Sunday Selections # 536

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Riley: "I found some mushrooms"

"are these the sort we put on pizza?" 

Meg: "no, we use white ones Mum buys from the shops, these are fairy mushrooms"

Gillian: "I'm getting to know The Lady of The Lake"

"She's so tiny!"

Mrs Snail keeps an eye on everyone to be sure they stay safe

Meg knocks on a Fairy House door

while Jordan climbs up to look into the attic window

Jordan: "there's no one in there, nobody home"

Meg: "please crows, can you tell us where the fairies have gone?"

Jordan: "Good afternoon Mr Karrett, I love your little house. Did you build it yourself?"

Riley: "hello Mr Baker, are you baking doughnuts today?"

Gillian: "there's no one home in this house either. Where have all the Fairies gone?"

Riley: "I found a kitty"

Gillian: "she's so sweet, but not very soft"

Riley: "hello Surfer Boy, can you tell me all about surfing? Is it easy?"

Surfer: "well first you need to know how to swim really well"

Riley: "uh-oh, we can't do that"

Gillian: "maybe we could be life savers instead. Oh, we still have to know how to swim? That's too bad."

Meg: "I found the beach area, but there are no fairies here either."

Jordan: "yay! beach!"

Riley: "I love these sweet little caravans, but they are too small for us"

Meg: "maybe they belong to the fairies"

"Mr and Mrs Gnome, do these caravans belong to the Fairies?"

Mrs Gnome: "the smallest one on the end with surfboards on the roof belongs to us, and the bigger ones belong to the frogs sunning themselves in those chairs on the sand"

Gillian: "I think the Tikis are supposed to be scary, but this one isn't scaring me at all, but maybe they scared away the Fairies"


  1. Oh, no, you have left us hanging!
    To Be Continued...?

    I look forward to The Sisters on Sunday.
    (Though due to geography, I see them on Saturday---it's 11:30 a.m. Saturday as I write this in Minnesota, USA.)

    They say such funny things, making their own special observations:
    "She's so tiny", and "That's too bad" (that they have to be able to swim to be lifeguards).

    What a wonderful fairyland they have to explore--I hope they find the fairies!!!

    1. Fresca; I hadn't planned a continuance, they all came in for pizza.

    2. LOL--pizza--good choice! ! They are very sensible girls.

      I hope we will meet the tiny fairies one day---they come and go on their own schedule, I imagine.

  2. The fairies have the coolest stuff! I love their country! Seems the girls do too.

    They are bundled up for winter, as their tribe up here are wearing as little as possible. Upside down world intrigues them.

    1. Linda Sue; the Fairies were meant to be out in my garden patch but a few things got stolen and the bushed got too big so no fairies could be seen, so now they are all in the back porch.

  3. Love their continuing adventures - and that they are dressed for the season.

    1. Elephant's Child; keeping warm is essential when visiting the back porch, it gets really cold out there.

  4. Where have all the fairies gone? Keep looking girls and let us know when you find them and in the meantime, keep having fun looking.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm not sure where the fairies are, there is one inside here and the Fairy Queen is inside too, but the others are hiding, they are very tiny.

  5. I hope those girls help you do the dusting and cleaning, River. Everything looks so bright, shiny and clean...not a glimpse of dust in sight!! They're an inquisitive, cheerful lot. :)

    I hope all is well and continues that way through the next week. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; they don't help with cleaning, that's my job. They do other things, a bit of stirring when I'm cooking, putting away the spoons when I'm washing dishes.

  6. I'd be scared of the tiki and maybe the fairies were scared too.

    1. Andrew; the fairies are not scared of the tiki, maybe they're taking a holiday somewhere warmer.

  7. Replies
    1. Dora; they do like to explore. They want to go to the proper outside one day.

  8. Another adventure, then, to search for fairies? They shouldn't have gone far, i don't think.

    1. messymimi; the fairies are so tiny, they're probably hiding or away somewhere warmer.

  9. You have gone to what I say is a lot of trouble making your little ones looking so lovely when telling their story.

    1. Margaret D; it's a lot of fun thinking of things for them to do, the tricky part is posing them so they don't fall over.

  10. Jordan seems to be the daredevil! Climbing to the attic.

    1. Val; that surprised me, usually it's Riley doing the climbing. Maybe she learned it from Jordan long ago.

  11. Where are those fairies?! Maybe on a trip to get other pizza ingredients, as I expect they can eat the fairy mushrooms!

    1. Sarah; I've heard a whisper they may be camping in the woods.

  12. I like your story, and I',m happy that they - and you - nded up not eating pizza with those mushrooms found in fairy-back-porch-land :)

    1. Charlotte; thank you, we used mushrooms from the supermarket.

  13. Oh, I´m late, but better late than never. As our pizza!!! Never...
    We call these mushrooms "Glückspilz"(e) - they are meant to bring you luck (stupid Germans, huh, LOL).

    Love Mrs Snail - and weee... getting cold in your place, brrrr.

    You have crows, too. I just have to look to the left to see mine.
    Oh, so many sweet guys (if not home!).
    I can swim but not surf, too dumb for that.
    And no beach... but a caravan like this :-)

    Hope the fairies come back, and soon!

    1. Iris Flavia; you don't like pizza? Those mushrooms are plastic. I almost never see our real crows, they hide in the trees, but I hear them. I think the fairies have a holiday somewhere warm, the weather here is getting cold, frosty today and tomorrow.

    2. I LOVE pizza, they just didn´t deliver, bu-huuu!
      Your crows are so clever, I miss them Ours just go -bah-bah, but yours talk! And in Perth they´re not shy - they sit everywhere! It´s warming up here, finally!!

  14. Your adventures with the girls are too wonderful. I know how difficult it is to arrange and photograph the amazing stories.

    1. Granny Annie; thank you. Any small difficulty is worth the trouble.

  15. I love the world these girls live in, full of adventure and curiosity.


    1. WWW' thank you. Adventure and curiosity, much like my own childhood.


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