Santa knows what Australia needs most

From yesterday's newspaper, Wouldn't that be wonderful! 

And this from last week's newspaper:

"That's right Artoo, it could be worse....we could be in  South Australia!"

and I was mistaken when I thought the Cudlee Creek fire was under control and almost out. she took off running and devastated more of the countryside. 

I also saw news footage of a farm where a field of donkeys had been burned with only one donkey left wandering around, I suspect that farm is one owned by a friend of my neighbour V, who has many animals besides the donkeys, including alpacas, cats, dogs. I'll find out later today if the farm was hers. Right now her phones aren't answering.
Wildlife rescue is swamped with injured and starving koalas, who are only now coming out of hiding and looking for food and water.

Later edit: I've found out my friend's farm is okay and all her animals. Her neighbour has some of his sheep in her fields and came around with a huge water tank on his truck and wet the perimeter of her farm as well as his own. but the surrounding fires still burn so we keep our fingers crossed. She did evacuate her dogs and cats and will bring them home once the danger is past, but the bigger animals have to stay where they are for now.


  1. Replies
    1. joeh; we've been through summers like this before, yet we keep on keeping on. The fires have never been so widespread though, with five states at once burning.

  2. The cartoon is funny, but the situation sad.

  3. It is dreadful.
    For the people and the animals.
    We are still shrouded in smoke here, and the fires are expected to ramp up again in the coming week.
    At least some of Queensland IS getting rain.

    1. Elephant's Child; the people lose their homes, but can rebuild, the animals lose everything. Good to hear QLD is getting some rain.

  4. It's heartbreaking...and that is simplifying the true, real feelings...there are not enough words for the feelings, emotions felt....

    1. Lee; heartbreaking and definitely not enough words for it.

  5. Aww River, all this just makes my heart hurt. I am praying that this will end soon.

    1. Arkansas Patti; my heart is hurting too, along with my head from all the worrying. I'd like it to end, but the entire country is so dry and when you think one area is contained, a wind will spring up and fan the embers again.

  6. Just so awful, especially the Cudlee Creek fire with so many homes lost and animals killed and injured.

    1. Andrew; the number of koalas being brought into wildlife rescue is staggering. Many have to be put down because of burns and starvation.

  7. The first one, as serious as it is, made me go "awwwww".
    I once touched a Koala (Caversham Wildlife Park) and never expected the fur feels so extraordinary!

    It must be horrible and very scary right now, and sad.
    "Right now" is going on too long now, too. Then and again it´s on the news here as in "Australia is burning", that would be like "Europe is on fire"...
    Once - we were in Perth - a colleague asked if we were in danger. Yes, Sydney, the main capital ( ;-)..) is just 10 km from Perth.

    I hope the situations are under control very soon.

    1. I remember my mum trying to make her mum, back in Germany, try to understand just how big Australia is and why she can't just visit me for coffee or afternoon tea, when Mum lived in Adelaide and I lived in Sydney.

  8. Such devastation. I do hope you get rain and lots of it soon.

    1. only slightly confused; there is no rain predicted, only more heat and strong winds. One area in New South Wales I think, has had the fire burn right through the small town and only stop when it reached the beach area where the people were gathered watching it.

  9. So glad that your friend's animals were at least safe. Those poor little donkeys. My thoughts and prayers are with you all - and especially that the rain comes soon.

    1. Molly; I'm glad for her too, but neighbouring farms all around were destroyed completely, or close to it.

  10. My heart just aches for all of you. How i wish i could send you our rainy days.

    1. messymimi; I would love to have some of your rain.

  11. Here you can see how wedding rings are presented in Germany (certainly at my Brother´s shop! :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; now I know what you mean and of course I've seen them before but never knew what they were called.

  12. I keep hoping the weather forecasters will be wrong and there will be some much-needed rain. It's horrifying and so sad to watch. A person feels so helpless.

    1. jenny_o; I wish they could be wrong too, but Australia is such a very dry country, we don't even get enough rain in the winters.


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