I did live in several states, but that was with my soldier husband, we moved every time the Army sent him and I was at home with the babies so didn't get out and see much.
      I read in my newspaper this morning there are even fires in Kangaroo Island :(

    2. Oh, that must´ve been hard, having a soldier as a Hubby. And being without him so much, too. 13 years of weekend-relationship over here, gahhh.
      We´ve never been to Kangaroo Island. I hope one day we can... and it´s blooming, healthy and all.

  3. Yep, send it down Hughie.

    1. Andrew; keep repeating it like a mantra. Please.

  4. We all pray for Christmas showers in Australia.

    1. Uglemor; we have cloudy skies now and again, but nothing comes from it so far.

  5. Hope Huey was listening. I'll send up a prayer also for some healing rains. .Those fires look so terrible.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the new South Wales fires have been burning three months already. Thanks for your prayers.

  6. I am with you. I really, really hope Hughie sends it down. In buckets.

    1. Elephant's Child; we probably don't need the buckets, just the water, although some might appreciate a bucket or two to store some of the water.

  7. Tears are never far from my eyes these days. Unashamedly, they flowed when I saw photos of those two brave young men - volunteer firefighters...young husbands and fathers who lost their lives.

    "Huey" was also the cry of lifesavers. I was a teenager when I first heard the name. The lifesavers used to shout out to "Huey" to send along a good surf...and, for rain.

    "Send 'er down, Huey!, sometimes Send her down, Huey! or Send it down, Huey!, is an idiomatic Australian phrase uttered in response to the onset of rain. ... Interpreted literally, the phrase is a request that God, or a rain god, send plenty of rainfall."

    May Huey aka Hughie be generous....Send it down, Huey!!

    I hope the coming week treats you kindly, River. Best wishes of the Season to you and your family. Chrissy cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...take care. :)

    1. Lee; I didn't know about lifesavers asking for good surf, I've only ever heard it in request for rain. I'm adding my own requests and maybe a sort of rain dance as I dry the dishes. Lola has missed a few cuddles as people come to the door and she bolts out to the porch, so she made up for that last night when she spent 99% of the night under the sheet sleeping with face and paws on my arm.

  8. Buckets, Huey. The world beseeches your.

    1. Joanne; thank you. Many many buckets please Huey.

  9. We all need to something about the world wide climate issue. Coffee is on

    1. peppylady; I've just had coffee :) We do what we can on a personal level, but what else can we do?

  10. I'm hoping you get some rain soon.

    1. Val; the entire country needs rain, but most especially where the fires are. A huge cloudburst over each fire. And some in the very dry farming areas too.

  11. How i wish i could send rain to you. It all breaks my heart.

    1. messymimi; I remember wishing the same when your country had such terrible fires.

  12. The heat and fires and great losses your country is suffering are heartbreaking. I so wish for a miracle of early and steady rain. I fear it won't happen, but I still wish it.

    1. jenny_o; steady rain would be the best Christmas present ever if it happened all over Australia.

  13. Have been watching news about your weather and fires. California understands. May you get soaked.

    1. Susan Kane; same as I understood when California was burning. I hope for a good soaking too, but it's unlikely. thank you.

  14. Hi River,

    Yes - we have been watching the fires in the UK too - they were headline news in fact. As I look out of the window here, it is raining (as you might expect in winter). It's a shame we can't send a deluge your way.




  15. One more prayer going up for rain...this one from Canada.

  16. Talk to Noah, Huey he knows about floods and our tears don't seem to be enough to quench these hellish flames.

    Let her rip.



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