Sunday Selections # 520

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Last week, Andrew of highriser fame showed us his partner R's new bedside lamp and I commented that I didn't like it, nor did I like Andrew's lamp which he also showed. They are just too modern for my taste, I like more old fashioned things. My own bedside lamp is probably somewhere in between:

it's from Aldi, glass base with black shade to go with the black curtain and black framed mirror on walls that you can't see

my bedside clock which is probably 15 years old by now, it's also a radio but I never use it for listening

all the controls you need are on the top so easily accessible

and the whole thing is smaller than my hand

the other bedside has a mini chest of drawers, a carved jewellery box given by my older son as a Christmas gift one year and a tiny crystal trinket box. the gold coloured tube is an LED torch, handy if there is a blackout and I need to go out and find the big lantern.

about two-thirds of my dvd collection, up on the right hand side, second shelf down, is one pulled slightly out, that's the next-in-line to be watched. I start from A and work to Y

the back porch gnomes are happy to have a new tree for gathering around and chatting

the newest plant in the garden, a philodendron selloum

view from the top

and the information label for those who might be interested

damage done to one of my jades by a couple having a loud argument out in the driveway, one of whom must have fallen into it

the browned flowerheads of the hydrangeas have now been pruned off

late afternoon sun lighting up the agave in the front yard, getting close to dinner time now,

and Meg is ready!

Pizza! 😀

Oops! the cheese took a nose-dive, but I saved the pepperoni 😁


  1. Nice bed stand - and an owl! Thank you. We have the very same carved chest; prosaically used for band aids and such. It's nice to see those small bits and pieces of everyday life.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I bought the owl in a thrift shop for only $3 because he matched the pink on the sides of the mini chest.

  2. The lamp also matches the witches hat and gown. Looks good to me. The mini chest of drawers looks almost Meg sized and of course always enjoy a visit with Meg. She sure looks pleased with the pizza.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I like to have matching accents here and there. I've been thinking of emptying the mini drawers and using them for Meg's clothes, but first I need to find somewhere to put those other contents.

  3. Love the snippets from your life - and your very well organised DVD collection. Ours is smaller and much less organised.
    Meg does look happy with her pizza and I hope that your dinner was equally delicious.
    Sigh at the damage to your jade plant. A big sigh.

    1. Elephant's Child; the jade will recover, every broken branch will send out new shoots from below the breakage.
      I need my dvds to be as organised as my books, dvds alphabetical by movie, books alphabetical by author.
      I had to remember to wash Meg's hands later.

  4. Hi poor old bedside light needs replacing...I just have to find one of similar size...height...etc. It's a wonder you didn't get banned from Andrew's blog for saying you didn't like his lamps. He banned me from returning last year because I commented I didn't like a particular song he'd posted! lol

    I put a new battery into my bedside clock last night. It is very tiny...a little one I bought from Woolworths in Mackay, back in early 1998!!! It does the job, and doesn't take up too much room....I have to have room on the bedside table for Remy and Shama's water glass!! That is their fountain, and has been since they were kittens. Who am I to break their habit? :)

    Have a great week ahead...take good care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; look online for a new lamp, many of the lighting stores have websites and there is ebay as well, just beware of buying from the US as shipping costs are astronomical.
      I don't have a battery in my bedside clock, it is easy enough to adjust the time after a blackout and the previous clock had battery leakage which damaged the surface of my bedside chest.

    2. Yes...I often look online for bedside lamps. I did purchase one last year, but upon receipt it wasn't I gave it away as a Christmas gift among other gifts..

      .I'll find the one I want eventually...I can put up with the one I have now, though... for a bit longer. I use online shopping a fair bit, for items I can't get up here on the mountain. I never go down to the Gold Coast or to Brisbane...can't stand the hassle...the hustle and bustle of the madding crowd, and heavy traffic. It's less stressful...for me...and much easier...for purchase via online. I'm presently awaiting the delivery of a new should arrive either Monday or Tuesday.

  5. The same as your bedside lamp are used in the foyer area of Como Cinemas in South Yarra. It's a very luxurious foyer.
    You will be waiting a long time to see the Lickety Split flower. The leaves look edible.
    It's a pity about the jade but I suppose it will grow back.

    1. Andrew; the jade will definitely grow back, every breakage has new shoots already. I didn't realise the Lickety Split flowered until I read the label, I don't mind waiting. If it outgrows the pot I'll just plonk it in the ground and hope for the best.
      I wonder if the Como Cinemas got their lamps from Aldi?

  6. I would be devastated to lose so much of a jade plant. They grow so slowly here.
    I have no bedside lamp; I turn off the overhead and follow the wall back to bed. I do have a bedside chair for my alarm and phone.

    1. Joanne; they grow much faster here in our more moderate temperatures, this one will be fully recovered in a year. I need a bedside lamp because I so often read in bed when I can't sleep, which never used to be a problem, I always slept well, but things change when a person no longer has to rise at 4am to be at work on time. Now I nap more in the daytime, so I read at night.

  7. Greens sure look good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dorsa; thank you, I like my greenery. I was hoping for flowers in between but they didn't do well.

  8. A nice tour of some of the things in your home. Hope the pizza was good!

    1. messymimi; thank you, the pizza was yummy, Meg likes the pepperoni best, says the Hawaiian is too sweet.

  9. A pity about your Jade plant but I expect it's growing once again with new shoots.
    Meg is looking good ready for her meals.
    Like that owl - a money box one?
    Your bedroom clock is similar to mine which is very old.

    1. Margaret D; the jade is showing new shoots already and will be filled out again by next summer. The owl is purely ornamental, not a moneybox. my bedroom clock is probably 15 by now, maybe more.

  10. Replies
    1. Fresca; she certainly seems happy. She helped me with some cooking yesterday.

  11. Lovely stuff there! You have great collections.

  12. I thought the clock radio was much bigger, until I looked back at the first photo and saw it in comparison to the tissue box. Not that I think you have a giant hand or anything!

    1. Val; I liked it because of the small size, it means I can have a stack of books there too when the other side gets too full. I took the books off for the photo.

  13. Great selections. I only use my alarm clock radio for the alarm and don't even know if the radio works. Happy to see Meg show up. She's my favorite.

    1. Granny Annie; I've never used an alarm, my whole life I never needed one. I just tell myself to wake up at ...o'clock and I do.. Meg's a cutie.

  14. ALDI, LOL.
    Never ever did I think this would go out in the world!
    I remember the first ALDI-stores in our little town. Cash-out-women (never a man) had to know the prices by heart. They typed it in!
    OK, now I´ve seen the witch I know you´d love our bedroom :-)
    Love your clock!
    Haha, DVD-collector, too!!!
    Oh, can´t wait for the snow to be gone and plant!
    Uhhhhh, cuuute Pizza!!! Awwwww. YUM!

    1. Iris Flavia; Aldi has been in Adelaide for several years now, I don't go there anymore as I have closer to home supermarkets.
      What will you plant when the snow is gone?

    2. Oh, I have no idea what to plant, we only have a balcony...
      One year we got flowers from the nursery. And then hail. Some expensive "fun"!
      Tried wildflowers and poppies... not such a success, either.
      Difficult in Northern Germany as you never know how the weather turns out.
      OK, off to the bedroom for some pics, LOL. Like ... the room!!! 🤣

  15. Your collection is unique, beautifully adorns the contents of your home.
    How cute are the gnomes gathering among the trees ...

    Have a nice day.
    Greetings fron Indonesia.

    1. Himawan Sant; thank you. The gnomes were originally meant to go out into the garden, but there are thieves her that would steal them, so I keep them inside the closed in back porch.

  16. Your plants look happy and so does Meg with her pizza! Thank you for the cat age info-I am even more impressed with Lily now!


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