Sunday Selections #522

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Today I have magpies for you, but first, Meg:

this is mum's old camera, I can't even lift it,

but mum used to carry it around with her for hours at a time. She took it to the beach a lot. I've never been to a beach. Mum says we will go one day when the sun isn't hot enough to burn us to a crisp. She is going to show me how to make a sand castle.

this is my kitchen, that's the total width (stretched arms can touch both wall and sink) and on the shelf above is my collection of elephants. And a few other things. The white ceramic baking dish holds a freshly made rice pudding. 

I put the sprinkler on the lawn last Sunday and heard the singing of a magpie, so I went out as quietly as I could with my camera

this other one wasn't quite sure the water was a good idea

while his brother (sister?) was really enjoying his shower

the not-so-brave one trotted away a bit as I stepped closer

while the first one danced and flapped

even lying down to get his belly wet

the second one finally decided a shower would be nice, it was a pretty hot day after all

the first one had enough and walked off, stopping to scratch his ear

my tomato plants are looking good, but with temperatures dropping I don't know that I'll get any tomatoes

this is the biggest of my borage seedlings, the fuzzy bumps right in the middle are baby flower buds

the hoya is looking lovely, no flowers yet, I'm hoping that when it does flower a certain neighbour won't snip off the heads before they even open. I don't know which neighbour used to do that, but I'm hoping to see flowers this time. 

this little gollum, called Lady Fingers, has tripled in size over the summer,

so I will move it into the wasted space in this larger pot

Mum! Come quick! See what I found!

It's a sister, you have to put a price in the bidding box

I hope she can come to live with us, I would like to have a sister. 

I will share my bunny with her. And my clothes.


  1. Meg does need a sister or two! Three is a nice number. Love the kitchen, Love the bird! Happy photos !

    1. Linda Sue; I won't know until next week if the sister will be ours. Meg is very hopeful and has already named her Gillian. I would love my kitchen more if it had even a half meter of extra space.

  2. Yes, and clothes. Charming pictures.

    1. Mage; welcome to drifting. Meg doesn't have many clothes, but she is happy to share and I plan to make more.

    2. Europe has magpies and so do parts of North America, however they are different from each other and different to ours (which aren't even the same species). A sad lack of imagination when it came to naming them.

  3. The birds really seemed to enjoy the sprinkler. Oh I hope you get a sister for Meg. You both and we could have so much fun with her

    1. Arkansas Patti; there is a magpie on my lawn right now squawking and probably wondering why I haven't turned "his" shower on this week. I do hope the sister will be ours.

  4. I do love watching birds bathe. I am sure they enjoy it.
    Our hoya is about to have a second flush of blooms. I hope your neighbour allows yours to flower.
    Camera's can be heavy can't they? I am looking forward to Meg's trip to the beach with you.

    1. Elephant's Child; this is the first time I have ever seen the birds enjoying the water. I'm wondering if I am giving the hoya too much water and that's why it isn't flowering.
      My cameras aren't heavy, only for Meg, I have carry bags for them so they are just the same as an across body bag.

  5. Birds taking a shower, now that's fun. I like your tiny kitchen, it's cosy - and with elephants. Borage is a weed in my garden, so it's fun to see you protecting one of them ;) I hope your tomatoes make it before autumn.

    1. Charlotte; it was fun watching the birds, next summer I will turn on the sprinkler more often. Right now we are heading towards autumn, so it will be too cool. my kitchen is a little too cosy, I would love even a little more space. I'm growing the borage in hopes of saving a few bees, they love the flowers and are so important for pollination and of course honey making.

  6. Meg is a busy, inquisitive little lady!

    I love family of maggies here are a friendly, humorous, melodic lot.

    Have a good week, River...take good care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Meg is busy right now chatting with Yoda about her hopefully-soon-to-be Sister who she has already named Gillian. My magpies here are also very vocal, singing away each morning and evening and having quite long conversations with each other too. This is the first place I've lived where I have been able to hear them.

  7. While no doubt the maggies are enjoying themselves, they do look rather bedraggled. A good collection of photos this week.

    1. Andrew; these magpies are youngsters, not in full adult feathers yet.

  8. Oh, I wish I could send some of Megs sisters or cousins from here to there, they would love to go live there, but as you know it’s ridiculously expensive. I assume the sister is already on your continent?

    So fun to see your life—any chance of close-ups of the elephants?
    (You saw Sara’s elephant post, didn’t you?)

    The magpies look like fun—we don’t have magpies in Minnesota.

    Have a great week ahead!

    1. Fresca; I'm hoping the sister is already on my continent, I didn't check, but I will now. Sarah's elephant post was what made me take that photo. I'll do close ups soon. I think magpies are only in Australia, but I could be wrong, they are large birds, almost as big as crows.

    2. Fresca; I checked and she is just across the border in New South Wales :)

  9. How I hope you harvest a tomato or three or four. I can think of nothing so delicious.

    1. Joanne; I keep looking for flowers, but there are none yet. These are plants from seeds I saved, so perhaps they won't fruit at all, but if they do I will save the seed again. In the meantime I will just keep buying tomatoes.

  10. Such a nice post, and i do hope Meg gets a sister.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I also hope Meg gets a sister.

  11. If/when Madeleine? comes to live with you and Meg she’s certainly going to need some clothes. Juvenile maggies can be fun to watch - if they’re not chasing after their parents acting as if they’re starving they are ‘investigating’ and learning.

    1. Cathy; Madeline has been named by Meg already, she will be Gillian if she comes here. I'm going to have to get really busy sewing for them both.
      Last summer I watched a juvenile maggie complaining that his mum wasn't feeding him, they were all out on the lawn learning to get worms and insects, parents and three babies, one parent finally got fed up with him and rapped him sharply on the head with his beak.

  12. A small kitchen means fewer steps fetching and putting away ingredients and dishes! I'm still limping around, and my kitchen seems to have gotten bigger.

    I've never seen a magpie, nor a Lady Fingers. Thanks for sharing them. It's obvious where Meg has learned about sharing her clothes and toys!

    1. Val; a small kitchen means not nearly enough space for all my things. I have stuff stored in my garage because it won't fit in the kitchen, things I use rarely, but can't get rid of, things I use for Christmas and birthday baking etc. My kitchen doesn't even have room for a table!
      I'm glad you were able to see my magpies.

  13. Oh, I love Meg .. and Pies, and Magpies!!!
    Reckon blogger ate my comment?
    Cute post.
    Pirate-Bear says hi, along with his friends.

    1. Iris Flavia; Bunny and Meg say Hi back to Pirate bear. The magpies are back on my porch today, complaining that I haven't thrown out any bread. I'll give them a little bit, but they need to learn to forage for insects more, they do a bit, leaving holes all over the garden bed.

    2. I miss their chatting and curious behavior.

  14. A bird shower - I love it.




    1. Plasman; I really loved watching them, I've never seen birds do that before. I should work out the video on my camera so next summer you can see live action.


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