Sunday Selections #521

Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Today's selection is quite long, so perhaps get a cup of tea before you begin. 
The star of the day is Meg:

Hello, do you like my hanky apron? Mum said she will make me a proper one when she gets some material. Today I'm helping mum make dinner, we're having burgers, yum

We start with a giant mixing bowl

and lots of ingredients

first we mash up the mince to soften it a bit

then we give a little bit to Lola

mum beats up the eggs and I put in a nice big spoonful of minced garlic

then a big spoonful of dried parsley, parsley is very important, it is high in iron so we don't get anemic, mum puts it in almost everything, but not in cakes or rice pudding

and lots of freshly ground black pepper

we set the egg mixture aside and mum added tomato sauce and worcestershire sauce to the mince and mashed it all in, she says it makes a nice flavour

then the egg mixture goes in

and the egg bowl gets rinsed right away, because dried egg is hard to wash off

all the egg is mixed in and the mixture is nice and sloppy

so in goes the dried stuffing mix, from a packet of course, mum says stuffing mix adds more flavour than plain breadcrumbs

this is harder to mix in, I think I'll let mum finish it

now comes the messy part, mum has to roll the mixture into balls and try to get them evenly sized

all done! the tiny one is MY burger

most of them now get flattened and separated with baking paper and put into lunch boxes for the freezer

 I got to put the labels on

we had to put them on the top shelf because the freezer baskets are full, I see pizzas in there 😀

now it's time to wash up the mess we made

I love all the bright shiny bubbles

Mum let me have some bubbles to play with

I'm drying my hands on a towel from mum's friend Joanne. Did you know Joanne makes these towels HERSELF? She is a weaver and has her own loom

at last it's dinnertime!

mum even let me have some onion

that was very delicious

for dessert mum diced up two fresh peaches, I love these,

but I've had enough, I'll leave these last pieces for mum.


  1. Replies
    1. Kathy G; thank you, Meg enjoys being in the kitchen as much as I do.

  2. Such a good helper! Meg is a very tidy girllette and so willing.. I love Joannes towel! Beautiful color. The recipe is a good one, I agree with kathy G! Best ever!

    1. Linda Sue; thank you, I'm happy to share my tiny kitchen with my little helper.

  3. What a lovely day for Meg (and you). And Joanne will be very happy to see her towels in use. As they are here. Often.

    1. Elephant's Child; Meg and I had a great time and Joanne's towels are in use here every day too.

  4. Now that sounds like a yummy burger. Not sure I could make it without Meg's help but I will try. Thanks.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think you can manage, it's very easy to et everything mixed when a potato masher is used. Meg says "Good Luck"

  5. Now i feel like some rissoles! It's a while since I've made some. I might just have to rectify that!

    I hope you have an equally fun week ahead, River...take good care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I hope you make some rissoles, I don't know anyone who calls them that these days, it's all burgers now, even my chicken patties get called chicken burgers. This coming week is much cooler, thank goodness. Lola is hiding under the bed, it's her favourite sleeping place now.

    2. Well,. you know me...and I still call them :rissoles" .. I:)

  6. Meg's recipe and instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Well done Meg.

    1. Andrew; Meg says thank you and why don't you try some, they really are delicious unless you over cook and then they are dry, yuk.

  7. So pleased the towel works for Meg very well, too. Lovely meal!

    1. Joanne; everyone here loves your towels, I've shown them to several neighbours. Meg likes the colours and the softness.

  8. Your little friend look like she could use an entire kitchen crew.
    You made me smile.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; she had me to help her and the kitchen is tiny.

  9. Meg is very agile, but I was worried about her reaching for the bubbles. I'm sure you supervised her appropriately. Good to see that she got to have onion on her burger.

    1. Val; the edge if the sink is fairly flat so Meg was able to balance quite well. She loves onions.

  10. This surely is the cutest recipe ever! And yummy :-)
    And the towel is beautiiful!

    1. Iris Flavia; these burgers are very yummy, much nicer than ones you buy.

  11. The tiny hamburger for Meg touches my heart. You take such good care of her, and I can see she is blossoming and so happy!

  12. The tiny hamburger for Meg touches my heart. You take such good care of her, and I can see she is blossoming and so happy!

  13. The tiny hamburger for Meg touches my heart. You take such good care of her, and I can see she is blossoming and so happy!

    1. Fresca; she had a tiny slice of pizza last week and likes to share my fruit and yoghurt.

  14. That's a great idea, using stuffing mix instead of bread crumbs. Someday i will have to try that.

    1. messymimi; it has more flavour, I buy the sage and onion stuffing.

  15. Replies
    1. MedicatedMoo; you can! just follow the recipe and don't over cook them.

    2. MedicatedMoo; I thought this might be you, so I checked your profile, so nice to see you here again.

  16. Love Meg so much and this was great to see what a good helper she is in the kitchen!

  17. Well done Meg! The burgers look delicious!
    I just wanted to let you know that the woolly boots that Racer was wearing are a pair of failed bear's feet from when I went through a bear knitting phase. If you email me your address I will attempt to make you some and send them. It may take a while but I would like to make Meg sock/boots!

    1. Sarah; thank you so much for the offer. I will send my email address.


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